Half a year lost 60 pounds of women's letter, leaked a month to lose 10 pounds of weight loss prescription

The matter of losing weight, it is easy to say and difficult to do, a lot of people yell every day to lose weight, but see the food can not stop mouth, talking about exercise and can not take a leg. Therefore, there are a lot of people who lose weight halfway through life.

A few days ago in our Professor Yan's weight loss group there is a successful weight loss friends to Professor Yan letter to say that her weight loss experience, in the process of conversation, she divulged a month to lose 10 pounds of weight loss prescription, six months on the weight loss of 60 pounds, and now Professor Yan will share with you.

Breakfast: 1 egg, skim milk/low-fat yogurt 100g, 1 sweet potato, 1 tomato.

Note: If you don't like to eat eggs, you can replace it with protein powder, but protein powder for women is not higher than 20 grams, and protein powder is best to pick whey protein powder with 85% protein content.

Lunch : stoplight

Red (red meat): bitter melon fried beef 2 two

Yellow (coarse grains): half a couple of mixed rice or half a potato

Green (vegetables): sautéed baby vegetables a plate.

Note: Women should not eat more than two taels of meat and half a tael of staple food per meal.


White meat: self-scorched shrimp 6 or steamed small yellowtail a

Coarse grains: sweet potato half or mixed beans and rice half a two

Vegetables: stir-fried broccoli a plate

Note: dinner will be the lunch of the red meat replaced with self meat, the lady can not be more than two taels of intake of white meat per meal. Sometimes dinner do not want to do will eat Professor Yan nutrition meal replacement powder to solve, supplement the energy needed for the day.

Of course, losing weight is not without exercise, weight loss to diet + exercise will not rebound, so this friend will go out every day after dinner, take a walk.

In order to lose weight she also joined the square dance, a week to go to jump three days, half an hour each time, she is usually the night to go.

In the morning to the nearby sports field jogging 40 minutes, a week to do 3 to 5 times 100 meters of rapid fast running.

Weight loss will encounter a platform period, in order to break through the platform period, she changed the exercise program, increase the intensity of aerobic exercise, jogging, fast walking, square dance, cycling to jump rope, Tabata training and HIIT training. It takes only 20 minutes each time to reach the fat-burning effect of jogging for an hour, which is more likely to lead to a good body than ordinary aerobic exercise.

1, quit drinking, drink more water, adhere to more than 8 cups of water, a glass of water before meals can improve satiety, reduce the chances of overeating. People who drink more water every day will also lose weight much faster than those who don't like to drink water.

2, never diet, reasonable calorie control, daily calorie intake control at about 1300-1500 calories.

3, carbohydrate staple food, high protein food, high fiber vegetables should be diversified to supplement, in order to let the body have enough power for metabolism.

Above is Professor Yan to share with you all the content, Professor Yan reminded everyone to lose weight do not starve, do not torture themselves, under the premise of eating enough, scientific changes in dietary structure, in order to achieve our weight loss goals.

Note: Some of the pictures in the article come from the Internet, erosion deleted.