The Return of the Prodigal Son

A fable is a literary genre. It is a story that contains irony or obvious lessons. It is a short structure, mostly using metaphorical techniques, so that the theme of rich lesson significance or profound reasoning in a simple story embodied. Below I recommend two philosophical fables for you, just for reference and reading.

(A) The Prodigal Son Returns

A man had two sons, and the younger son said to his father, "Father, please give me my share of the family estate." And his father divided the estate among them.

After a short time, the younger son went away with all his share of the property. And he spent all his money in the world, and all his wealth was used up. And meet the place to ridicule the famine, it is poor. In order to porridge, had to give the local people pig herding. He was so hungry that he couldn't wait to grab the pods that the pigs ate to fulfill his hunger.

At this time he realized, sorrowfully muttered to himself: "My father's employees are very much, rations have more, but I have to starve to death here? I will arise, and go to my father, and say unto him, I have sinned against heaven, and against thee, and henceforth I am not worthy of thee as thy son: take me for a hired servant!"

So he left the foreign land and returned to his father. When his father saw him from a distance, he greeted him and embraced him by the neck and kissed him. The younger son said, "Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you. From now on I am not worthy to be your son." But the father commanded his servants, "Quickly bring out the fine robe and put it on him, and put new shoes on his feet, and a ring on his hand. Bring the fatted calf and slaughter it, and I will celebrate. For my little son is risen from the dead and is lost."

The elder son was in the field, not far from home, and when he heard the sound of dancing and music, he called one of the servants and asked what was happening. The servant replied, "Your brother has returned, and your father is celebrating."

When the eldest son heard this, he became angry and refused to go home. When his father came out to persuade him, he replied, "I have served you for so many years, and I have never gone against your will. You did not give me a goat-lamb to make me happy with my friends. But this young son of yours, who has consumed your estate, you celebrate him in this way!" When the father heard this, he said to his oldest son, "Son, you were always with me, and all that I had was yours. Only this little brother of thine, who was dead, is alive again, and was lost, and therefore we ought to rejoice and be glad."