Valley Ailing's 6 Moves to Teach You About Home Fitness, and How She Does It

Gu Ailing 6 moves to teach you home fitness, how she is home fitness? Follow the Olympic champion to do sports, exercise is for health, no good body can not get a happy life. Everyone is different, but as long as there is a persistent mindset and perseverance, the bad factors will slowly change. Exercise generally starts with running exercise for various sports and other activities. The initial start should be slow and gradual, if the beginning of too fast and too anxious, practicing too hard, it is easy to eliminate the energy yak clean, to the body to cause discomfort. If you find walking or running boring, you can choose a piece of music you like, or find a friend to walk with.

Choose your specialty sports, such as tai chi, kicking. Shake hands therapy, square dance, etc., are the same can get the effect of exercise. Encountered bad weather, do not therefore as an excuse to stop exercising, can be indoors or shopping malls, etc., can also achieve the purpose of exercise. Finally, there is a regularity, whether it is the morning or evening every day, no matter what time you exercise, it is best to be the same time every day as well, and slowly become a natural habit. You can also develop a program to stimulate the temptation of their own, to give themselves more power. But the main thing is to have the confidence and perseverance, the determination to persevere.

To find your favorite sport. Dancing, yoga, running, swimming, dynamic cycling, etc., like is the biggest motivation, you can not help but want to exercise. I love swimming so much that a new gym has to have a pool and I get excited every time I think about going swimming haha. Don't treat exercise as a task or set too many goals for yourself, no need to set I'm exercising to lose weight, how many pounds I need to lose, I need to exercise every day, etc. These inadvertently add to your motivation. These invariably add a lot of pressure on themselves, the loss does not pay. I give myself the goal is the gym card do not waste, a week two or three days or so, I except in the middle of a knee fall, the other basically every day or two to go to the gym, feel great.