Example 1: Distinguish common mispronunciations of monosyllabic words.
The punctuated words in the following words are pronounced correctly in the first ( ).
①classroom shǐ ②convene zhāo ③mechanical xiè ④frustrated cuō
Example 2: Distinguish the pronunciation of polyphonic words.
The polyphonic word in the following words is pronounced correctly in the first ( ).
① knotted jiē ② forced qiánɡ ③ canopy ɡuàn ④ excited xìnɡ
Example 3: Distinguish monophonic and polyphonic words mixed together.
The punctuated words in the following words are pronounced exactly correctly in group ( ).
① obsessed (chī) mechanical (jiè) ② gallop (jí) tucked in (jīnɡ)
③ given (ɡěi) prosperous (xīnɡ) ④ Chinese zodiac (xiào) can't help it (jīn)
The punctuated words in the following words are pronounced correctly in the ( ) group.
① insult (wū) tree crown (ɡuān) ② embryo (pěi) although (jìn)
③ wail (háo) immediately (jì) ④ dive (qián) deal with (chǔ)
Example 4: On the differentiation of soft sounds
There is only one incorrect pronunciation of the dotted word in the following sentences, pick it out:
① He painstakingly managed to get the best out of his life. >①He painstakingly ran his small business (mai).
②He grew strong (shi).
③ The tree was full of fruit (shi).
④The children dressed up beautifully (lianɡ) during the festival.
Recognize the glyphs.
Example 1: Write the Chinese characters according to hanyu pinyin. There are two forms, one is to read the pinyin to determine which characters are written; the other is to give one of the characters and write the glyphs of another homophonic character judging from the specific context.
Requirements: Read the pinyin and write the words, pay attention to the standardization of writing, upright and neat.
jǔ sànɡ wēi xié xiū sè jì mò
hé xié shén jī miào suàn lì
Example 2: Distinguish common misspellings. (Misuse of homophones)
The first ( ) of the following four words has a misspelling.
① Gambling ② Pulse ③ Stream ④ Resort
Example 3: Adding difficulty to the word count, long sentences are given. (Misuse of homophones, misuse of words in close proximity)
The following sentence ( ) has no misspelled words.
①Today's test was so successful that everyone clapped their hands in congratulations.
②Li Shizhen was not afraid of the high mountains and the cold, and went to the Ming Mountain, which is rich in medicinal herbs.
3The teacher is very serious and hardworking, and we respect the rules and listen to the lectures.
④A car was speeding along the highway.
Example 4: Examining the ability to use homophones correctly
Choose the right words to form words according to pinyin in turn.
zào sound 急 zào 干 zào 洗 zǎo 水 zǎo
① bath 芙蓉 躁晏晏晏晏晏晏晏晏晏晏浴藻
① bath 芙蓉晏晏晏晏晏浴藻
④ 芙蓉晏晏晏浴藻
Example 1: Be able to explain the basic meaning of a Chinese character in its context
① Choose the meaning of a single Chinese character according to the specific context to select the meaning of a single Chinese character.
Select the correct interpretation of the word "crusade" in "声讨".
① crusade ② demand, request ③ provoke ④ discuss
② Explain the meanings of individual characters according to different contexts and decide whether the answers given are correct or not.
Only one of the explanations of the dotted characters in the following words is wrong, pick it out.
1) excel Benefit: more.
②Parking and sitting in the maple forest at night Sit: because.
3) keep the plant waiting for rabbits Zhu: tree stump.
4) Gu: to turn one's head to look at the other.
③Explain the meaning of the same Chinese character in different contexts and decide whether the answer given is correct or not.
Only one of the explanations of the dotted characters in the following words is wrong, pick it out.
① Being in the presence of the world Pro: coming.
2) to look down on Pro: to approach; to face.
③临帖 临:找着字画模仿。
④临时工 临:將近。
④ Determine the meaning of a single Chinese character according to the specific context and find the word with the same meaning in the given words.
(Context-meaning of individual characters-context)
Only one of the following words "白" has the same meaning as "真情告白" in "真情白". Choose the one that has the same meaning as "white" in "true confession". ( )
①White injustice ②White angel ③White language ④White confession
5Given the extended context, determine the meaning of individual characters according to the specific context.
"Returned overseas Chinese are jubilant and clapping their hands when they see the ever-changing changes in their motherland." The meaning of the character "异" in the phrase "日新月异" is ().
①Strange; special. ③ Amazing; strange. ④ Separate.
Example 2: Determine the meaning of the words according to the specific context.
①Explain the meaning of two-letter words in context.
"He's a nice guy, but he has too much heart." Choose the appropriate interpretation of the word "mind" in this sentence.
① inner mind ② heart ③ temperament; bosom ④ unnecessary worries and considerations about people.
② Explain the meaning of the four-letter word in context.
The 2008 Beijing Olympics was hailed as "an unparalleled Olympics" by Mr. Rogge, the president of the International Olympic Committee. The meaning of "unparalleled" in this sentence should be (①).
① It was so perfect that it could not be compared with the London Olympics.
② It was so perfect that there was no need to compare it with other Olympic Games.
③ It is so perfect that there is not a single flaw.
④ So perfect that there is no comparison with it.
Example 3: Be able to use common words appropriately in specific contexts. (
If you are lucky enough to be at the Bird's Nest to watch the opening ceremony of the 29th Beijing Olympic Games on August 8, 2008, and you want to use an appropriate word to describe your excitement, you will want to use the first (①).
1 ① overjoyed ② ② eyebrows fluttering ③ heart pounding ④ relaxed and happy
Example 4: Appropriate use of a group of words in the sentence group. (Distinguish the difference between the meanings of words)
Example: In January 2008, the south of China ( ) a hundred years of freezing disaster, the major media have ( ) the news. The central government timely to the disaster area ( ) relief supplies, the Beijing Municipal Government also ( ) humanitarian spirit, timely sent rescue workers. Rescue workers arrived in the disaster area, really ( ) the role of the main force, to control the spread of the disaster has made a great contribution.
1) happened, released, promoted, played
2) released, happened, released, promoted, played
3) happened, released, released, promoted, played
4) happened, released, promoted, played
Word Match
1. The following word is not a good match for the first ( ).
① busy street ② brilliant clouds ③ fierce applause ④ dense forest
2. The word "improve" does not match with the word ( ) in the following words.
① Efficiency ② Style ③ Achievement ④ Level
Related Words
1. The following sentence uses related words incorrectly.
① (Even) if the difficulties are great, I (also) want to finish the task.
② Spring is here, (whether) in the city or in the countryside, everywhere (is) full of vitality.
③ Tibet (although) there is the world's highest mountain, Mount Everest, (also) there is the world's most sacred canyon, the Yarlung Tsangpo Grand Canyon.
④ (Although) he sacrificed his life in the fight against the ice and snow disaster, (but) his glorious image will always live in people's hearts.
Appendix IV 1: Monosyllabic Characters Easily Mispronounced:
友谊(yì)争争(zhí) 結束(shù) 拘束(shù) 洞穴(xué)
教诲(huì)恶劣(liè) 比比(jiào) 教室(shì) 仍然(rénɡ)
号召(zhào) 立即(jí) 允许(y) ǔn)活活(yuè) 脂肪(zhī)
违抗(wéi)机械(xiè) 内疚(jiù) 挫劣(cuò) 沮丧(jǔ)
show off(xuàn) potential(qián) excellence(zhuó) rendering(xuàn) a horse(pǐ)
窺看(kuī) escape(cuàn) traces(jì ) love and hate(zēnɡ) plastic(sù)
barren(jí) attentive(xī) knee(xī) timid(qiè) rare(hɑn)
anatomical(pōu) dufu(fǔ) hunting(shòu) chimney(cōnɡ) gravel(lì)
Zhejiang(zhè) sucking(shǔn) sturdy(wú) passenger(ché nɡ) atmosphere(ché nɡ) atmosphere(fēn)
Scorching(zhì) shipboard(xián) file(dànɡ) insult(wǔ) rub(suō)
Listening (qīnɡ) taming(xùn) pressing(nà)
Crafting(zhuō) a mess(tā) refreshing(pí) gluttonous(xián)
锲不舍(qiè) tucked in(jīn) jawed(瞠目结舌)(chēnɡ) pectinated(zhì)
(jiá) abruptly ended(jiá) swiftly passed away(kè) sweated(jiā)
Appendix 4 2: Mispronouncing Polyphonic Characters
Appendix 4: Polyphonies polyphonic characters that are easy to mispronounce
multi-syllabic characters (mēn) 生肖(xiào)肖像(xiào) 惟妙惟肖(xiào) zigzag (qū)
curve (qū) song (qǔ) pale pale pale (jìnɡ) make an effort (jìn) canopy (ɡuān)
Peruvian (bì) arrest (dài) caught (dǎi) loaded (zài) loaded with songs and dances (zài)
apply (yīnɡ) provide (ɡōnɡ) give (jǐ) despite (jǐn) handle (chǔ)
situation (chǔ) quietly (qiǎo) at the end of (jìn) reluctantly (qiǎnɡ) compel (qiǎnɡ)
because (wèi) full of (jiē) excitement (xīnɡ) Jinan (jǐ) landing (zhuó)
moulded (mú) beaten (ái) knifed (xiāo) concordant (hè) hillock (ɡānɡ)
intermittent (jiàn) distinctive (fèn) interspersed (jiá) interspersed (jiá) interspersed (jiā) interspersed (jiā) interspersed (jiá)
neck (jǐnɡ) yan-shan (yān) thin (bó) familiar (shú) intimidated (hè)
neck (jǐnɡ) yanshan (yān) thin (bó) familiar (shú) intimidated ( hè)
rather (nìnɡ) blood (xuè) break free (zhènɡ) brake (chà) rising tide (zhǎnɡ)
horizontal (xínɡ) bone (ɡǔ) treasure (zànɡ) blame (mán) tremble (chàn)
brute (hènɡ)
bruised (lěi) can't help ( jīn) Genghis Khan (hán) Talented people (jǐ)
Wind and wave roar (háo) Unthinking (jiǎ) Unobtrusive (lù) Fruitful (léi)
Appendix V:
Primary school level must master of holding the correlation words
Causal relationship: because... ...so ...... so ...... the reason why ...... because ......
Conditional relationship: only ...... is ...... as long as ...... is ...... whatever ...... are ......
Hypothetical relationship: if ...... is ...... even though ...... also ...... even though ...... also ...... since... ...just ......
Choice relationship: either ...... or ...... not... ...but ...... rather ...... than ...... would rather ...... than ......
Transitive relationship: although ...... but ......
Progressive relationship: not only... ...but ...... not only ...... but also ......
Parallel relationship: both... ...and ......
Appendix VI: Accumulation of Commonly Used Words:
1. With "words, words":
Words without meaning, words without meaning, words without meaning, words without meaning, words without meaning, words without meaning, words without meaning, words without meaning, words without meaning, words without meaning, words without meaning, words without meaning, words without meaning, words without meaning, words without meaning, words without meaning, words without meaning, words without meaning, words without meaning, words without meaning The pearl in the palm of one's hand is a perfect insight
5. With "flower, new, stone, spring, joy, quick":
Flower on the brocade, flower on the moon, flower in a blossom, flower in a cluster, flower in a flutter
Metabolism, day by day, new look, new look, brand new
Stone breaks the sky, stone sinks into the sea. 8. Mythological stories:
Kwafu chased the sun, Nuwa mended the sky, Yugongyi removed the mountain, Jingwei filled the sea
9. Fables:
Waiting for the rabbit, covering up the ears, stealing the bell, carving a boat to find a sword, Ye Gong hao long, drawing a snake, adding feet, Zheng Ren bought the shoe, and wanting to go faster than possible
10. Words with close meaning:
Saving and thrifty, being an ox and doing a horse, being fast and quick, pectus, and washing with the wind and the rain
11. Summer: scorching sun, heavy rain, thunder and lightning, waves of wheat, sun on fire, trees in the shade
Autumn: golden breeze, fruitful fall, high and clear sky, high clouds, fragrant fruits and autumn winds
Winter: white snow, heavy snow, dripping snow, icy snow, freezing cold, cold and windy
13. with animals:
There is an animal:
There is an animal:
There is an animal:
There is an animal:
There is an animal:
There is an animal:
There is one animal: the horse does not stop hoofing the chicken, the flock to the rat, the rat's eye, the sheep's intestines
There are two animals: the chicken flew the dog jumped, the dragon fought with the tiger, the sandpiper and the clam, the sandpiper and the clam, the praying mantis catching the cicada, the pen walks the dragon and the snake
14. with a metaphor:
Strength as a cow, fine rain, as silk, the face is like earth, bones are thin as firewood, the sun and moon are like a shuttle, the graciousness is like a mountain
Light time is like an arrow, the return of the arrow is like an arrow, the future is like an arrow. The leaves are on fire, the sun is on fire, the sun is on fire, softness is on the water
15. In different forms:
ABB: bright, shiny, heavy, chubby, white, dark, green
AABB: dense, tight, tidy, neat, research, tidy, tidy up, clean, clean up
ABAC: crispy, crisp, large, round, fluffy, fat, thick, dark, thin
Abac: big, round, flabby, thick, dark, skinny
All the different forms are the same. Nine cows and one hair Ten perfect
Three meals a day Thousands of colors Five continents and all over the world Thousands of waters Thousands of mountains Thousands of purples Thousands of reds All over the world
Giving examples This method of illustration serves to make the object of illustration concrete and graphic, which is easy for the readers to understand
Making analogies Its main function is to make the object of illustration vivid and graphic, and to enhance the interest of the article.
Making comparisons is used to highlight the characteristics of the object being described (status, influence, etc.).