The nearest country to Russia is China, and the nearest province to Russia is the northeast of China, and the nearest city to Russia is Heilongjiang. Therefore, many Russians come to China will choose to go to Heilongjiang. Because many habits in Russia and the northeast are the same, so coming to the northeast is like coming to your own home, and Heilongjiang is even more.
Russia's many little girls a lot of influx of the Northeast, the magic is that they come to the Northeast will be in the roadside work, that they are in the roadside to do what work? Can readers guess?
First of all, modeling, Russian women are very good body, skin is also very white, legs and long and thin, face value on camera is also very hit, so these people came to China to do the best occupation is modeling, they are very loved by businessmen, because they wear good-looking, so it will attract a lot of people to come to buy.
Modeling is all about taking pictures, usually not in the store, but outside, because the sun is good and will make the clothes look better. That's why many people often see Russian women working on the side of the road, and their job is to pose for photos in their clothes.
I have seen some modeling pictures are looking for foreigners, among which Russian women are the most, because they have white skin and are tall, so they are very suitable for all clothes. Including some brands we see on the Internet, the choice of foreign models, it will look more advanced sense.
But it's not only Russians who come to China to work that are in demand, there are other foreigners, such as Japanese Americans, who come to China. They can come to China to work as foreign teachers and go to tutoring classes to teach students, which is also a good income because people care more and more about foreign languages nowadays.
Americans with good English and Japanese with good Japanese can become foreign teachers in schools or go to tutorial classes to teach foreign languages. There are fewer Russians working as foreign teachers, because many are now learning only English and Japanese, and very few are learning Russian, unless they are students who are going to study in Russia.
Readers, do you know what other jobs Russians do when they come to China? Feel free to leave a comment below.