What is a space step

A space step is a dance form that appears to be moving forward but is moving backward.

The space step can be divided into four categories: backward slide, side slide, slide in place, and spinning slide. The space step has extremely high requirements for the performer's body strength, flexibility and coordination, and even professional dancers find it difficult to master, and many performers have experienced misses and falls.

Many professionals have commented that Jackson's success lies in the fact that he was born different from the norm, his movements change the norm, the brain control needs to be the opposite, and for the body's balance and flexibility is no less than ballet such difficult dance.

The steps of the space step are as follows:

1, find a pair of tighter flat shoes, you can also use soft-soled shoes instead.

2. Find a room with a smooth floor.

3. Stand with your feet together, with your left foot slightly more forward than your right.

4. Lift your right heel so that you look like you're walking with the front of your right foot and keep your left foot in place.

5. As you lower your right heel, shift your full weight to your right foot and slowly drag your left foot backward so that your left toe is even with your right heel.

6. Extend your left foot forward, but don't touch the floor, moving it one foot away from your right toe.

7. Move your left foot back to the initial position you started in and lift your right heel once again. Bend your left leg and repeat step 5.