Who was the ancient Egyptian moon goddess? Bringing music, dance and love

On a clear, cloudless night, when you look up into the night sky, you can sometimes see the moon hanging in the middle of the sky, emitting a bright and soft light. The beautiful moon has been the desire of people for thousands of years, and many peoples in the world have legends about the moon, and in some myths there is also the image of the moon goddess, so take a look at the Egyptian mythology , to understand who the moon goddess of Ancient Egypt.

The moon goddess of ancient Egypt was Bast Bast, also known as the cat goddess, has a moving smile, brings people music, dance and love. Folklore has it that Bast was incarnated as a cat and was appreciated for her agility and strength. The goddess Bast has a beautiful smile and brings music, dance and love to the people. At night she stretches out her cat-like figure and shines with a moonlight gaze.

The goddess Brest is in charge of sex on earth, and her original image was a lioness, which was later transformed into a cat, which represented revenge and destruction when it was in the form of a lion, and family, happiness and joy when it was in the form of a cat. This double-sided form is more like the potential temptation of embodying the two sides of a woman's angelic and demonic nature, symbolizing the warmth of the moon and the power of femininity.

Legend has it that at night, the light of life from the sun is hidden in the cat's eye for safekeeping. Each night the sun god traveled through the underworld in a boat accompanied by the ghosts of the dead. Apep, the serpent, prevented the sun god from drinking from the boat, but the goddess Best, in the guise of a cat, appeared and beheaded Apep so that the Egyptians could see the light of day again.

In this legend, the cat transformed into the goddess Best symbolized the savior, while the snake represented death and disease. The ancient Egyptians then worshipped the cat as the embodiment and symbol of the goddess Best, and ever since the cat became a pet, Best became a very important god and image in the Egyptian home, and the legend of the cat killing the snake that attacked the sun god was often painted on papyrus.

Ancient Egyptians believed that some of the cat's habits and physical characteristics, such as nocturnal, unobtrusive sex life and prolific and catch rats to ensure a good harvest, and the moon goddess Best's duties, and naturally associated with the goddess of the moon.

And, the moon goddess was depicted with a human body and a cat's head, and even the goddess's brother, the sun god, was depicted as a male cat. In Egypt the moon goddess Bast was cat-headed and accompanied by a colony of cats, so cats were sacred animals in Egypt, and many temples kept cats and fed them according to rituals. In ancient Egypt, stray cats were treated with kindness and domestic cats were able to share in family food.