Flower children's drama is a set of song, dance, drama as one of the comprehensive stage drama.
Flower to improvise song-based, Huangshui flower tune has fast and slow tune: fast tune in the liner notes teach less, drag cavity is also reduced accordingly, more concise and compact. Slow tune is soft and far away, the first, the song and the end of the song also most of the use of the liner notes to drag the cavity, the voice range is wide, more ups and downs, its high pitch area with falsetto singing. The lyrics of the scripts are based on the tune format of Hua'er, and invoke the singing forms of the Northwest local folk songs such as Xin Tian You and the rhetorical methods of classical poems in China such as counterpoints. Most of the lyrics in the scripts of the flower children use the rhetorical device of pi xing, and in the passages, more use of superimposed words, superimposed sentences, as well as such as "者"、"嘛"、"呀", "ha", "ai" and other imaginary words to do the liner notes. The original melody of the flower child is the main tone of the flower child drama in the singing of the flower child, most of them are using a question and answer way to carry on the antiphonal mode, in which the first and second sentences and the third and fourth sentences are divided into two corresponding segments, generally "more than" in the first half of the paragraph, the second half of the paragraph (the third and fourth sentences) for the Xing. In the two sections of the upper sentence for each more than three, three, three sentence, and the next sentence is three, three, two sentence; And generally on the sentence more with monosyllabic word ending, but the next sentence must be used to two syllable word ending. Huangshui flower children's lyrics are usually a kind of monosyllabic and disyllabic interlaced, odd-even sentence pattern metrical poetry. In the recitation of words, the use of the Liupan Mountain region dialect.
The lyrics of the flower children are structured in two main forms: one is called "Qiqiqiwei style", which is generally divided into two paragraphs according to a set of four sentences. For example, in the "Golden Rooster Girl", the singing: "The sun and the moon come and go in the four seasons, but not as much as the mother's toil. The brook (that) bends and flows endlessly, just like that mother's sweat." Another type is called the "broken waist style": it is also a set of four sentences, but between the first and second sentences or between the third and fourth sentences of the head-and-tail style, there is a half-sentence each, thus forming a sentence style of varying lengths composed of five or six sentences. For example, the singing of "Mansur": "Going up (well) high mountains to look at the East China Sea, bright and shiny, a beautiful colorful belt, told to the white clouds to bring over the waves, the free-range Mansur wear."
The dance is an important means of expression of the Flower Drama, which is based on the Hui folk dance movements, and on this basis, widely absorbed Dongxiang, Uygur, and other dance forms such as Arab dance to integrate. In addition to absorbing some movements in the Hui dance "Feast Song", it also searches for the hungry art of the dance in the daily customs of the nation, such as "worship" and "seeing the tile", and extracts different dance vocabularies from them to express, and boldly borrows the traditional Hui folk dance movements from the Hui folk dance in some places. In some places, it also boldly borrowed some movements from the traditional Hui folk martial art Xingyiquan.
Flower children sing tunes called "orders", and different tunes have different order names, such as "Three Orders", "White Peony Order", "Big Order", and "Ga Maer Order". Its singing style is based on the various "orders", and further absorbed other ethnic groups and their related operas and other similar religious music processing and formation, in order to maintain the color of the original tune on the basis of the richness of its own singing music rendering power. Of course, the original flower tune is generally just a small fragment, and later, in order to make the performance of the script more suitable for the drama characters of the emotional ups and downs of the many changes in the demand, but also gradually try to use to absorb the changes in the foreign plate approach, so that the performance of a more expressive, and achieved a better response to the dramatic effect. For example, the performance of "Golden Rooster Girl" is based on the traditional flower tune (order), added to the percussion of the opera, the cultural field to the Panhu, Gao Hu accompaniment is the main; martial arts field accompaniment instruments are clappers, drums, drums, etc.; Dao Bai is the use of rhyming white form, so that the entire style of the performance more to the form of opera changes, enriching the ability to perform.