00min 20sec running man team debut background music: John Wlilliams-'summer the heroes'
04min 45sec Son Ho Joon remembers his idol period interlude music: tachyon - 'feel your breeze'
05min 19sec introducing Park Seo Joon. His own idol period interlude: tachyon - 'feel your breeze'
05min 19sec introduction of Park Seo Joon background music: 'Warm Words' OST - 'i love you'
06min 50sec Kim Hwan live broadcast announced that tearing the name strips on the ice became the Winter Olympics program: loveholics-"butterfly"
18min 18sec relay speed skating round 2 start interlude: "I like to move it" (Madagascar)
20min 09sec second round finalist HAHA VS BARO: Garage Band -I got a women'
27min02s Lee Kwang Soo washes radish and screams in the background: Demi lovato-'let it go'
34min42s Lee Kwang Soo and Son Ho Joon start to pile up stones in the creek.
35min 11sec, the two of them restarted to pile up rocks: 'We No Speak Americano'
37min 52sec, Park Seo Joon calmly set off and started to push the rocks: Idina Menzel-'let it go'
38min 38sec, Lee Kwang Soo and Son Ho Joon started to pile up rocks in the creek.
38 min 55 sec Park Seo Joon can't help but call out DJ dance music: Dj HANMIN-"show me your bba sae"
43 min 10 sec 2nd round of creek pushing stones Kim Jong Kook, Song Ji Hyo appearing interlude: Buraka som sistema-" bota"
This is the second round of creek pushing stones. bota"
87min 48sec playing chess "You Who Came From The Stars" teaser background music: Lyn-"my destiny" "You Who Came From The Stars" OST
Source: runningman rice network
Reference link:/140209-e184-background -music.html