Beethoven was born on December 17, 1770 in Bonn, Germany. His father was a tenor singer in the court choir of that place, a bungler and a drinker; his mother was a maid, kind-hearted and gentle. She was first married to a manservant, then remarried to Beethoven's father after she was widowed. The hard life deprived Beethoven of the right to go to school, and the musical talent he showed since his childhood created a desire in his father to make him a musical prodigy and a cash cow for him. He was not afraid to scold Beethoven, forcing him to practice the harpsichord and violin endlessly from the age of 4. At the age of 7, Beethoven made his debut on the stage with great success, and was known as the second Mozart. After studying composition with the organist Nieffer, Beethoven published his first work, Variations for Piano, at the age of 11. At the age of 13, he joined the court orchestra as organist and ancient pianist, and in 1787 he went to Vienna to study composition with Mozart, Haydn, and others, and in 1800, after his first triumphs, a bright future unfolded in front of Beethoven. But for three or four years, a terrible thing kept tormenting him; Beethoven realized that he had become deaf. For a musician, there is nothing more terrible than deafness. One can thus understand this heartbreaking agony in the slow movement of his early piano sonatas.
Beethoven was at all times filled with a fiery heart, but his passion was very unfortunate, and he was always alternately experiencing the hopes and enthusiasms, the disappointments and the revolts, which undoubtedly became his source of inspiration. 1801, Beethoven fell in love with Giulietta? Guicciardia, to whom he dedicated his Moonlight Sonata. But the flirtatious, childish and selfish Cheri Ai was too unsympathetic to understand his noble soul, and his marriage to the Count of Galenberg in 1803 was a moment of despair for which he wrote a suicide note.
In 1803 he emerged from the grayness to write the bright and optimistic Second Symphony. More and better music flowed from his pen after that. Symphonies No. 3 (Heroes), No. 5 (Destiny), and No. 6 (Fields), as well as the beautiful, joyous Violin Concerto, and the colorful Piano Concerto and Sonata.
In 1823, Beethoven completed his final masterpiece, the Ninth Symphony (Choral). This work created his ideal world. in December 1826, Beethoven suffered from a bad cold, which led to pulmonary edema. on March 26, 1827, Beethoven finally took his last breath, due to liver disease. On his deathbed, there was a sudden storm of snow and thunder, and it seemed that even the heavens mourned the death of this great musician! Beethoven's funeral was so grand that more than 20,000 people automatically followed the casket to the funeral, while his grave was next to that of Schubert. Lifelong unmarried. funeral on the 29th, the mourners were 20,000 people, the body buried in St. Max cemetery.
The composer stayed on earth for only 57 years, and completed more than a hundred works in his lifetime. The main works are symphony 9; orchestral music dozens of songs ("Egmont Overture" is the most famous); piano concerto 5, a violin concerto; other concertos 5; piano sonatas 32 (passion, moonlight, pathos, dawn, storm, etc. is the most famous); 80 pieces of chamber music; opera, a "Fidelio"; and a Divine Comedy; Masses 2, etc..