Love, lovesickness of the debt, This glass of wine, if you did not say to break up in the first place, waiting for the next life to meet again, can not wave away the sentiment, looking at your back I cried, this street, leaving you I cried, the man's heart is more prone to break, you love as a doll, you told me that this time really want to go, you said that let me forget you, who said that after the breakup can not see each other again, we can not be together forever, used to be my favorite person, the last second, you put the love of the The last second, you put the love to who, Xiao San, drunken red face, the more you sing the more lonely, wrong wording wrong, the happiest person, can not give up your tenderness, was hurt by the heart can still love who, see through the love also see through you, fall leaves in the autumn wind, is the destiny of the trouble, secretly crying, is it my last son owes you, break up or friends, leave you is my fault, Na kind of pure Jie's love love, your soul betrays your heart, if there is no him you still love me? The most important thing to remember is the fact that you can't get rid of the problem, but you can't get rid of the problem.