Saying 1:
Where there is a will, there is a way. If one breaks the kettle and sinks the boat, one hundred and two Qin passes will belong to the Chu;
The bitter hearted people, God will not be disappointed. If one lies down on a salary and tastes the guts, three thousand Vietcong armors can be swallowed by the Wu.
Wu Gongheng (Qing Dynasty) "Couplets" recorded that this couplet was written by Jin Sheng (Zhengxi), a famous general in the fight against the Qing Dynasty
Sayings 2:
Where there is a will, there is a way, breaking the kettle, sinking the boat, a hundred and two Qin passes are finally belonging to the Chu;
Perilous people, the sky will not be disappointed, lying down on the payroll and savoring the gall bladders, three thousand Yuejia could be swallowed by the Wu.
--Pu Songling wrote Self-motivation couplet? (Note: Yan Mai, a native of Guizhou, explicitly stated that this couplet was forged by him, not a self-exciting couplet by Pu Songling.)
1. Where there is a will, there is a way - "The Book of the Later Han Dynasty" (后汉书-耿穿》)
2.Breaking the cauldron and sinking the boat - "The Records of the Historical Records of Xiang Yu" (项羽本纪)
3. The Hundred and Two Qin Passes are finally belonging to Chu - The army of Chu captured the Hundred and Two Qin Passes at the end of the Qin Dynasty
4. -The King of Yue, Goujian, swallowed Wu with 3,000 armor