Social Dance Teaching

Sports dance, also known as the "International Standard Dance", transformed from the social dance, is a high degree of combination of sports and art of a sports program, is a man and a woman for the partner of the walking duo dance competition. Below I organize the video teaching of social dance for you, welcome to watch.

International standard ballroom dance, no matter which dance, no matter how complex, it is a step by step "walk" out. And in each step, it contains speed, distance and direction. We summarize it as "international standard ballroom dance step speed, international standard ballroom dance step distance, international standard ballroom dance step direction". This is what we call: international standard ballroom dance footwork three elements.

1, step speed

This refers to the speed of the transport step, the international standard ballroom dance step in a time conceptual elements. International standard ballroom dance step speed has a regular step, fast step, slow step, ultra-fast step, extended step, "stationary" step.

Quick step - Quick step is a faster step than the normal step, in general, a normal step accounts for a period of time, we call it a "normal step time", a quick step is 1/2 a normal step time.

Slow step - a slow step is a step slower than a normal step, typically a normal step is 1, and a slow step is 1+1.

Ultra-fast step - this is still measured as a normal step, and is a faster step than a fast step. A super-fast stride takes up only 1/4 of a normal stride hour, or even less.

Extended Step - This is a specially treated step that is neither a regular step nor a slow step, but is usually a step that is a little longer than a regular step, about 1.5 regular step-hours. It is important to note that this 0.5 step time is either "scraped" from the previous step or "scraped" from the next step. This means that whenever there is a lengthening step, it will be preceded or followed by an incomplete regular step. We don't use 1.5+o.5 to describe the lengthening step because the lengthening step is not a 1.5 constant step, and how long the lengthening step is depends on the specific situation. Its formula is: lengthening step + incomplete constant step = 2 standard constant steps. (In general, with a slow step and then lengthened, the dance will be too stagnant, so the lengthened step is usually a regular step lengthened).

"Still" step - this is also a special treatment of the pace, international standard ballroom dancing in no absolute stillness, only relative stillness, the so-called "trees want to be quiet, and the wind is not only "There is no absolute stillness in international standard ballroom dance, only relative stillness. This kind of international standard ballroom dance steps usually account for 2 to 3 regular steps. It should be noted that the "stationary" step and modeling are not the same thing.

International standard ballroom dance different kinds of dance, the basic combination of steps in the combination of step speed is different. Generally divided into two categories.

A class is the average step class: for example, slow three steps, fast three steps, waltz, Vienna waltz, Nanjing small pull dance, Beijing Ping Si dance and so on. This category of dance speed. Characterized by a step accounted for a beat of the dance music, of course, this step refers to the international standard ballroom dance music in the regular step. Overall transport step law, the international standard ballroom dance step speed is average.

A class of fast and slow steps: this type of dance is a combination of the basic steps by the fast and regular steps or by the combination of regular and slow steps; some dances are even fast, regular, slow step three steps. For example: in four steps, slow four steps, Latin Rumba, Oriental Rumba and so on, are composed of two steps of the basic combination of steps; Dayu step dance, tango, foxtrot, is with three or more steps as the basic step form. In short, this category of international standard ballroom dance, in the overall operation of the law of the step, the step of the dance speed is fast and slow, rather than average.

2, step distance

This is a spatial concept in the dance on the straight line metrics elements, which refers to the international standard ballroom dance step in the positioning of each step in the moment, the distance between the two feet (the distance between the two feet support point). International Standard Ballroom Dance steps are generally categorized as one step, half step, super step, broken step, and standing step.

The international standard ballroom dance step - based on the average Chinese physical constants, the usual step, the distance between the two feet is 75 centimeters. Therefore, the international standard ballroom dance step is 75 centimeters.

International standard ballroom dance half step - the spacing between the two feet is less than 40 centimeters, we call it a half step.

International standard ballroom dance super step - the distance between the two feet is more than 75 centimeters, we call it super step.

International standard ballroom dance broken step - the distance between the two feet is less than 40 centimeters, and break the regular fast step, we call it broken step.

International standard ballroom dance step - two feet merged together in the dance step, we call it a step.

The size of the step is a reflection of whether each step is displayed in place, full, appropriate; secondly, it is related to the quality of the display of the front and back of the dance steps; thirdly, it is related to the effect of cooperation between the partners. Under normal circumstances, where the rotation, large angle change of direction, the step distance should be relatively small. This common sense to often chant, become a subconscious skill is best. International standard ballroom dancing is the art of dance, not mechanical processing, the above data are reference standards, international standard ballroom dancing practice, we must be specific circumstances specific treatment.

3, the direction of the step

This is a spatial concept in the dance arc metric elements. He refers to the direction of change of the foot shape in social dance steps. Usually the toe, heel, inside and outside of the foot are used as reference points to change the shape of the foot. Whether the direction of the foot shape is correct or not, it directly affects the quality of the ballroom dance movement. Especially in the large angle rotation movement, the correct direction of the foot shape is the key factor of the rotation angle in place. Commonly used foot shape directions are straight step, horizontal step, cut step, buckle step.

International Standard Ballroom Dance straight step - facing the dance line, feet together, toes direction for the front, heel direction for the back. Keeping the feet in the direction of forward or backward is a straight step forward or straight step backward.

International Standard Ballroom Dance Traverse - Take the straight step as a reference point, and move to the outside of the foot in the direction of the dance step is called a traverse. There are left to cross step, right to cross step.

International Standard Ballroom Dance Cutting Steps--Taking the straight step as a reference point, when moving forward, the foot shape of the action leg is changed from a straight step to a foot shape hanging in the air to the inside of the foot toward the forward direction of the dance step called cutting step. Generally, the angle of the foot shape change is 90 degrees, there are also two kinds of cut step.

International Standard Ballroom Dance Buckle Step - with the straight step as a reference point, forward or backward step, the action of the leg of the foot shape from the straight step form changes into the outside of the foot toward the forward direction of the dance step is called the buckle step. Generally, the angle of change of the foot shape of the buckle step is also 90 degrees, there are also two kinds of buckle step.

The international standard ballroom dance foot shape changes in the direction of the step in the practice of ballroom dance there are a lot of subtle specifics, in the 180 degrees at each point, there is a specific direction of the foot shape, but basically belong to the above four kinds of foot shape direction, will not be detailed here.

The international standard ballroom dance is a kind of elegant and popular **** appreciation, all the people involved in the dance, from the characteristics of the dance genre, the international standard ballroom dance steps are not any difficult dance steps. Whether it is to learn to dance, or dance, you as long as the steps from the three elements to figure out, and then difficult steps are not difficult. International standard ballroom dance body method, technique can also refer to these three elements.