Walking O Well Up Song Original Vocals

The original lyrics of "Water from the Well" are as follows:

My heart yearns for Zion

The city of God is there

Though I walk through the valley of tears

I'll be blessed by the autumn rain

Walking on the strength of the strength

Into the land of the wide and not so narrow

And all who sing and dance will say

That you are the source of my water

I'll sing to the well

To the deep, I'll call for the water to come up

I'll call to the waterfall to say come up. There

I'll sing to the well

And call to the abyss to come up

I'll speak to the waterfall

And cry to the waves to pour down

I'll sing to the well

And call to the abyss to come up

I'll speak to the waterfall

And cry to the waves to pour down

I'll speak to the waterfall

To the waves to pour down

To the waterfall

To the waves to pour down

I will sing and dance and say

My heart yearns for Zion

The city of God is there

Though I walk through the valley of tears

I will be blessed by the rains

Walking with strength

into the land of the wide and not so narrow

Singing and dancing I will say

My well is in Thee

I will sing to the well

I will sing to the wells.

Call to the deep and say come up

I will speak to the waterfalls

Cry to the waves and say pour it down

I will sing to the wells

Call to the deep and say come up

I will speak to the waterfalls

Cry to the waves and say pour it down

God's river is full and releases its power.

I will love you with all my heart and all my soul and all my strength

God's river is full of water and releases its passion

I will be happy all the days of my life

I will come to worship you with great enthusiasm

Worship you

I will sing to the wells of the water

Call to the depths of the sea and say "pour it out."

I will cry to the waterfalls of the river

Saying to the waves of the flood that they are pouring down. The flood cries out and says pour it down

I'll sing to the well

Calls to the abyss and says come on up

I'll make noise to the waterfall

Cries out and says pour it down to the flood

I'll sing to the well

Calls to the abyss and says come on up

I'll make noise to the waterfall

To the flood I'll cry out to the waves and say, "Pour it down."

God's river is full of water and power

I'll love you with all my heart and all my soul and all my mind

God's river is full of water and passion

I'll be happy all the days of my life

I'll come to you in great numbers

God's river is full of water and power

I'll love you with all my heart and all my mind and all my soul and all my mind and all my soul.

God's river is full of water and releases passion

I will be happy all the day long

Come and worship you enthusiastically

Worship you

Worship you

Worship you

Come and worship you

Worship you



Worship you

Worship you passionately