Xunzi "persuade learning"
gentleman said: learning can not have. Green, taken from the blue, and blue in the blue; ice, water for it, and cold in the water. Wood straight in the rope, wheel band for the wheel, its curved in the rules. Although there is a haggard and violent, no longer quite, wheel band makes it so. Therefore, the wood is subject to the rope is straight, the gold on the sharpening of the sharp, the gentleman learned and day to day reference to their own, then know and do not go too far.
* Therefore, do not climb the mountains, do not know the height of the sky; do not face the deep stream, do not know the thickness of the ground; do not hear the legacy of the late king, do not know the greatness of learning.
I have tasted the end of the day and think about it, not as good as a moment of learning; I have tasted crawling and look forward to it, not as good as climbing high and see. If you fake a carriage or a horse, it is not good for your feet, but it will lead you to thousands of miles; if you fake an oar, it is not good for water, but it will lead you to the end of the river. The gentleman's life is not different, and he is good at making assumptions about things.
The accumulation of earth into a mountain, the wind and rain will continue; the accumulation of water into an abyss, the dragon will continue; the accumulation of goodness into morality, and the gods will get their own, and the holy heart is ready for it. Therefore, if you don't accumulate short steps, you can't reach a thousand miles; if you don't accumulate small streams, you can't become a river and an ocean. A horse can't take ten steps without a single leap, and an incompetent horse can't do more than ten steps without giving up. If you persevere in your endeavors, a rotten tree will not break; if you persevere in your endeavors, a stone can be broken. The earthworm has no claws and teeth, sinews and bones of the strong, up to eat the earth, down to drink the Yellow Springs, with a heart of one. Crab six knees and two chelates, non-snake and eel cave can not be hosted, the heart of the manic also.
Zou Ji satirizes the King of Qi's admonition, "Strategies of the Warring States Period"
Zou Ji is more than eight feet tall, and the declining sun declines in the sun's rays, the court dresses and crowns, peeping through the mirror, and says to his wife, "Which of me is as beautiful as Xu Gong in the north of the city?" His wife said, "You are very beautiful, but Duke Xu is not as beautiful as you are!" Xu Gong in the north of the city was the most beautiful man in Qi. JI was not confident, but asked his concubine again, "Which of me is as beautiful as Duke Xu?" The concubine said, "How can I be as beautiful as Mr. Xu?" Dan day, the guest from the outside, and sat down to talk, asked the guest said: "I and Xu Gong who is beautiful?" He said, "Xu Gong is not as beautiful as you." Tomorrow, Xu Gong came, who looked at it, thought he was not as good as; peephole and self-visualization, and Fru as far. The next day, Xu Gong came to see his wife, who thought he was not as good as him; he looked into the mirror and saw himself, but was not as good as him.
So he went to the court to see King Wei and said, "I honestly know that I am not as beautiful as Duke Xu. The first is that the first is the one that is not as beautiful as Xu Gong, and the second is the one that is not as beautiful as Xu Gong, and the third is the one that is not as beautiful as Xu Gong. Now Qi has a thousand miles of land and a hundred and twenty cities, and there are no courtesans who do not know the king, no courtiers who do not fear the king, and no one within the four borders who does not have a request for the king. The king's shielding is very far."
The king said: "Good." Was ordered: "the officials, can face stabbing the widow's faults, by the upper reward; written to advise the widow, by the middle reward; can slander and ridicule in the city, heard the widow's ears, by the lower reward." When the order was first issued, all the ministers were in the court, and the court was like a marketplace; after a few months, the ministers were in the court, and after a period of years, although they wanted to speak, there was no one who could enter the court.
The first time I heard of this, Yan, Zhao, Han, and Wei all went to Qi. The first time I saw this was when I was a student at the university, and the second time I was a student at the university.
Qu Yuan Liezhuan (屈原列传) Sima Qian ( 司马遷)
Qu Yuan ( 屈原), whose name was Ping (平), was a member of the same family name in Chu. He was the left disciple of King Huai of Chu. He was a learned man with a strong will, and was skilled in governance and rhetoric. When he entered Chu, he discussed state affairs with the king and gave orders; when he left Chu, he met guests and dealt with the lords. The king is very much in charge of it.
The superior officials were listed with him, competing for favor and harming his ability. King Huai made Qu Yuan made for the constitutional order, Qu Ping belongs to the draft is not finalized, Shangguan Dafu see and want to take it, Qu Ping is not with. Because of the slander, said: "The king made Qu Ping for the order, all do not know. Every order out, Ping felled its achievements, said, thought 'not I can not do." The king was angry and alienated Qu Ping.
Qu Ping disease of the king's hearing is not smart, slander and sycophancy of the masking of the Ming also, the evil of the damage to the public, the square is not allowed, so the sadness of the ghostly thought and made "Li Sao". The "Li Sao" is, as it were, a departure from sorrow. The sky is the beginning of man; the parents are the basis of man. When people are poor, they are against their own nature. Therefore, when they are tired of laboring and suffering, they never fail to call out to heaven; when they are in pain and suffering, they never fail to call out to their parents. Qu Ping is the right way straight line, all the loyalty and wisdom to serve his king, the slanderer of the world, can be said to be poor. The letter and see doubt, loyalty and be slandered, can not complain? Qu Ping's "Li Sao" was born of self-hatred. The book was written by Qu Ping, who was born out of his own resentment. It was called "帝喾", "齐桓", "汤" and "武". The moral and the rules of governance and chaos are all evident in this work. The text is simple, the words are subtle, and the thoughts and actions are clean and honest. The text is small but its finger is very big, and it is far away from the class but far away from the righteousness. Its will is clean, so it calls things fragrant; its line is clean, so death is not allowed. Since the slough Nao sludge, cicada molting in the turbid filth, to float outside the dust, do not get the world of ZiShi dirt, 皭ran mud without dregs also. This will also push this will, although with the sun and the moon can also be competing.
Qu Ping both dwarfed, after the Qin want to attack Qi, Qi and Chu from the pro. King Hui suffered from, is to make Zhang Yi feint to Qin, thick coin commissioned by the quality of service Chu, said: "Qin very hate Qi, Qi and Chu from the pro-Chu, Chu sincere can be eliminated Qi, Qin is willing to dedicate the Shang Yu of the land of six hundred miles." King Huai of Chu was greedy and trusted Zhang Yi, so he cut off Qi and made him accept the land as Qin. Zhang Yi said fraudulently, "I have an agreement with the king for six miles, but I don't hear about six hundred miles." The envoy of Chu went away in anger and reported to King Huai. King Huai was furious, and he raised a large army to attack Qin. Qin sent troops to attack them and defeated the Chu divisions in Dan and Xi, beheading 80,000 people, capturing the Chu general Qu, and then took the Hanzhong land of Chu. King Huai then sent all his troops to attack Qin in depth and fought in Lantian. Wei heard about this and attacked Chu to Deng. The soldiers of Chu were afraid and returned from Qin. The first time I saw him, I was so angry that I didn't want to save him, and he was so embarrassed.
Next year, Qin cut Hanzhong land and Chu to peace. The king of Chu said: "I do not want to get the land, I would like to get Zhang Yi and willing." Zhang Yi heard, was said: "to a meter and when Hanzhong land, I please go to such as Chu." As in Chu, and because of the thick coin minister Jin Shang, and set up sophistry in King Huai's favorite concubine Zheng Sleeve. King Huai actually listened to Zheng Sleeve and released Zhang Yi. At that time, Qu Ping, who was no longer in power, was in Qi and advised King Huai, "Why don't you kill Zhang Yi?" The first time I saw this was when I was a kid, and it was a very good time for me.
Then the lords **** struck Chu, the big break, killing its general Tang Mai.
At that time, King Zhao of Qin married Chu and wanted to meet with King Huai. King Huai wanted to go, Qu Ping said: "Qin, a country of tigers and wolves, can not be trusted. It would be better not to do so." The king's son, Zi Lan, urged the king to do so, "How can we stop Qin's happiness?" King Huai died. When he entered the Wuguan Pass, Qin ambushed his troops to stop him, so he stayed with King Huai to ask for a cession of land. King Huai was furious and refused to listen. King Huai was furious and refused to listen. He returned to Qin and died there before being buried. The first son, King Haixiang, was born, and his disciple, Zilan, was appointed as the Minister of Justice.
The Chu people have blamed Zi Lan for persuading King Huai to enter the Qin and not to oppose it; Qu Ping has been cynical about it, and although he was released, he was attached to the Chu state, and was concerned about King Huai, not forgetting that he wanted to oppose it, and hoped to be lucky enough to be able to have the monarch to realize that one of the common people had been changed. The deposit of the king and want to repeat the country, a piece of the three Zhi Zhi Yan. But in the end, there was nothing to be done, so it could not be reversed. The first is to see the king's ultimate lack of realization.
No fools, wise, wise, unworthy, all want to seek loyalty to self, to raise the virtuous to self-assertion, but the death of the country and the destruction of families follow the belonging, and the sage ruled the country for many years and do not see the so-called loyal, and the so-called virtuous is not virtuous. King Huai to do not know the points of loyalty, so the internal confusion in Zheng sleeve, external deception in Zhang Yi, sparse Qu Ping and believe the Shangguan Dafu, order gentleman Zilan. Soldiers frustrated land cuts, the death of its six counties, the body of the guest died in Qin, for the world to laugh. This is the worst thing that can happen to a person who doesn't know what they are doing.
When Zilan heard of this, he was furious, and he shortened Qu Yuan to King Haixiang, who was furious and relocated him.
Qu Yuan went to the riverside, and was issued with a ginza, his color was emaciated, and his description was withered. When he saw him, the fisherman asked him, "Is it not the first person in the Sanlu? Why did you come here?" Qu Yuan said, "The world is turbid, but I am pure; everyone is drunk, but I am awake; that is why I am here." Fisherman said: "The saint, not stagnant in things, but can move with the world. The world is muddy, why not follow its flow and raise its wave? All people are drunk, why not feed its bad and sip its dregs of wine? Why do you not hold the jade in your heart and let yourself be released"? Qu Yuan said: "I have heard that those who are newly bathed must flick their crowns, and those who are newly bathed must revive their garments. People and who can be the body of the Tsa Tsa, subject to the things of the Wen Wen person? I would rather be buried in the belly of a river fish in a permanent stream, and how can I be so white that I can be warmed by the world?" He then composed the poem "Huai Sha". The first time I saw this was when I was a kid, and it was the first time I had ever seen a kid in the world.
After Qu Yuan's death, Chu had Song Yu, Tang Le, Jing Chai's disciples, all of whom were good at rhetoric and famous for their work; however, all of them had Qu Yuan's graceful rhetoric, and they never dared to admonish him directly. After that, Chu was cut down, and in a few decades, it was destroyed by Qin.
The Table of Condition Li Mi
The Minister's Secret: I have been suffering from Min's evils since I was born in June, and my loving father has seen my back. When I was born in June, my father saw my back; when I was four years old, my uncle took away my mother's will. My grandmother, Liu, was so compassionate about my loneliness and weakness that she took it upon herself to raise me. I was young and sick, and at the age of nine, I could not work, and I was so lonely that I was founded. Neither uncles, and ultimately fresh brothers, the door is weak, late children's interest. There are no relatives who are close to me, and there are no children who are five feet from the door, so I'm all alone, hanging by a thread. The first time I saw this, I was in the middle of the bed, and I had no time to leave the house.
The first time I was arrested, I was given a chance to go to the hospital. The former governor Chen Kui Chia Chen Xiao Lian, after the assassin Chen Rong Chen Xiu Cai. The first time I saw this was when I was a student at the University of California, Berkeley. By imperial decree, I was given the honor of being appointed as a minister. I was honored by the state, and was removed from the office to wash the horses. I am so humble to serve in the Eastern Palace, not the head of the minister can be reported. I have to report this to the court, but I am reluctant to take up the post. The imperial decree was very harsh, and blamed me for my slowness. The counties were pressing me to go to the road; the state departments were in a hurry to get to the door. I want to follow the edict of the Benz, the Liu disease is getting worse; want to go along with the personal feelings, then told not allowed: I'm in and out of, really for the wolves.
The Sacred Dynasty to rule the world with filial piety, where in the old man, Judas reserve education, the condition of my lonely, especially for more. And I have less than a pseudo-dynasty, all the jobs Lang, this figure Huan Da, not reserved for the name and honor. Now I'm a prisoner of the dead country, to the smallest to the ugly, over the promotion, favor and privilege, I dare not hover, have hope. But with Liu thinning, dying breath, life is in danger, not to worry about the night. I have no grandmother, no to this day
day; grandmother no minister, no to end the rest of the year. The mother, grandchildren, more for the life of the district can not be abolished far.
Minister Mi this year, forty four, grandmother Liu this year, ninety six, is my section of His Majesty's day long, the report of the day to raise Liu short. The first time I saw this is when I was a little girl, and it was a long time ago that I was a little girl. My hard work, not only the people of Shu and the two state pastors see know, the emperor of heaven and earth really **** identify. May Your Majesty have mercy on your sincerity and listen to my humble aspirations, so that Liu can be lucky and save the rest of his life. I was born as a head, die as a knot grass. I can not overcome the fear of dogs and horses, I would like to pay tribute to the table to hear.
Tengwang Pavilion Preface (Tang) Wang Bo
The former county of Yuzhang, the new capital of Hongdu. The stars are divided into wings and square, and the land is connected to Henglu. The three rivers and the five lakes, the control of the barbarians and Jing and Ou Yue. The city is a place of great wealth and prosperity, with the ruins of Longguang and Niudou; and a place of great talent, with the couch of Chenfan under Xu Ru. Male state fog column, handsome stars. Tai Huang pillow Yi Xia's turn, the guests and hosts all the beauty of the southeast. Governor Yan Gong's elegant hope, tally-hardened remote; Yuwen Xinzhou's Forbidden City, spend time at home. Ten years of vacation, friends like clouds; thousands of miles of welcome, full of friends. Tengjiaoqiaoqi phoenix, Meng bachelor of words; purple electricity and green frost, General Wang's arsenal. The first time I saw this was when I was a student at the University of California, Berkeley, and the second time I was a student at the University of California, Berkeley, and the third time I was a student there.
The time-dimensional September, the order of the three autumn. The first thing you need to do is to get your hands on some of the most popular products and services in the world, and you'll be able to do that. The company's main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers, and the company's goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers, and the company's goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers. Layers of mountains towering Cui, on the sky; flying pavilion flow Dan, down to no place. Crane Ting Teal Islet, the poor island of the haunting; Gui Hall Lan Palace, that is, the body of the situation of the Gunduan Mountains.
The embroidered door, overlooking the carved roofs, the mountain plains are open to its full view, Sichuan and Ze twisting its horrifying vision. The village is the home of the bells and the bells; the barge and the ship are lost, the axis of the green sparrow and the yellow dragon. The clouds are clearing up and the rain is clearing up, and the colors are brightening up the area. Falling sun and a semblance of flying together, the autumn water *** long sky a color. Fishing boat singing in the evening, the sound of poor Peng Li's shore; geese array shock cold, sound broken Hengyang Pu.
The remote lapel of the heart is smooth, and the pleasure of going to and fro. The winds of the sea are blowing, the songs are condensing, and the clouds are curbing. The Sui-Yuan green bamboo, the air Ling Pengze bottle; Yeshui Zhu Hua, light Linchuan pen. The four beauties are all there, and the two are difficult to combine. I have been looking around in the middle of the sky and enjoying myself in my free time. The sky and the earth are very high, and I feel the infinity of the universe; I am sad to see the end of my life, and I know that there is a number of the surplus and the void. Looking at Chang'an in the sun, the eye Wu will be in the clouds. The terrain is extreme and deep in the southern sea, the heavenly pillar is high and the northern star is far away. The mountains are hard to cross, who is sad about the people who have lost their way? The people who meet in Ping Shui are all guests from other countries. The first thing you need to do is to keep the door open and not see it, but to keep the door open.
Contempt! The time is not good, the fate is full of misfortune. The first time I saw this was when I was in the middle of the night, and the second time I saw it was when I was in the middle of the night. Qu Jia Yi in Changsha, not without the Lord; scuttling Liang Hong in Haiqu, there is no lack of bright time? I rely on the gentleman to see the opportunity and the man of honor to know his destiny. If you are old and strong, why would you want to be gray-headed? If you are poor, you will not lose your ambition. I feel refreshed by the greed of the spring, and I am still happy to be in a dry place. Although the North Sea is on credit, it can be picked up; the East has passed away, and it is not too late for the Sanyu. Meng Taste noble, the empty heart to serve the country; Ruan by rampant, will not effect the cry of the poor?
Bo, three feet of life, a scholar. I have no way to ask for help, such as the end of the army of the weak crown; have the wisdom to throw the pen, the long wind of the Mou Zongcourt. He has been working for the past hundred years, and has been serving the people for thousands of years. I am not a member of Xie's family, but a neighbor of Meng's family. In the past, I have been to the court, and I have been accompanied by carp pairs; now I am holding my arms, and I am happy to be entrusted with the Dragon Gate. The first thing I want to do is to get the best out of you, so I'm not going to be able to do that.
Whoops! The first time I saw the movie, I was in the middle of it, and I was in the middle of it. The first thing I want to say is that I'm not going to be able to do this, but I'm going to be able to do it. Dare to exhaust my humble feelings, respectfully short quote, a word are endowed, four rhymes are completed. Please sprinkle Panjiang, each pouring land and sea clouds.
The teacher said (Tang) Han Yu
Ancient scholars must have a teacher. The teacher, so the preaching of the teachings to solve puzzles also. The person who is not born to know, who can not be confused? The teacher is not from the confusion, the confusion is also, the end will not be resolved. Born before me, its hear the way also solid first to me, I thus teacher; born after me, its hear the way also first to me, I thus teacher. I teacher of the road, the man who knows the succession of years born in me? Therefore, there is no noble, no cheap, no long no less, the existence of the Road, the existence of the teacher.
Contempt! The teacher of the road is not transmitted for a long time! Want people without confusion is also difficult to carry out! Ancient saints, its out of the people are far away, but also from the teacher and ask yam; today's crowd, the saints under the saints are also far away, and ashamed to learn from the teacher. Therefore, the saint is more holy, stupid more stupid. The reason why saints are saints, the reason why fools are fools, are all out of this? Love their children, choose a teacher and teach them; in their own body, they are ashamed of the teacher, confused. The teacher of his children, the book and practice their sentence readers, not my so-called transmission of the way to solve their confusion. Sentence reading do not know, confusion is not solved, or teacher, or not, elementary school and the great legacy, I have not seen its bright. Witch doctors, musicians, people of all kinds of work, not ashamed of the teacher. Shi Da Fu's family, said that the division said that the disciple cloud, then the group gathered and laughed. Asked, then said: "He and his years are similar, the road is similar, low position is enough to shame, the official is close to flattery." Whoops! Division of the road is no longer, can be seen. My son disliked the witch doctors, musicians, and craftsmen, and now his wisdom is out of reach!
The sages had no regular teachers. Confucius studied with Tantanzi, Janghong, Shixiang, and Laozi. Tantanzi's disciples were not as wise as Confucius. Confucius said: three people, then there must be my teacher. Therefore, the disciple does not have to be as good as the teacher, the teacher does not have to be better than the disciple, heard the road has successive, the art of specialization, such as this.
Li's son Poon, 17 years, good ancient texts, the six arts of Confucianism and biography of all through the study, not bound by the time, learning in the Yu. The first is the "Teacher's Commentary", which was written by the teacher of the school.
Afang Palace Fugu Du Mu
The Six Kings were all in the same place, and the four seas were all in the same place. It is the first of its kind in the world, and it is the first of its kind in the world to be built. The Lixi Mountain is constructed in the north and folds in the west, going straight to Xianyang. Two rivers dissolve, into the palace wall. Five steps a building, ten steps a pavilion; Corridor waist Aman back, eaves high pecking; Each hold the terrain, hooks and corners. Pan Pan Yan, granary Yan, beehive water eddy, stand do not know its several tens of millions of fall. Long bridge lying wave, not cloud what dragon? Complex road traveling in the air, not clearing up the rainbow? High and low, I do not know the west and east. Singing platform warm sound, spring light melting; dance hall cold sleeve, wind and rain bleak. Within a day, a palace, and the climate is not the same.
Concubines and concubines, princes and grandchildren, resigned from the downstairs, the emperor's carriage to Qin. The first time I saw this, I was in the middle of the night, and I was in the middle of the night, and I was in the middle of the night. Star fluorescence, open makeup mirror; green clouds disturbed, combing the dawn maid also; we flow up greasy, abandoned fat water also; smoke oblique fog horizontal, burning pepper orchid also. Thunder at first startled, the palace car over also; reel far listening, do not know where it is also. A muscle and a face, all the state of extreme beauty, Aman standing far away, and look forward to lucky yam; have not seen the thirty-six years. Yan Zhao's collection, Han Wei's operation, Qi Chu's elite, a few years, plagiarized its people, leaning stacked like a mountain; once can not have, lose to its interiors. Tripods, jade and stone, gold beads and gravel, discarded meandering, the Qin people see, but also not very cherish.
Contempt! A person's heart, ten million people's hearts. Qin love the luxury, people also miss their homes. Why do you take all the centimeters and use them as mud? So that the column of the negative building, more than the farmers of the southern mu; the rafters of the beam, more than the machine of the workers on the female; nail head phosphorus, more than the grain of corn in the Yu; tile seam jagged, more than the body of the silk strands; straight railings and horizontal thresholds, more than the city of the nine earths; the piping vomit and mute, more than the city's speech. The people of the world did not dare to speak but dared to be angry. The heart of the dictator became more and more arrogant. The people of the world are not afraid to speak their minds, and they are not afraid to do so.
Whoops! The first time I saw this was when I was in the middle of the night, when I was in the middle of the night, when I was in the middle of the night, when I was in the middle of the night. The first time I've seen this, I've seen it in my life! The six countries love their own people, it is enough to reject the Qin; so that the Qin love the people of the six countries, then pass the three generations can be up to ten thousand and for the king, who have to be destroyed and the family also? The first thing I'd like to say is that I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do this, but I'm sure that I'm going to be able to do it, and I'm sure that I'm going to be able to do it.
The Six Kingdoms, Su Xun
The Six Kingdoms were destroyed, not because of unfavorable troops and bad war, but because of the bribery of Qin. The way of destruction is to bribe Qin and lose strength. Or said: six countries mutual loss, rate of bribery Qin Yes? Said: not bribe to bribe the loss. Cover loss of strong support, can not be completed alone. Therefore, it is said that the disadvantages of bribery Qin also.
Qin to attack and take outside, small is to get Eup, big is to get the city. The Qin's gain, and the victory and get, in fact, a hundred times; the death of the vassal, and the defeat and death, in fact, also a hundred times. The great desire of Qin and the great danger of the vassals are not in the war. Think of my grandfather, storm frost and dew, thorns and thorns, in order to have the size of the land. The children and grandchildren did not cherish it, and gave it to others as if it were a piece of grass. Today we cut five cities, tomorrow we cut ten cities, and then we can sleep for a night. The Qin soldiers are coming again. However, the land of the vassals is limited, violent Qin's desire is endless, flattered by the more complicated, invasion of the more urgent. Therefore, no war and the strength and weakness of the winner has been judged. As for the subversion, the reason is appropriate. Ancient saying: "to the Qin, as if holding the salary to put out the fire, the salary is not exhausted, the fire is not extinguished." This is a good idea. The first is that it is not a matter of the time or the place, but of the day. The first is that it is not a good idea to have a new generation of people who are not in the same boat as you. The first time I saw this was when I was in the middle of the night, when I was in the middle of the night, when I was in the middle of the night, when I was in the middle of the night. The Yan and Zhao kings had a far-reaching strategy, and were able to defend their land without bribing Qin. To Dan to Jing Qing as a plan, began to speed up the disaster. Zhao tasted five wars in Qin, two defeats and three victories. After the Qin hit Zhao again, Li Mu even but. Cook Mak was executed by slander, Handan for the county, pity its use of martial arts and not end also. And Yan Zhao at the time of Qin's destruction, can be said to be intellectually isolated, defeat and death, really had no choice. To make the three countries love their own land, Qi people do not attach to the Qin, assassins do not work, good generals are still there, then the number of victories and defeats, the rationale for survival, when compared with the Qin, or not easy to measure.
Whoops! The first is that the first time I was in the country, I was in the middle of a long journey, and the second time I was in the middle of a long journey, I was in the middle of a long journey. The first is that the first is to be a good one, and the second is to be a good one! The situation is so strong, but for the Qin people to accumulate the power of the robbery, the day cut the month cut, to tend to the death. I'm not sure how much I'm going to be able to do this, but I'm going to be able to do it, and I'm going to be able to do it!
The six countries and Qin are all vassals, their power is weaker than the Qin, but still can not bribe and win the momentum. The world's largest, and from the six countries of the story of the collapse, is again in the six countries under the carry on.
Traveling to Mount Baochan, Wang Anshi
Mount Baochan is also known as Mount Hua. Tang Futu Hui Bao began to house in its site, and died buried; therefore, the subsequent name is called "Baochan". Today's so-called Huikong Zen hospital, praise of the hut mound. Five miles east from its hospital, the so-called Huashan hole, to its name is the sun of Huashan. More than 100 paces from the hole, there is a monument servants Road, its text diffuse, only its text is still recognizable, said "Huashan". Today, "Hua" as "Hua Shi" of the "Hua", cover sound fallacy.
The lower part of the open, there are springs [side] out, and remember the tourists are very many, - the so-called former hole. By the mountain above five or six miles, there is a cave fair, into the very cold, ask its depth, then its good travelers can not be poor, - said after the hole. Yu and four people embrace the fire to enter, into the deeper, the more difficult it is to enter, and the more strange it is to see. There are idle and want to get out of the person, said: "not out, the fire and end." And then with it all out. Covering the Yu to, than well-traveled people still can not eleven, but look at its left and right, to come and remember the people have been less. Cover its deep, then its to and less. Fang is the time, Yu force is still enough to enter, the fire is still enough to bright. Both its out, or blame their desire to get out of the person, and the Yu also regret that it is with the not very much of the joy of the tour also.
So I sighed. The ancients viewed in heaven and earth, mountains and rivers, plants and trees, insects, fish, birds and animals, often get to the depth of their search for ideas and no not in also. If the barbarians to the near, then the tourists; risk to the far, then to the less. And the world's wonders, magnificent, very strange, very view, often lies in the danger of far away, and the people of the rare Yan, so non-aspirational people can not to also. Have a will to carry on, not with the stop also, but not enough power, but also can not be to also. There is a will and power, but not with the slack, to the dark and confused and nothing to phase, but also can not be to. However, the force is enough to Yan, in the people can be ridiculed, and has been regret; as much as my will and can not be to the person, can not regret, who can ridicule it? This is what I get.
Yu in the servants of the monument, but also to grieve for the ancient book does not exist, the later generations of the fallacy of their passages and can not be named, how can we win the Road is also true! This is why scholars can not not think y and carefully take it.
Four people: Luling Xiao Jungui Junyu, Changle Wang back to the deep father, the rest of the younger brother of Anguo Ping father, An on the pure father. To and the first year of the seventh month of a day , Linchuan Wang a record.
Former Red Cliff Fu Su Shi
In the fall of nianxu, July both hope, Suzi and guests canoeing under the Red Cliff. The wind was blowing and the waves were not rising. He was so happy to be there that he recited a poem about the bright moon and sang a song about the fair moon. The moon rose above the eastern mountains and hovered between the bulls. The white dew was across the river, and the water glowed to the sky. The water was so bright that the sky was covered with its light. The first thing I want to do is to get out of the house, and I want to get out of the house, and I want to get out of the house, and I want to get out of the house, and I want to get out of the house, and I want to get out of the house, and I want to get out of the house.
So the drink is very happy, buckle the gangway and sing. The song said: "Guizhao Ran Oar, hit the sky Ming Ruoxi stream light. Misty Ruoxi I Huai, looking at the beauty of the sky side." Guests have a cave Xiao player, leaning song and the song. His voice was whimpering, like a complaint, like admiration, like a sob, like a complaint, and the aftermath curled up, unceasingly like a wisp. The sound of a widow in a lonely boat is a great help to her.
Suzi countenance, sitting upright and asked the guest said: "Why is it also?" The guest said: "'moon and stars, magpies fly south', this is not Cao Mengde's poem? Looking west at Xiakou, looking east at Wuchang, the mountains and rivers, lush and pale, this is not Meng De's trapped in the Zhou Lang?
Fang its broken Jingzhou, down the Jiangling, downstream and east also, poopdeck thousands of miles, flags cover the sky, wine at the river, cross the long lance poetry, solid one of the world's heroes also, and today is not? What's more, I am with my son fishing and woodcutting on the river islet, with fish and shrimp and friends and elk, driving a flat boat and lifting a bottle to belong to each other. Sending mayflies to heaven and earth, a small drop in the ocean. I lamented the shortness of my life and envied the endlessness of the Yangtze River. I would like to travel with a flying fairy, hold the bright moon and die long. I know that it is not possible to get it suddenly, and I will entrust the last sound to the sad wind."
Su Zi said: "Guests also know the water and the moon? The water and the moon are like this, and never go; the surplus and deficiency is like that, and the death is not long.
Guy will be viewed from its change, and heaven and earth had been unable to a moment; from its unchanged and viewed, then the thing and I are endless, and how to envy! And between heaven and earth, things have their own masters, if not my all, although a millimeter and not to take. But the wind on the river, and the mountains of the moon, the ear for the sound, the eye meets the color, take the forbidden, inexhaustible, is the creator of the endless hide, and I and the son of the **** fit."
Guests happy and laugh, wash the more drink. The food and nuclear both exhausted, cups and plates in disarray. The first thing I want to do is to get a good look at the newest version of this book, and then I'll tell you what I want to do.
(2) Poetry and Songs (30)
The Jing Daughter
The Jing Daughter is a pretty woman, who is waiting for me at the corner of the city. I love her, but I don't see her, and I'm stumbling.
The woman of Jing is so beautiful that she gave me a pipe. The first is to say, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry".
Since the pastoral catkin, the beauty of the catkin is different. The beauty of the catkin is the beauty of the beauty of the catkin.
Hooligan Poetry
Hooligan's Chi Chi, hold cloth trade silk, bandit trade silk, come that I seek. Sent the son to wade through the Ki, to the Dunqiu. Bandit I offenses, the son of no good matchmaker. Will not be angry, the fall for a period of time.
Taking advantage of the collapsed wall, I looked forward to the restoration of the pass. The first time I saw him, I was in tears. I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do it, but I'm going to be able to do it. I am not sure if I can do this, but I am sure that I can do it. I am not a man of the world, but I am a man of the world. I'm going to take a bribe to relocate.
The mulberry has not yet fallen, and its leaves are fertile. The first time I saw the Mulberry was when I was in the middle of the night, and the second time I saw it was when I was in the middle of the night! The woman in contempt is not in the company of a scholar! The scholar's tarrying is still talkable; the woman's tarrying is not. The woman's delay is unspeakable.
The mulberry falls, its yellow and fall. The first time I was a child, I was three years old, and I was poor. The first thing I did was to get the Kiwi water, and the second thing I did was to get the car. The first thing I did was to get the money to pay for the work, and then I had to pay for the work, and then I had to pay for the work. The first is that the first is a new one, and the second is a new one, and the third is a new one.
Three years old as a woman, not room to labor, sleep from morning to night, and not have a morning to go. The first time I saw this, I was in the middle of a conversation with a man who had been in the middle of a conversation with a woman. The brothers do not know, paranoid laugh. I've been thinking about this for a long time. I'm not going to be able to do that, but I'm going to be able to do it.
And you will grow old together, and the old make me complain. The Ki is a bank, the marshmallow is a pan. The total angle of the feast, speech and laughter. I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do that, but I'm going to be able to do that," he said. I'm not sure how much I'm going to be able to do about it, but I'm sure I'll be able to do something about it!
Li Sao (excerpt) Qu Yuan
*Di Gao Yang's seedling Ruoxi, I Huangkao said Bo Yong; Regarded Tizhen in Mengzuo Ruoxi, but Geng Yin I to descend; Huang Gui consider the Yu in the first degree Ruoxi, the first Xiyu to the name of Ka; name Yu said Zheng Ze Ruoxi, the word Yu said Ling even; in the swirl of my own internal beauty Ruoxi, but also heavy to cultivate the ability of the; Hu Jiang Li and the Zhi Zhi Ruoxi, sewing autumn orchids for the Pei; bubbling Yu if it will not be as good as the Ruoxi, afraid of the age of the not us with; towards the hem [Semi-finish] and the other. When the sun, moon and moon are not inundated, spring and autumn are in their order; but the grass and trees are falling, and I am afraid of the beauty's twilight; if you do not give up the filth, why don't you change your ways? The first thing you need to do is to take a ride with a piebald steed and come to us to guide you on your way.
The long breath to cover the tears Ruoxi, mourning the people's livelihood of the many difficulties. The first thing I'd like to say is that I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do this, but I'm sure I'm going to be able to do it," he said. Both for Yu to indemnify Ruoxi, but also applied to the Range Range. The goodness of my heart is also good, and I have no regrets even if I die nine deaths. Complaints about the vastness of the spiritual cultivation Ruoxi, and ultimately do not observe the hearts of the people. All women are jealous of Yu's moth-eyebrows, and silence calls Yu a good prostitute. The craftsmanship of the times and the customs is so ingenious that it transgresses the rules and corrects mistakes. The rules and regulations are changed. The rules and regulations are followed and the rules are changed. I am only poor at this point in my life. I would rather die in exile, but I can't bear to do so! The birds of prey are not flocked, and have been so since the past. What can be done to circumvent it? Who can be at peace with a different path? To bend the heart and suppress the will, to tolerate the special, and to resist the criticism. To be innocent and to die straight is to be generous to the former saints. Regretting the lack of awareness of the road, I am going to go against it. I will go back to my car to resume my journey, and I am not yet far from the line of confusion. I will be back to my car to return to the road, but I will not be far from the road. I will be back to my horse in Langao Ruoxi, and I will stop at Pepper Hill. If I don't get in to get away from you, I'll go back and repair my first clothes. I will make a water lily for my clothes, and a hibiscus for my dress. I don't know what I have done, but I am sure that my feelings will be honored. The crown of the high Yu is precarious, the wear of the long Yu is disjointed. The fragrance and the zephyr are mixed together, but the quality of the show is still intact. Suddenly, I will look back to see the four wildernesses. The colorful decorations of the pendant are colorful, and the fragrance of the pendant is beautiful. People are happy in their own ways, but I am only good at repairing myself. Although I have not changed my understanding of the world, can I be punished for it?
The Long Distance Altair Star, Nineteen Ancient Poems
The Long Distance Altair Star, the bright River Lady. Her delicate hands, her loom, the loom, the loom, the loom.
All day long, no chapter can be written, Sobbing and weeping like rain. I'm not sure how much I'm going to be able to do with this.
The water is full of water, and I can't say a word about it.
Short Songs Cao Cao
We sing to the wine, the geometry of life! It's like the morning dew, but the days are long. When I am generous, I can't forget my sorrows. How can I relieve my sorrows? Only Dukang.
Green dickey, leisurely my heart. But for the sake of the gentleman, I have been reciting this song. I have a guest who will play the sheng (a musical instrument) and the sheng (a musical instrument). I have a guest, drumming and blowing a sheng.
Bright as the moon, when can I get it? The first thing I want to say is that I'm not going to be able to stop the conversation. The first thing you need to do is to get your hands dirty. I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do that, but I'm sure I'll be able to do it," he said.
The moon and the stars are thinning, and the magpies are flying south. I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do that, but I'm going to be able to do it," he said. The mountains are not too high, the sea is not too deep. The world is in the hands of the Lord of the Zhou, and the world is in the hands of the Lord of the Zhou.
Tao Yuanming
Tao Yuanming
Without being a young man, his nature is to love the mountains and the hills. I have been away for thirteen years, and I have fallen into the net of dust by mistake.
The birds are fond of the old forests, and the fish miss the old abyss. I'm not sure if I'll be able to do that, but I'm sure I'll be able to do it, and I'll be able to do it.
The square house is more than ten acres in size, with eight or nine straw houses. The willow shades the back of the house, and the peaches and plums are in front of the hall.
Ambiguous and distant villages, and smoke in the marketplace. The dogs barked in the deep alleys and the chickens crowed in the mulberry trees.
There is no dust in the house and court, and there is spare time in the empty room. I've been in the cage for a long time, but I've come back to nature.
All night in the autumn in the mountains, Wang Wei
After the new rain on the empty mountains, the weather comes late in the autumn.
The moon shines between the pines, and the clear spring flows over the stones.
The bamboo clamor returns to the raccooness, and the lotus stirs in the fishing boat.
The spring fragrance is free to rest, the king's grandchildren can stay.
The Road to Shu is difficult, Li Bai
Yelp (sigh), the danger is high! The road to Shu is more difficult than the sky! The Silkworms and the Fish and Eider, the founding of the country is not clear. The first time I saw this, it was a very long time ago, but I don't think it's a good idea to go back to the old days. There is a bird road in Taibai in the west, which can cross the top of Emei. The earth crumbled and the mountains were destroyed, and then the heavenly ladders and stone stacks were linked together. On the six dragons back to the sun of the high standard, under the wave of reversal of the back of the river. The flight of the yellow crane is still not allowed to pass, and the apes and briskets want to climb the mountain. The green mud is so coiled that a hundred steps and nine twists and turns will haunt the rocky mountains. The first thing you need to do is to look at the wells, and then you'll be able to rest your head and sigh.
When I asked you when you were going to return to the west, I was afraid that the rocks in the northwest would be unclimbable. The first thing you need to do is to get your hands on some of the most popular products and services in the world. The first thing you need to do is to get a good look at the newest and most important thing you need to do is to get a good look at the newest. The difficulty of the road to Shu is more difficult than the blue sky, which makes people wither their faces when they hear this! The peaks are not more than a foot from the sky, and the pines hang upside down against the wall. Flying turbulence and waterfalls clash, stepping on the cliffs and turning stones in ten thousand ravines. The risk is also so, contend that the people from afar Hu Hu for to come!
Jiange is lofty and lofty, a man when the pass, 10,000 people can not open. The guard or bandit relatives, turned into wolves and jackals. Tigers, snakes, teeth and blood, killing people. Although the city of jin is happy, it is better to return home early. The road to Shu is more difficult than the sky, and I look westward to see the long consultation!
Dreaming of Tianmu, Li Bai
The sea guests talk about Yingzhou, the smoke and waves of the letter is difficult to find; the Yue people talk about Tianmu, the clouds and haze or can be seen. The sky is so high that it can be seen in the clouds, and the clouds are bright and dark. The first thing you need to do is to get your hands on a new one, and then you'll be able to get a new one.
I want to dream of Wu-Yue, a night flying through the mirror lake moon. The first time I saw this was when I was a student at the University of California, Berkeley, and the second time I was a student at the University of California, Berkeley. The first thing you need to do is to get your hands on a pair of shoes and a pair of shoes that you can wear. I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do this, but I'm sure I'll be able to do it in a few minutes. I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to get a good look at this, but I'm sure I'll be able to. The path of the thousands of rocks is uncertain, and the lost flowers leaning on the rocks are suddenly all night long. The bears roar and the dragons roar in the rocky springs, and the chestnut forests are astonished at the tops of the floors. The first time I saw this was when I was a kid, and it was the first time I'd ever seen a kid in my life. The cave stone doorway, open in a flash. The green underworld is so vast that you can't see the bottom, and the sun and the moon shine on the gold and silver platforms. The neon is a coat and the wind is a horse, and the king of the clouds comes down in droves. The tiger drums and the luan returns to the car, the immortal people are listed as hemp. Suddenly the soul palpitates and the spirit stirs, and suddenly rises in shock and long contempt. The only thing I realized was that I had lost my seat, and that I had lost my mind.
The world of pleasure is also so, all things ancient East flowing water. The first thing you need to do is to get your hands on a new one, and you'll be able to do that. The first thing you need to do is to get a good look at your favorite sports. The first thing I want to do is to make sure that you have a good understanding of what is going on in the world and how it is going to work.
Li Bai (李白)
君不见黄河之水天上来,奔流到海不復回! You don't see the sadness of gray hair in the mirror in the high hall, like green silk in the morning, turning into snow in the evening! I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do that, but I'm going to be able to do it, and I'm going to be able to do it. If you are born to be useful, a thousand pieces of gold will come back to you. I'll be cooking sheep and slaughtering cows for fun, and I'll be drinking three hundred cups of wine.
Cen Fu Zi, Dan Qiusheng, will enter the wine, the cup does not stop. I will sing a song with you, please listen to it for me. I wish to be drunk for a long time and never wake up again. All the sages of the past are lonely, but only the drinkers have left their names. In the old days, when King Chen feasted at Pingle, he drank 10,000 cups of wine and made merry. Why did the master say that he had little money to spend, he just had to sell it to you. I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to get the money to pay for it, but I'm sure I'm going to be able to get the money to pay for it," he said.
The march of the soldiers
Du Fu
The cars were clattering, the horses were rustling, the pedestrians had bows and arrows at their waists. The carriage was clattering, and the horses were rustling, and the pedestrians had bows and arrows at their backs. The first thing I did was to take my clothes off and cry on the road, and the cry went up to the sky.
The pedestrian was asked by the side of the road, but the pedestrian said "point line frequency". The first thing you need to do is to get your hands on some of the most popular products and services in the world. The first thing you need to do is to get your hands on some of the most popular products and services in the world. The bloodshed on the border has become seawater, and Emperor Wu's intention to open the border has not yet been realized. Don't you know that in the 200 states east of Han's mountains, there are thousands of villages and tens of thousands of villages where there are jings and qi. Even if there is a healthy woman with a plow, there is nothing in the Longmu area. The first thing you need to do is to get your hands on some of the most popular products and services in the world.
Although the elders have asked, the serviceman dares to express his hatred. The first time I saw this was when I was a student at the University of California, Berkeley, and I was a student at the University of California, Berkeley. The first time I saw this was when I was a student at the University of California, Berkeley, and I was a student at the University of California, Berkeley. The first thing you need to do is to get your hands on a new pair of shoes or boots. If you have a girl, you can still marry your neighbor, but if you have a boy, you will be buried with the grass. If you don't see the head of the green sea, no one has ever collected the white bones of the past. The old ghosts are crying, and the sky is cloudy and the rain is wet and the voices are chirping.
Du Fu, the Minister of Shu
Where can I find the ancestral hall of the Prime Minister? Outside the city of Jin Guan, the cypresses are thick.
The blue grasses on the steps are the color of spring, and the yellow oriole on the other leaves has a good sound.
Three times I've been to the palace, and twice I've been to the palace, and twice I've been to the palace.
Dying before the battle is won, the hero's tears fill his lapels.
Du Fu
The water in the south and the north of the house is all spring water, but the gulls come day after day.
The path of flowers has never been swept by a guest, but the door of the tent has been opened for you.
The food is far away from the city, and the family is poor.