1. Nitro Mirror Dream
2. First Love Crate
3. Nitro Mirror Dream (OFFVOCAL)
4. First Love Crate (OFFVOCAL)
1. Nitro Mirror Dream
Deep Mori no. Yurikaご 夢る少女は/p>
Empty wishing
Painful memories of sadness
Total happiness
Anragoga back
Flower ga Saki, bird ga Dance
Earth's life
The overflowing of this thought
Anata guided by wind
Light and darkness. p>Light and darkness hold the song of a young girl
So kuchibiru kara what is spun
La La through the heart to the mirror of nitrous
Tanrana nai yoyo to guard the road
The wind and the speech
Yoshiku moukou kiki; the essence of the wood
Watashi's voice (wishing to be there)
The world of this world
Flowers are withered, and seeds are grown
The earth's cycle
Itsukamuchiru no nara
Anata shines the light on the sky
Higher and higher, both of our hands are not on the sky
Standing at the girl's side, she encompasses the world's colors
Being on the street is a small step
The people of the neighbourhood, the people of the world, the people who live there are not in a position to know the truth.
Tinari-dei 隣いつも见守ってい/p>
透んだ心は nitrousのmirror
深い森のゆりかご 眠る少女は
World's color dream. いる
2. 初恋小箱
名前さええわからない せつなさの小箱に
あなたですか? やさしい手が
键を開けたわ どうなるの?
Magicのせかいに 迷いこんだみたいな
甘いとまどいのなか それは恋という夢
Kawareru instantly
Rainbow-colored シャボン 玉より
いつも..... 静かにいつもくれた
Atakakoi Shourei no breastsを
同じい The first step in the process is to make sure that you have a good understanding of what is going on in your life.はずかしくて小さな声でそっとささやく
1. Song: Frosty Moon Haruka
Composer: Frosty Moon Haruka Composer: Frosty Moon Haruka Arranged by: Frosty Moon Haruka Frost Moon Haruka Arranged by Tsuta Kato
2. Song: Frost Moon Haruka
Lyrics: Hata Yagui Composer: Frost Moon Haruka Arranged by Tsuta Kato Chinese
"Dream of the Glass Mirror"
Lyrics and Composer/ Frost Moon Haruka
Arranged by Tsuta Kato
Song: Frost Moon Haruka
Lyrics in Chinese translation, Pinyin/Yuzuki
The maiden who sleeps in the cradle of the deep forest
[FuKa]I [MoRi] No YuRiKaGo [NeMu]Ru [ShoUJo] Wa
What is it that is reflected in those pure, unsullied eyes?
SoNo [MuKu]Na [HiToMi] Ni [NaNi] Wo [UTsu]Su No
Pray to the heavens
[SoRa] Ni [NeGa]U No
Let the memory of that painful sorrow fade away
[UZu]Ku [KaNa]ShiMi No
[KiOKu]Wo [KiOKu]Wo
What is that? [KiOKu] Wo [To]KaShi
May all that is (forever)
[SuBe]Te No MoNo Ni ([ToKoShiE] Ni)
Re-establish peace
[YaSu]RaGi Ga [MoDo]Ru YoU
Blooming flowers Fluttering birds
[HaNa] Ga [Sa]Ki [ToRi] Ga [Ma]U
It is the life nurtured by the earth
[DaIChi] No [HaGuKu]Mu [INoChi]
Take this overflowing heart
[AFu]ReRu KoNo [OMo] I
To the wind that guides you
ANaTa Wo [MiChiBi]Ku [KaZe] Ni [TaKu]ShiTe
Embracing the light and the darkness, the maiden who sings
[HiKaRi] To [YaMi] Wo [IDa]Ki [UTa]U [ShoUJo] Wa
From the lips of the girl who sings. p>
What is it that comes out of your lips?
SoNo KuChiBiRu KaRa [NaNi] Wo [TsuMu]Gu No
La La The clear mind is a mirror of glass
La La [Su]NDa [KoKoRo] Wa [GaRaSu] No [KaGaMi]
May I continue to keep it free from darkness.
[KuMo]RaNaI YoU [MaMo]Ri [TsuZu]KeRu
Chatting with the breeze
[KaZe] To [KaTa]RaI
The softly whispering tree spirits
[YaSa]ShiKu [SaSa]YaKu [KiGi] No [[SeITaChi]]
To [GaRaSu] No [KaGaMi]
May I continue to guard it from the darkness. SeITaChi]
Communicate my voice (and wishes)
WaTaShi No [KoE] Wo ([NeGa]I Wo)
Communicate it to the world
KoNo [SeKaI] Ni [ToDo]KeTe
The flowers will wither and the seeds will be sown again
[HaNa]Wa [Ka]Re [TaNe] Wo [Ma]Ku
The cycle nurtured by the earth
[DaIChi] No [HaGuKu]Mu [RiNNe]
Even if the day of decay comes
ITsuKa [Ku]ChiRu No NaRa
I still hope to become a light that shines on the earth. I still hope to be the light that shines on you
ANaTa Wo [Te]RaSu [HiKaRi] Ni NaRiTaI
Facing the sky, I raise my hands high in the air
[TaKa]Ku [TaKa]Ku [RyoUTe] Wo [SoRa] Ni [KaKa]GeTe
The girl who stands there. The girl who stands surrounded by the colors of the world
[TaTaZu]Mu [ShoUJo] Wo [TsuTsu]Mu [SeKaI] No [IRo]
Though I can only take small steps at the moment
[AYu]Mu [HoHaBa] Wa [ChiI]SaI KeReDo
I'll stay by my side and watch over me no matter what. I'll still be by my side no matter what time it is
[DoNaRi]De ITsuMo [MiMaMo]TteIRu
Hidden in the shade of the trees, I innocently show my smile
[KoKaGe]Ni [KaKu]ReTe [MuJaKi]Ni [WaRa]U
Here is a message of hope and blessing for the girl's future. Blessings
[ShoUJo] No [AShiTa] Ni [KiBoU] To [ShuKuFuKu] Wo
A clear heart is a mirror of glass
[Su]NDa [KoKoRo] Wa [GaRaSu] No [KaGaMi]
May I continue to keep it free from darkness.
[KuMo]RaNaI YoU [MaMo]Ri [TsuZu]KeRu
Maiden who sleeps in the cradle of the deep forest
[FuKa]I [MoRi] No YuRiKaGo [NeMu]Ru [ShoUJo] Wa
Drunk on a dream of the world's colors
[SeKaI] No [IRo] No [YuMe] Wo [Mi]TeIRu