I like your pronunciation in different languages.

I love you. Examples of pronunciations in different languages are as follows:

1, I love you in Korean:

Simple statement:? [Sajanheiya], a non-honorific, omits the subject "I" and the object "you" and only says "love"!

Domineering statement:. [(Saren Handa), an honorific, omits the subject and object, but this sentence is a bit blunt, and most boys say it more.

A slightly respectful statement: [sa rang hea yo], or omitting the subject and object, but adding the honorific form at the end? .

2. I love you in German: I love you

German I love you is in the same order as English and Chinese. I am me, love is love, and I am you. Together, I love you. This is the most formal and standard way to express feelings.

More commonly used sentences to express love and affection are: Ich mag dich. I have already eaten. And so on.

3. Denmark: Jagger Elsker Digg

Although Danish is difficult to pronounce, English and Danish belong to the Germanic language family, and there are many similar words in these two languages.

4. I love you Italian: Ti amo

Ti means "you" and amo means "I love". This is the most commonly used expression. If the tone is strong, you can stress the second person singular pronoun te and say: Amo te!

Ti amo is only used between couples, and there is another one: Ti voglio bene. This can be used not only between lovers, but also between parents, family and friends.

5. I love you in Russian: ятебялюбю.

Note that liking and liking are different feelings. I like to use Russian.

тымненравишься, I like you.

6. I love you in Japanese: I love you.

The Japanese expressions of "I love you" include "love してぃる" and "love してぃます". Romangi who loves してる is an Astor.

In spoken language, the verb てぃる, which indicates the present continuous or state, is generally omitted, and the most common expression of "I love you" is "love してる".

7. I love you in French: I love you

In short: I love you. Je is "I", te is "you" and aimer is the verb prototype of "love".

Life Edition: Je te kiffe Tomb! I love you very much. But this sentence is not necessarily a confession, but it can also be said between friends, which shows that I appreciate you very much. )