Once upon a time there was an old man, the doorstep of the two mountains, Wang Yu Taihang, the old man is not only the old man, or an old bachelor, the old man in the old man has not become "old" companion when he died. The old man's knees without children, the day is always looking for someone to give their own old age, so old, are old, have children is impossible, so he went to the door every morning to kneel in front of the mountain, want to pray to the mountain god to give him a son, ten years as one day, rain or shine, every morning at seven o'clock in the morning the old man will be on time in front of the mountain, line of the ritual of the son. Neighboring villages of the wise man learned of this matter, mocked him, said the world where there is a mountain god ah, even if there is, this Wanghu Taihang two mountains must be two mountain god ah, you kneel every day from the place of the Wanghu Mountain is obviously nearer to the Taihang Mountain than the 0.01 centimeters, how do you let the god of the Taihang Mountain think? Because there are no children, the old man could not say "children and grandchildren endless" and so on to refute, but he knows, in his heart, the two accompanied him for more than 50 years of the mountain has long become a mountain, in his heart two mountains only a mountain god. The old man was right, there was only one mountain god for these two mountains, and that was the pangolin. Pangshanjia was touched by the old man's piety, reported the matter to the Goddess of Mercy, Goddess of Mercy happened to be in the Rudra decree to look for a demon remover, learned of the matter, felt that the old man is the right person, decided to go to visit. Goddess of Mercy in the guise of a fish peddler in front of the old man's house to yell, and sure enough, the good old man to buy the fish down to release. The Goddess of Mercy appeared in her true form, nodded with satisfaction, and, remembering that he went to pray piously for his son every day at seven o'clock, gave the old man seven seeds to plant. When the bodhisattva handed the seeds to the old man, he instructed the old man that you should treat these seven seeds as if they were your own sons, and that after they were nurtured into babies, snake spirits and scorpion spirits would come to the Wangwu Taihang Mountain, and these seven children would get rid of the monsters with the supernormal capabilities they had. I have seven belts, if these children do not listen, you can try to put the belt to them, as long as you read the "pineapple pineapple honey" incantation, the belt will get tighter and tighter, they will become good. If you don't get rid of the demon, there will be no peace in the village. After the Bodhisattva left, the old man planted the seven seeds as he had been told, and took good care of them, pouring the best urine and applying the best dung. Turn to the second year, the seven seeds gradually grew out of the human form, head with red, orange, yellow, green, green, blue, purple seven big gourd, will soon be able to speak, opened his mouth to call the old man grandpa, and introduced themselves that they are gourd waifu. The old man was so happy that he didn't care what kind of baby he was, as long as he was a baby. Bodhisattva obviously let himself treat them as his own son, I did not expect that now they are calling themselves grandfather, longer than imagined a generation, taking advantage of such a great advantage, the old man thought of this is too happy. These seven children are very attractive, the old man stayed with them all day long, feeling much younger, even the next village used to laugh at him Zhisuo also often bumbling to the door, teach the children to dance, the days are not happy. The days have gone by for another year, one day, Zhisuo in teaching children to dance square dance, can not help but sigh to the old man, I did not think that this child really let you begged, and at once also begged seven, alas, you say that this where to reason to go! Crap! The old man just remembered, these seven children still have a task! But so long did not see any supernormal capabilities ah! He called the seven children to the front, said that they remove the snake spirit and scorpion spirit and so on, seven children in addition to involuntarily jumped up and down the square dance and jumped more than just now, and there is no other abnormal reaction. So, the old man from the crotch of his pants pulled out seven belts to the children to tie on, the mouth kept whispering "pineapple pineapple honey", the belt is getting tighter and tighter, only to see the children rolling back and forth on the ground in pain. Wisdom of the old man to see the heartache, quickly kneel down to plead for mercy, old man master, do not read! Don't read! Only then did the old man stop, only to see the waist of the seven children being strangled by the belt extraordinarily small. The Bodhisattva did not teach him the incantation to untie the belt, perhaps this is the need to force out the supernormal capabilities, the old man so guessed. The old man is pondering, suddenly, the children like a drug have to show their powers, Hercules, clairvoyance, wind ear, copper head and iron arm, fire, electric shock, spit water, water, stealth, through the body of a variety of blinding skills in front of the old man exploded in the pot, haha, sure enough, supernormal capabilities appeared. Then, the old man led the seven thin waist of the gourd child embarked on the journey to remove the demon, the wise old man is also upside down in the back, for them to hold the horse, picking the stretcher, chuu can not be chased away, alas, this on where to go to say reason!