The fame of our invincible amazons has begun to go out of the country into the world. First of all, it proves that our standard of living is really superior to that of other so-called developed countries! At least our big moms are able to go out of the country to go to other countries! Instead of other foreigners coming to visit our monuments of civilization! However, the disgrace to our yellow descendants should be dealt with, such as the introduction of a civilized system! You can use the demerit points system! Points are too low to prohibit the exit of the country!
The uncivilized behavior of our big mothers to be completely governed, or to start adjusting in the local community! Our economic development speed to keep pace with the world. But the quality level and culture is really slightly lower than other developed countries. For example, the square dance disturbances this thing is the masterpiece of all the big moms and dads. The first thing you need to do is to pick the vegetables on the spot in the vegetable section of the supermarket! The big mom operation is the need to introduce a policy to control! Otherwise too much lawlessness.
These low-quality behavior is in the local habit out of the problem. For example, the train station to buy tickets to cut the queue of grandparents! For example, the moment the bus opens the door those bravely squeezed into the bus moncler outlet online! Waiting for the bus to start immediately weak to ask you for a seat! It's because of the lack of management of quality. Currently can only rely on a variety of exposure, in order to slightly stop the occurrence and spread of this behavior.
But this kind of big mom and dad disgraced to the behavior of foreign countries up to 20 years! 20 years after these people can not walk. The high quality generation replaced them! Wait until the three generations of 70, 80, 90 become the main consumer! The foreigners' perception of us will change qualitatively! Compared to that time we are already a superpower!