Is square dancing really good for the body? Does the movement need to be standardized?

Square dancing is not limited by time and place, so you can dance whenever you want. But in fact this is a misunderstanding, some people in order to dance, get up early in the morning, breakfast is not eaten, the result is because of the empty stomach dance and the occurrence of hypoglycemia, and even fainting. There are also some people who dance at night often dance until very late, in the long run, not only disturbed the rest of the neighbors, but also lead to the body of some chronic diseases.

Therefore, square dancing can not want to jump on the jump, it is recommended that we go to exercise 1 hour after meals, and each should not be more than 1 hour.

Life, many elderly people like to go to the park early in the morning on a hungry stomach to dance. Experts pointed out that dancing on an empty stomach is prone to exercise hypoglycemia, while dancing immediately after a full meal will affect the digestive function, inducing gastrointestinal diseases. Elderly people can dance 1 hour after meals, jumping before doing 5 to 10 minutes of warm-up, such as jogging, walking, leg press, etc., exercise is gradual, do not suddenly increase the intensity and volume of exercise.

When dancing, it is best to wear a pair of shoes with cushioning, support and ankle protection functions, such as sneakers, soft-soled shoes, etc., and try to choose the air circulation, fewer people, the ground non-slip place, haze, windy and rainy and snowy days can be indoor dancing.

After jumping, you can do some stretching exercises and return home to relieve fatigue through bathing and massage. High blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease patients, dancing before the need to consult a doctor, cold, fever or alcohol should not dance.

Square dancing integrates somatic movement, body balance and coordination, music experience, social interaction and other factors, which can stimulate emotions, promote social interaction, and expose patients to acoustic stimulation and music, etc., and is not limited to venues and equipment, it is simpler, safer, and more fun, and older people can easily integrate dancing into their daily lives. It can be seen that among the 9 controllable risk factors mentioned in the above article, square dancing has a certain improvement effect on obesity, lack of physical activity, and social interaction.

In recent years, domestic and foreign researchers have paid attention to the effect of dance intervention on cognitive function in elderly patients with mild cognitive impairment (MCI).Staff's study [2] conducted a dance intervention in 30 elderly patients with MCI (≥60 years old) in Greece, and compared with the 30 controls who did not receive any interventions, the intervention group, after undergoing a 60-min twice-weekly, 24-week-long After receiving dance training, their cognitive function and physiological status improved. In contrast, a study from the School of Nursing of Peking Union Medical College Hospital [3] was conducted on 35 MCI elderly in two communities in Beijing, where both the control and intervention groups received health education, and the intervention group added regular square dance training for at least 60 mim each time, at least 3 times per week, *** for 3 months. The results confirmed that square dance exercise has a facilitating effect on improving cognitive function, especially memory and executive function, in elderly patients with MCI, and has the potential to delay the conversion of MCI to dementia.