What is the name of Santa Claus?

Santa Claus' original name was St. Nicholas.

Santa Claus is a character from Western mythology. In legend, he quietly delivers gifts to children on Christmas Eve in the West, and is one of the representative figures of the Jesuit rite of Christ's birth, Christmas. He is often considered a derivative image of the Christian saint St. Nicholas. The origin of Santa Claus may be linked to a red and white mushroom known as the poison fly umbrella.

Legend has it that every night on Dec. 24, a mysterious man flies through the sky in a sleigh pulled by nine reindeer, goes door to door through the chimney, and sneaks presents into stockings next to children's beds or piled up under the Christmas tree by the fireplace. The rest of the year he was busy making presents and supervising his children's behavior.

Introducing the Reindeer:

Santa's reindeer are the legendary reindeer that pull the sleigh for Santa Claus, who hands out presents to small children on Christmas Eve in a flying sleigh pulled by reindeer. Santa Claus climbs down the chimney into the house and leaves Christmas presents for the children, a **** of nine:

1, Rudoph: Rudolph

2, Dasher: Dasher

3, Dancer: Dancer

4, Prancer: Messy Dance

5, Vixen: Female Fox

6, Comet: Comet

7, Cupid: Cupid

8, Donner: Donner

9, Blitzen: Lightning