Wang Baochuan was a good girl and lived a luxurious life, but his father strongly opposed him because he fell in love with poor Xue Pinggui and married him. Wang Baochuan resolutely broke up with his family and lived in a shabby cold kiln, while Xue Pinggui was drafted into the army, bid farewell to Wang Baochuan, and was never heard from again.
Wang Baochuan waited for her husband, Xue Pinggui, for 18 years and went through all the hardships. Finally, I hope to have a dead husband. At this time, Xue Pinggui was the king of Xiliang and had a wife.
When they met, Xue Pinggui tried to test Wang Baochuan many times, and Xue Pinggui actually returned to the cold kiln. He was honored in his hometown and became the king of west cool. Unfortunately, after 18 years of vicissitudes, the daughter of Xiangfu has changed from a flower-like girl of 16 years old to a unkempt country woman. Xue Pinggui naturally didn't recognize Wang Baochuan.
When they met, Xue Pinggui tried to test Wang Baochuan again and again. He doesn't believe that Wang Baochuan, who gave up luxury and food for him and cut off his relationship with his father, can stay in the grass widow for him. But the truth is right in front of us. I just don't know whether Wang Baochuan, who has been waiting for her husband for eighteen years and suffered a lot, regrets her choice.
But his love with Wang Baochuan is not a "model" anyway. Although Xue Pinggui became the husband of Princess Xiliang, he was not a scum. He took Wang Baochuan away from the cold kiln. Make her queen. Most importantly, Xue Pinggui, a glorious ancestor, finally affirmed Wang Baochuan's vision of seeing him as a "potential stock"; He also proved his strength to Prime Minister Lao Taishan who did not accept him.
It's hard to find a person like Xue Pinggui who is unwilling to be mediocre and has ideals and pursuits. However, Xue Pinggui was originally a grassroots without any backing, which doomed his life to be a reverse journey and a hard journey. A man like Xue Pinggui is doomed to be a bad husband. In his spiritual world, love always takes a back seat. Even if Xue Pinggui is not love rat, his love with Wang Baochuan is not a "model".
When life and death are uncertain, resolutely wait for him 18 Xue is a poor boy with a poor family. For the sake of his precious daughter's treasure, he can stay in Xue's house for eighteen years. To tell the truth, from poverty to wealth, from happiness to poverty.
As for how difficult Wang Baochuan is, she likes it. Wang Baochuan is a woman with personality. She didn't choose the right marriage according to "parents' orders and matchmakers' words". But throwing hydrangeas to attract relatives.
Wang Baochuan overcame many difficulties to marry Xue Pinggui, refused to listen to his father, gave up his rich life and endured hardships with him. This was a breakthrough spirit at that time, which contradicted the feudal ethics.
I waited for my husband 18 years when his life and death were uncertain. When you see your husband marrying another woman and having children, you can tolerate it. This reveals her intellectuality and deep love.
There is no denying that Wang Baochuan has paid a lot in this relationship. Now people have poured, reinforced and trimmed the legendary earth caves where Wang Baochuan and Xue Pinggui lived, and established Qujiang Hanyao Ruins Park together with the surrounding Qujiangchi Ruins to commemorate and eulogize their faithful love story. I'm afraid this theme is also the reason that attracts many young people to visit.
Love has always been an eternal topic. People often have twists and turns when singing love stories, although there is no Wang Baochuan in history. However, in Xi 'an, the local people passed it on from mouth to mouth, so there are now cave sites.
There is no denying that Wang Baochuan has paid a lot in this relationship. He waited 18 years from breaking up with his family to collecting grass roots to support his children in Xue Pinggui.
Even if the final outcome is relatively happy, it cannot hide how difficult 18 was for Wang Baochuan.