Afterthoughts of "The Maranatha

"The Maranatha" "Maranatha, Maranatha, the wind and the rain are not afraid, the hard-working people are talking, please bloom right away."

The magical Malanhua has accompanied the childhood of several generations and become the deepest classic in the heart of every Chinese child.

Since the 1950s, the story of "The Maranatha" has been performed over and over again. Fairy tales, plays, black-and-white movies, dramas, comic strips, TV ...... Maranhwa has never left our view. Dalan has been lazy and greedy for 50 years, Xiaolan has been hardworking and pure for 50 years, and the cat has been annoying for 50 years.

Maranja is a mythic classic that has influenced generations. From the stage plays of the 1950s to the black-and-white movies of the 1960s, this work about hard work and laziness, beauty and ugliness, good and evil, life and death, is both simple and full of wisdom. With the incantation "Malanhua Malanhua, not afraid of wind and rain ......", this brightly colored "Malanhua" has traveled through history and time, and has come back to today.   Now this new "Malanja" is a big production of the animated version, and I went to see it with infinite emotions for the original old movie. I wanted to see how the new version of "Malanja" would expand everything we were familiar with with imagination under today's high-tech production: how Father Wang used to pick flowers for his beloved daughter in the mountains, how the sisters faced the "black-hearted wolf" and "old cat", and how they fought over the "black hearted wolf" and "old cat". How the sisters faced the "black-hearted wolf" and the "old cat", and how they fought for the lovely immortal man, Malang.   Unfortunately, I wasn't satisfied. Although the new version of the movie has top-notch graphics and beautifully captures the mountains and forests, the basic storyline and characters have been changed in such a way that the reasoning and wisdom of the original has been diluted, and there is nothing more imaginative than the original. For example, the transformation of the "Black Hearted Wolf" into the "Vine Demon" does not expand the content of the story beyond the infinite growth of demonic vines on the screen. The "Old Cat", on the other hand, loses its original function. The visual effect of the "Vine Demon" is naturally excellent. However, it seems that all the troubles and tribulations created by the original "Wolf Heart and Cat Lung" for the two daughters of Papa Wang's family are no longer the main focus, and the characterization of Dailan and Xiaolan seems to have been weakened at the same time, with the contrast of their personalities and the difference in their realms consciously downplayed in this new version, and what has been strengthened is only the scene images. As a result, the whole story seems to have lost the unique flavor of the original.   By the way: in terms of storyline, the 2009 version of the movie is the best. But in terms of characterization, I think the 2006 version of the cartoon is the best.