1, thin waist weight loss exercise
Slim waist weight loss exercise - leg up abdominal tightening exercise
Abdomen forward tightening, leg up, focus on the training of abdominal muscles, improve abdominal laxity, at the same time with the leg up exercise, effectively spread the movement effect. The effect of the diffusion of the movement.
1. Stand up straight, lift your right hand straight up and place your left hand naturally on the side of your body. The left leg is slightly stretched toward the back of the body in preparation for lifting the leg, and the center of gravity of the body is placed on the right foot.
2. Tighten your abdomen into a round shape, kick your left leg forward, raise your leg, and tap your foot with your right hand, so that your knee can be bent and your leg raised as high as possible. Left and right interchangeable for 5 exercises.
Slim waist weight loss exercise - stretching traction movement of the rib and abdominal muscles, cross-tapping exercises
For the rib and abdominal muscle movement, rhythmic, skilled operation can be accelerated after the rhythm. Effective stretching exercise waist muscles.
1, the body stands naturally, the right foot toes point to the ground, the left foot forward, while twisting the waist, the position of the hands with the body's natural placement of the body's twisting before and after the swing.
2, and then the left foot forward, the waist with the twist, repeated 10 exercises. Pay attention to maintain the rhythm of the action.
While consciously moving arms and legs, but to ensure that the body's central axis is fixed, focusing on awareness of twisting the waist.
2. Causes of fat accumulation in the abdomen
There are, in fact, two types of fat: subcutaneous fat and visceral fat.
Subcutaneous fat is what you can see and catch - beer belly, tire belly, flabby tissue, and flabby waist. This fat can make a person look obese. The look is bad, but there's no risk.
Next we come to visceral fat, a type of fat that is hidden inside. Visceral fat is the fat that wraps around the abdominal organs, and it's more dangerous because it's hard to detect and has a genetic component, in addition to being affected by an unhealthy diet and lack of exercise.
How do we know if we have visceral fat in the abdomen?
Researchers use nuclear magnetic **** vibration imaging, which builds up the effects of the inside of the abdomen in the presence of surrounding magnetic fields and energy pulses. Of course, you don't need such an advanced instrument to determine whether your belly fat could be a factor in your health.
A. First, you can measure the waist-to-hip ratio yourself. Apple-shaped people -- those whose weight revolves around their waists -- are more likely to store visceral fat.
B. Another way is to touch your abdomen with your hands: flabby or firm? If it's firm, you probably have visceral fat. But visceral fat doesn't just appear in obese people and beer-bellied patients.
The situation is paradoxical: a thin-bodied person may have more visceral fat and may be at greater health risk than someone who weighs twice as much.
Here are some things to do, 4 awesome ways to fight belly fat:
1. Keep track of your body mass index along with your waist-to-hip ratio.
Every month or so, record your measured waist and hip circumference on your calendar. If the measurements are greater than your hip circumference, see this as an emergency signal to try to lose some of the flab around your waist.
Women: If your waist is more than 89 centimeters, watch out. If your waistline is in the danger zone and you also have a body mass index of 25 or more, you are at risk for heart disease.
2. If 20 to 35 percent of your day's calories are going to come from fat, pick those healthy fats -- monounsaturated or polyunsaturated. Delicious and healthy foods include salmon, avocados, olives and walnuts.
Cook with vegetable oils, like canola, olive or sunflower. Avoid foods that are high in saturated fats and carbohydrates.
3. Regular, moderate exercise helps us avoid fat attacks, and more intense activity burns off existing fat.
There's also good news for you about visceral fat, which is the first part of the body that can be removed when you slim down. Do cardiovascular workouts that burn fat and pair them with exercises that strengthen your abs. Don't forget to consult your doctor first before starting any strenuous exercise.
4. Get regular checkups. If you're worried about your risk, your doctor may use a tape measure or MR*** vibration, or perform blood tests to measure levels of retinol-binding proteins -- which are indicators of potential health problems, like heart disease and diabetes.