What is that dance in QQ Dazzle Dance? I want to learn ah

Breaking is commonly known as break dancing! It is a kind of street dance! The History of Breaking

In 1969, when Hustle was still in vogue, James Brown succeeded in making his signature move, "Get on the Good Foot," and if you've never seen James Brown do it in a live concert or on TV, then you should know that it's not a bad idea. It did. When he performed his specialty, he did exactly what you would expect him to do. At that time, the Good Foot became the newest dance style of the day, and the tradition of awkward dancing was established at that time, when dancers would gather at the Harlem and Battle-dance wise at Harlem World on 116th Street. At that time, there was a great deal of emphasis on the detailed challenges and the competition part of the dance One of the most important things that is considered to be true in the history of Breaking is that Breaking is great for dancing in an awkward way. Not only was Good Foot suitable for competition, but even the young men who participated in the dance looked like athletes. Good Foot was soon called B-Boy, and soon after that it was called Breaking. In other words, old-style Breaking was more complicated than today's Breaking, which may have headspins and backspins, but a headspin is a headspin and a backspin is a backspin, but a backspin is a backspin. But floor rocking involves quite complex leg movements, and it's very fast. This didn't last long before there was a lot of awkward dancing going on. Back in those days, old-style Breaking was quite popular amongst a lot of teenagers and gangsters, and it was on the streets that Breaking started. Usually the best dancers in rival groups were the ones who would show intelligence in awkward dancing, not fighting. They would all dance awkwardly outside of their turf. If someone accidentally trespassed into someone else's turf, they would also dance awkwardly to prove that their side was better than the other side of the group. Sometimes they make a pact that the loser will never be allowed near the winner's neighborhood and sometimes they just want to win the respect of their opponents. Unfortunately, these Breaking dances don't always stop a fight from happening. In fact, they often lead to fights and injuries to the bodies of the dancers, and they don't gain the wisdom of the dance. No one likes to lose, and now Breaking is still happening, but on a wider scale. Instead of fighting, these Breaking groups are getting together to practice and perform, and then official groups are formed, which are not just practicing and performing, but are starting to develop their own unique dance routines. Some of these groups dedicated themselves to their dance, probably because they had no other hobbies at the time, so they practiced all day long, developing more complex moves, improving their form, and increasing their speed. Then along came Afrika Bambaataa, a legendary DJ to whom Breaking owes much of its successful growth, a record producer and a member of the Soul Sonic Force, whose " Looking For The Perfect Beat" was released. Looking For The Perfect Beat" was voted #4 on the 1983 Jazz and pop Critics' Poll, Afrika Bambaataa was also the leader of the Bronx's Zulu Nation, and in 1969 Afrika Bambaataa discovered that there was more to Breaking than just dancing. Breaking is more than just dancing. He realized that Breaking seemed to be about accomplishing something, he saw the potential of Breaking and encouraged dancers to keep it up. After hard work, he believed that if they kept going, something good would happen. Bambaataa then formed the first Breaking group, the Zulu Kings. the Zulu Kings won a lot of dances, performed in a lot of shows, played in a lot of clubs in New York City, and at the same time, they gained a lot of supporters for the Zulu Nation, the Old-style Breaking was popular until about 1977 when Freak came along and had a pretty big selling album produced by Shieks called "Freak Out". Then by about 1979, early 1980, a new Breaking group was born, and that group was the Rock Steady Crew, and although the Rock Steady Crew had special talent, many people still considered them old fashioned pop. But Bambataa encouraged them, telling them that if they kept going, they would eventually see the light, and he helped them to keep going. Soon, they started to play at rock clubs in New York City, such as the Mudd Club, the Ritz...and so on. When the Rock Steady started performing at the Ritz for Malcom McLaren and Bow Wow Wow, people started to take them seriously and Breaking became popular again, but the new style of Breaking was not the same as the old one, the Rock Steady added a lot of stunts. Rock Steady has added a lot of stunt-like movements, and now Breaking is not only Floor Rock, but also Windmill, Hand Spinning, and Head Spinning.

Nowadays Breaking

One kind of Breaking focuses on emphasizing power moves and their merging while the other kind of Breaking focuses on emphasizing footwork and freezes, and the Rock Steady Crew emphasizes footwork to show off the dancer's personal style. Even though power moves have a punchy feel and are quite energetic, it can be difficult to incorporate personal style into these moves. In spinning, the power moves just don't fit in with the beat. Instead, it's more of a gymnastic movement than a dance because of these factors the Rock Steady Crew suggests that the emphasis on the footwork style is on the 1990's style of breaking. Breaking is the most popular style of hip hop dancing and just as new school dancing such as hip hop and house has spread to the United States and the United States to a limited extent, it has become the most popular style of hip hop dancing. house has spread around the world just as new school dancing, such as hip hop and house, has spread to a limited number of major cities in the United States and Japan.

Street Dance Nouns

Being a B-Boy, there are some B-Boy terms you must know. This is a bible of B-Boy moves and other related terms, with exclusive Chinese explanations. The mark (*) will indicate the degree of difficulty of the move. Five (*) are the most difficult and one (*) is the easiest.


Breaking boy, boogie boy, anyone who breaks is a b-boy.


The group of b-boys.


A challenge (commonly known as an awkward dance) between individuals or groups of b-boys.


Specifically used to refer to a group or individual who is defeated in an awkward dance.


The linking or execution of dance moves by several dancers together.


Refers to a b-boy's best moves.


When a person makes a wrong move.


Pulling yourself across the floor, the name Slide tells a b-boy to do the "slide" move.


Stealing moves from others.


The b-boy stands upside down and spins, then switches from one hand to the other as his body weight shifts, until his feet hit the ground. (also known as hand rotation)

2000 (*****)

With one hand upside down, rotate as much as possible until the feet touch the ground. (Also known as inverted hand spins)


Windmills plus hands stretched out to the sides as high as you can grab them.


Start with both hands and feet on the ground, face up. Support your body weight with one hand and kick your foot upward and rotate it, landing on the ground with your other hand before your foot hits the ground. You should be able to rotate your entire body if you do it correctly.


A basic move to challenge other b-boys to an awkward dance. Crouch down with your feet, lean back with your hands in support, then kick one foot in the air as high as you can. Then jump back with both feet and repeat.


Use your back to perform a spin. All the weight is balanced on the upper part of the back, and the feet are retracted as close to the body as possible. The key to spinning is to move your feet in a circular motion in the air. (Commonly known as the back spin)


It's the same as the airswipe, except that when you add your feet halfway up, you change direction and go back to the beginning of the move.

BARRELS (****)

Windmill, hands wrapped around front.


Like a windmill, except instead of spinning with his hands or head, he uses his stomach (belly).

BHUDDA (****)

Similar to a UFO except that the knees are in straightened hands and then the feet are off the ground.


Start by sitting on the ground with your feet in front of you in a V-shape. Then brace your hands between your feet, and then brace your body so that only your hands touch the ground. Then turn around.


Start with the feet, then only one hand down, kick the feet back and then lower them again, and repeat all the moves.

BUNNY HOP (*****)

Similar to the flare, but with the difference being that the feet go straight up in front of the body and then bounce up and down in a circle.


Hands around the knees in the cannonball move.


Like air swipes, but not just one. Do air swipes over and over again without pausing in between.


A spinning maneuver almost identical to the hand glide, except that there is an occasional weight shift into a hand shove as the spinning hand leaves the ground and spins back to the ground. If done properly, it looks like a continuous rotation.

DOUBLE 99 (*****)

It's like doing a 2000 (One hand 99), but when you have to put one hand down to switch to the other, kick your foot to get speed and then continue with the 2000 (One hand 99), each hand continuously without stopping.


Using the center of the hand to support the entire weight of the dancer, then the legs and feet continue to move in a rhythmic circle, with the legs and feet moving around the hand. They are often combined with freezes and hesitations and are performed immediately after other movements.


The movement and position is similar to a hand spin, except that it is done with the hand axis and the hand is released in the abdominal position.


Similar to a windmill, the feet make large circles in the air, but instead of moving the shoulders, the weight is placed on the hands.


The movement and position is similar to a hand spin, but the difference is that you use your fists to spin.


Use your hands to make your body balance horizontally, but bend your feet to help with the balance, except for your feet.


Windmill your hands and cross your entire chest.


The move a b-boy does when he's dancing awkwardly and there's a good chance he'll lose.

HALO (*****)

The windmill move, but instead of turning from shoulder to shoulder, it's done with the head. (Commonly known as the brush head windmill)


Similar to Bboy's float maneuver, but with the difference that there is only one hand to support the body, and the other hand to help push the rotation. (We call this the "helicopter".)


When a head slide is completed, it is reversed and stopped with the head.


Turn with your head. You have to use your hands and feet to start the spin. (That's the headspin)


One foot under the body and the other extended outward, and the other extended foot is still straight when doing the horozontal plane circle motion, and then over the bottom of the other foot in front of the circle.


Stopping or pausing during a down rock circle.


Push up with your back flat, turn your feet behind you and kick your feet into the air, then follow with your upper body and land on your feet.


Similar to a windmill, except the feet are crossed and bent.


All the weight is balanced on the knee that touches the floor. The other foot is extended up high. The key to the spin is to use both hands to push. Speed is gained by pulling the foot behind you toward your body to generate speed after the series of movements.


A windmill that spins only once.


Part of a windmill that covers the crotch with your hand.


Bboy does kip-ups and then drops his back and repeats the kip-up.


This is considered to be a very stretchy move. The thighs are behind the back, the knees are on the shoulders near the ears, the calves are in front, and the weight is balanced on either the hands or the feet or both.


Boys do a front flip, then lie flat on their backs on the floor and do it without hurting themselves.

SUMOS (****)

Grabbing his knees in a style.


Windmill with your chest while reaching forward with your hands.


Similar to the handglide, except that the forearms are rotated instead of the hands.


The hands support the ground and kick the feet for rotation


The feet come together and the body is in an L shape. No hands are used.


Basic upright dance step. There can be many different influences and each person does it differently. Often used as a lead-in to a dance routine, as a transition from one routine to another in downrocking dance, or to give yourself a break after an intense dance routine.

The relationship between breakdancing and street dance:

Because of the historical reasons for the independent development of the east and west coasts of the United States, the dance in the hip-hop culture does not have **** the same name, usually we call Hip-Hop Dance. and with the development of the hip-hop music, the 1980s New York appeared in the 1980s a new style of dance, people call it Hip-Hop (Hip-Hop), with 10 years ago the emergence of breakdancing (Breakdancing). B-Boying or Breaking, which had emerged 10 years earlier. On the west coast of the United States, in California (mainly in Los Angeles), there is its own style of dance based on soul and funk music, which is called Funk Style Dance. Because the dance of hip-hop is divided into these two major factions, so many dancers or the media no longer collectively referred to as Hip-Hop Dance, they call the dance of New York for the new school (New School), or simply called Hip-Hop; and called the dance of Los Angeles for the Street Dance, the direct translation of the Chinese for the Street Dance

Street Dance of the other dance:

Street Dance Classification There are:

Hip hop is one of the most commonly encountered dances, which has a wide range of simple steps and is able to show a complex sense of dance. Because it is easy to learn and looks quite good when dancing, it is very popular among the public.

Mechanical dance, POPING utilizes the muscles and joints of all parts of the body to create amazing dance steps with the beat of the music, coupled with one's own rich imagination. It is a more difficult type of street dance.

Breakdancing, BREAKING is also a more difficult dance steps, can be roughly divided into two types: with the hands, head, body rotation on the ground, known as the big floor; with the limbs on the ground to step out of the complex changes in the foot movements, coupled with tricky inversion, known as the small floor. Of course, dancing at the same time you can also feel free to go with the action you want to show

Free style this is a kind of out of the blue dance steps, it will be a mixture of various types of dance, as you wish to show, without the limitations of the style of dance, out of the norms of the general dance, it can be said to be a kind of personalized street dance

House along with the House music, the use of complex and magical step performance. The use of complex and magical pace performance of a dance step, it can be added to the Latin dance twist, martial arts flip, tap dance of the basic steps, as well as the ballet circle, jumping up can be very elegant, but also can be quite wild