What foods can help clear your bowels? What foods can help you detoxify your "bowels"?

The human body will accumulate a lot of garbage, because people need to consume a lot of food every day to eat, but some food residues will be left in the intestinal corners, and gradually accumulate more and more, and the color of the garbage will become darker and darker, and ultimately affect the human body's health, so what food can help clear? What foods can help you clear the "bowel"?

1, 5 kinds of clearing detoxification method

A, banana milk tea

Materials: peeled bananas two, 300ml milk, 200ml cold water.

Practice: bananas, milk, cold water, put into the juicer into the juice, in the refrigerator when the tea drink warm service.

Effects: nourishing, moisturizing and laxative, suitable for general constipation.

Note: diarrhea, excessive stomach acid, diabetes, renal insufficiency, should not eat more.

Two, angelica cassia tea

Materials: angelica 12g, Cistanche 12g, fried cassia 12g, water 1000ml.

Practice: angelica, Cistanche, fried cassia, put into a pot of 1000ml of water, boil and then turn to a small fire to cook for 30 minutes, slagging the juice when the tea drink warm.

Effects: nourishing the liver and kidney, laxative, suitable for general constipation.

Note: Diarrhea, constipation with solid heat in the stomach and intestines, should not be consumed.

Three, burdock juice

Materials: burdock juice 400 ml, orange juice 100 ml.

Practice: burdock juice added to orange juice, you can drink.

Effects: Burdock contains burdock II components, has to promote metabolism, blood circulation effect, can stimulate intestinal peristalsis, clean up.

Note: Burdock is high in potassium, so don't drink it if you have poor kidney function.

Four, banana fruit juice

Materials: banana half, pineapple juice 300ml, papaya half.

Practice: pineapple juice, then cut the banana into small pieces, papaya peeled and seeded, three together with juice tripping feet evenly.

Effects: bananas are rich in oligosaccharides, can enhance the intestinal good bacteria, and rich in pectin, help laxative, improve constipation.

Note: Because this drink is sweeter, potassium is also higher, stomach acid and kidney function is not good people do not drink

. Five, aloe vera jujube drink

Materials: aloe vera 3 slices, 15 jujubes, 20 ml of sugar, 300 ml of water.

Practice: Aloe vera cut off the edge of the thorns, even with the skin and meat cut into small pieces, and even the jujubes and water with a large fire after boiling, small fire continue to cook for 20 minutes, the dregs of the sugar added to seasoning.

Effects: Aloe vera contains Aloecin and Aloe-veratoxin, which has the effect of strengthening the stomach and promoting gastrointestinal peristalsis, so it helps to clear the bowels.

Note: Aloe vera is slippery and will make it difficult for the fertilized egg to settle, so pregnant women should not consume it.

2, the way to clear the hangover

1, first of all, is to clear the bowels. There are three main methods of cleaning up: ① mechanical therapy; ② drug therapy; ③ food therapy. These three methods, mechanical therapy is more painful, drug therapy, although it can clear the body of persistent, but all drugs are poisonous, so the most scientific method of cleansing is food therapy, and food therapy in addition to diet and cleansing health food, the most economical, the most effective is the self-cleansing.

2, the second is to adhere to the moderate exercise. Choose your favorite sports, and consistently participate in exercise, but also often do push-ups, belly rubbing, etc., is conducive to strengthening the abdominal muscles, promote intestinal peristalsis, accelerate the discharge of feces, so that the intestinal flora to maintain a balance, to prevent the aging of the intestinal tract.

3, three is to have a pleasant mood. The intestines are people's "second brain", the emotional well-being of the intestines and the soundness of the digestive function.