Pre-school children with special needs: what will happen to them before they enter compulsory education?

At the age of 3, Yangyang was diagnosed with autism, for which Cheng Zheng quit his job. He began teaching himself about the condition and trying to intervene. Today, 6-year-old Yang Yang is enrolled in a public kindergarten, a class of more than 30 children, but when it comes to the child's integration, the father's response is a bit hesitant: "He is often in a state of relaxation, and most of the time in the play of his own."

Autistic children like Yang Yang are not alone, they have a nice name called "star children", in addition to special children with Down syndrome, cerebral palsy and other conditions, before school age, where they should go, is a problem in front of the parents.

The kindergarten that has a heart of gold

Yangyang was raised by his grandmother until the age of 3, when he went to a private kindergarten, and that's when he began to show clear signs of autism. He was a very good teacher, and I think it's a good idea for him to have a good time," he said. "I think it's a good idea for him to have a good time, and I think it's a good idea for him to have a good time, and I think it's a good idea for him to have a good time. The teacher politely reminded Cheng Zheng need to take the child to the hospital.

Yang Yang was diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder, and when he saw the results, Cheng Zheng didn't realize what it meant, "At that time, I didn't have any understanding of it, it was very strange, and I didn't know how serious it was." After coming out of the hospital, Cheng Zheng took Yangyang to start a 3-month biological treatment.

However, the biological treatment had little effect, "at most, it was an auxiliary effect, and it was necessary to go to rehabilitation interventions." The first time I saw this, I had to go to a professional organization to get an intervention. The first time I saw this, I was able to get the ball rolling, and I was able to get the ball rolling, and I was able to get the ball rolling. Now the state is still quite good." The company's website has been updated with the latest information about the company's website.

At this point, the question facing Cheng Zheng is: How can the child return to kindergarten? He chose to openly and honestly told the director and teachers the truth, "do not accept me to change another one."

In Cheng Zheng's communication with the kindergarten, most of the teachers will think that this is a "good talk" parents, such an effect depends on Cheng Zheng's thinking in another place." From their point of view, it's understandable," he says. He said, "They also have to consider the whole kindergarten and other children's parents."

Cheng Zheng's bookcase at home is filled with autism-related books

Eventually, Cheng found a public kindergarten willing to take Yangyang in. The class has more than 30 students and is run by three teachers. Although they know that Yang Yang is a bit special, most of the teachers don't know how to help him, "as long as there are no safety problems."

Cheng Zheng's comment on this is: "There is no way to help." There was a time after school when Yang Yang would spit from time to time, and the teachers couldn't do anything about it, so they had to turn to Cheng Zheng for help. After observation, he realized that this was Yangyang's way of expressing his rejection, "Without knowing the real reason behind his behavior, we can't get to the root of the problem."

School supplies and toys for Yang Yang

Initially, when he joined the parent exchange group, Cheng Zheng was with the purpose of adjusting the mentality, "the most critical is the mentality of the parents, they can not accept how to think about the future problem." He watched some parents "take off the hat" (meaning that after some training, the child is not enough to diagnose autism or autism spectrum disorders), some parents are still struggling, Cheng Zheng chose to objectively look at their own children's situation.

"I will do my worst and do my best." But any slight improvement in Yangyang can be considered an unexpected blessing for him." It's still important to plan for the future." Cheng Zheng and his wife discussed the future of every step of the plan, talking about the future, even if you have done the "worst plan", but the father's face is still rare a trace of confusion.

The high cost of institutionalized intervention

Although integration into kindergarten is still difficult, it's not easy for families of children with special needs to send their children to regular kindergartens.

"Go back and wait for news." Such a reply, Linglu do not know how many times I heard, "no more news behind." Xiaoxi is Ling Lu's grandson, and when he was born, he was just like any other newborn, "very white and lively".

The turnaround came at the end of the month, when Xiao Xi began to not eat breast milk, "other children are white and fat, like he did not grow meat." The photos on Linglu's cell phone record the appearance of Xiaoxi's thinness. Xiao Xi was diagnosed with generalized lipodystrophy, "the doctor said, this is a recessive genetic cause, only grow muscle not grow fat."

The bad news didn't end there. One year old, Xiaoxi began to learn to speak, "he will shout Daddy", shouting and other children are no different, which makes Ling Lu is very pleased. However, a year later, at the age of 2 years and 10 months, Xiao Xi still only calls out for his father." His intelligence is only one year old." The doctor's words were like a bolt from the blue.

Xiao Xi was found to be third-degree mentally retarded, and because of his inability to express himself, going to the toilet was once a problem." Initially did not understand, but also often angry at him." Ling Lu somewhat choked, for this reason, she sent Xiaoxi to a rehabilitation institution for intervention.

According to the adjusted "Shenzhen children and teenagers with disabilities rehabilitation assistance services," the maximum subsidy is 50,000 yuan per person per year for children with disabilities and children with disabilities aged 3 years old and younger; the maximum subsidy is 40,000 yuan per person per year for children with disabilities at the third and fourth levels.

Xiaoxi's family could have received a subsidy of 40,000 yuan, but faced with the high cost of intervention, they could only choose to attend classes three days a week." The subsidy is usually only enough to cover 3 to 5 months of rehabilitation costs for families with special needs children." The subsidy is usually only enough to cover 3 to 5 months of rehabilitation costs for families with special children," said Zhang Fengqiong, secretary-general of the Shenzhen Shouwang Family Care Association for the Mentally Disabled.

Even so, Linglu can't completely let go of her child, "just like accompanying him." Ling Lu accompanied the child to the end of the class, after the class she had to take Xiaoxi to the toilet.

In the rehabilitation facility is not a long-term solution, "the training is more mechanized, and it's all about setting up situations." In July last year, Linglu inadvertently learned that Xiaoxi can go to the Shenzhen Special Children's Early Intervention Center (hereinafter referred to as early dry center).

Early dry center is the Shenzhen Disabled Persons Federation of people directly under the public welfare of a class of full-funded institutions, formerly known as the July 1992 establishment of the " Shenzhen Deaf Children's Hearing and Speech Rehabilitation Center ". Ling Lu sent the child to the early dry center, because there is no charge, and similar to the full-time nursery class, the family's burden is much lighter.

Xiaoxi's class has eight people, "Early Stem Center*** has 24 places, divided into large, medium and small classes, to receive the city's 3 to 7-year-old special children." Mr. Li, director of the Early Stem Center, said, "The purpose of the teaching is to promote the early integration of children into society."

According to Mr. Li, the Early Stem Center's main courses include group teaching and individualized teaching, using one-on-one teaching methods to strengthen the cognitive and verbal skills of children with special needs.

In addition, the early intervention center also launched a "parent-child training" courses, "rely solely on the institution can not achieve the purpose of intervention, but also to let parents understand what the child is doing." Every two weeks, the center will ask parents to participate in the class.

For this, Ling Lu empathized, and smiled as she recalled a time when she took Xiao Xi to a square dance: "I held him and sang and danced, and he was very happy." When he saw other children running, Xiao Xi would also run up with them, "He was really excited at that time." Linglu said.

Demand for preschool education is greater than supply

"In Shenzhen, the demand for preschool education for children with special needs is greater than the supply." Zhang Fengqiong said. In this case, there are generally three places for preschool-age special children to go: rehabilitation institutions, integration into ordinary kindergartens, and pre-school departments run by special schools or private organizations, among others.

In the opinion of Tu Tu's mother, Vina, Tu Tu is the more fortunate one, "The atmosphere of the institution where he is now is very good." Though when Tu was diagnosed with high-functioning autism in late 2019, Vina immediately felt "like she'd been hit with a stick." Previously, Wynonna had tested Tu Tu with a meter due to his slow language development, but both her tests and Tu Tu's close interactions with his family allayed her concerns.

High-functioning autism is a more borderline form of autism. Before he was diagnosed, Tu Tu attended a universal kindergarten with a class of more than 30 students, and if she hadn't noticed that Tu Tu struggled to form relationships with other children, she would have assumed that Tu Tu was just like any other child: "He didn't get in trouble with the teachers, and he was very self-conscious about his food and sleep."

In a video sent by his kindergarten teacher, Vina noticed that Tu Tu was playing alone." His father asked the other children, why don't you play with Tu Tu, the other children replied: because Tu Tu can't do anything, we can't play together." After hearing the answer, Tu Tu's father felt a loss in his heart.

After Tutu's diagnosis, Vina went through a phase of denial, as all parents do. But soon she pulled herself together again, "the earlier the intervention the better the results", Vina was learning about the subject and at the same time looking for a viable intervention for Tu Tu, and eventually she chose to have a family intervention, she quit her previous job.

"It is still necessary to change the kindergarten." Considering Tu Tu's actual situation, Weina decided to look for a kindergarten with a "small class" for Tu Tu, "so that she could take care of him." After a few rounds of searching, Weina found this private organization with less than 20 students in a class. Although not qualified as a kindergarten, but the teachers and other parents of the institution of tolerance, so that the atmosphere here is very harmonious, in addition to Tu Tu, this institution also accommodates a number of children with physical disabilities and Down syndrome.

Vina is very happy with this, "Tu Tu is making great progress now, although not very expressive, he will talk to us about his studies." In the photos sent by the teacher, you can see Tu Tu smiling very happily.

The most pleasing thing for Vina is that the organization is not too demanding for the child, "He doesn't want to go to breakfast at 9am, so the teacher will agree that he can eat at home before he goes." If Tu Tu doesn't like the handicraft class, the teacher won't force him to do it either." It's all education based on the child's interest." Vina said.

Although Tutu's integration has improved significantly, and there are small friends to play with, only Vina knows that "these children prefer to find us to play, rather than play with Tutu." At first, Wei Na also specializes in the home of the living room set up as a playroom, put a lot of books and toys, "the yard children like to come to our home to play."

But Wiener's desperate attempts to build a relationship with Tutu didn't have much effect, and Tutu continued to enjoy playing alone. With a deeper understanding of autism, Vina now chooses to let nature take its course, "making sure he's in a good state of mind, that's the first thing."

Schooling: The Hidden Worry

While everything seemed to be going well in Tu's preschool life, for Vera, the issue of schooling was an unavoidable hurdle: "Should I open up to the teachers at the school?" This is a question she is still pondering.

The time left for Vina to think is only one year, already 5 and a half years old Tu Tu will enter the elementary school classroom next year if there is no accident, but Vina's concern is a lot of: "40 minutes of classroom children can not sit still? Will he be able to keep up with his grades? Will the other kids accept him?"

"Right now, I just want him to progress faster." Vina is ready to spend this year preparing Tu Tu as much as possible for his promotion.

The same problem exists for Yangyang and Xiaoxi, for whom promotion to higher education is a topic that remains on the sidelines as he just turned 5." It depends on his intellectual development." If he is intellectually sound, Linglu prefers to enroll Xiao Xi in an ordinary elementary school, "Shenzhen elementary school are already more mature in integrated education." If the intellectual situation is not satisfactory, Xiao Xi will be sent to a special school.

When it comes to Xiaoxi's intelligence, Ling Lu is more willing to believe that the child's memory is excellent, "from 1 to 9, he understands, let him feel funny words after a few days he will remember." Ling Lu counted Xiao Xi's learning situation, "the classroom wall posted words he basically understand, or the class learning standard."

"He's just in a bad emotional state right now because of the move." For children with autism, the emotional impact of a change in environment is obvious, and this is Linglu's biggest concern.

Like Linglu, Cheng Zheng is more worried about Yangyang's emotions and friendships, "Primary school is not as casual as kindergarten, and there will be more focus on academics." His anxiety stems from Yangyang's behavior, "He's not interested in people and is only immersed in his own world."

At the age of one, Yangyang showed signs of being different from his peers, often sitting in front of the window, repeating the single action of pushing and pulling the window, and not stopping even if he pinched his hand, "sitting there for hours." The company's main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers," he said. "The company's main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers," he said.

Yang Yang is learning

In order for Yang Yang to integrate into society, at home on weekdays, Cheng Zheng will deliberately train his expression and communication skills, "so that he can say what they want." During interviews, Yangyang would clearly express, "I don't want to eat the saint's fruit." For Cheng Zheng, his son's progress has been very obvious, but for further education, he is still somewhat uncertain, "really can not be integrated, I will take him back to the rural home, the learning atmosphere is more relaxed, I do not force." He said.

Yang Yang's desk at home

Trying to appreciate the different colors of the children

"When I see people look at these children with different eyes in public **** occasions, I am heartbroken at that moment." Huanhuan, a teacher at Happy Childhood Children's Hall, said. Happy Childhood Children's Pavilion is a private institution that can accept special children, due to the small site, and does not have the qualification of kindergarten, this institution carries out training courses similar to the "family school", to natural beauty art courses. There are three classes in the organization, with a total of more than 40 students. Among the children they receive, there are ordinary children, but also special children with autism, Down syndrome or cognitive backwardness.

In 2007, Huanhuan was impressed by the words of the head of the organization and decided to join. At that time, a parent looked at the special children in the organization and asked the person in charge: "You accept these children, will it affect our children?" The person in charge just smiled and said, "In my eyes, they are just as lovely and need love, if you think it will affect your child, you have the right to choose another school, but we will not reject these children because of your opinion."

"These children also need to be integrated into the general population of children outside of special interventions." Huanhuan said that despite the initial skepticism she faced and being told that she was "too bold for her own good", she was still happy when she saw a little progress in the children.

Artwork by children with special needs

In Huanhuan's memory, a mother of a child with Down syndrome said she never dared to take her child downstairs for fear of being looked at differently.

In this regard, Zhang Fengqiong believes that allowing children with special needs to learn and grow in a normalized environment is a necessary condition to improve their social adaptability and quality of life." Parents want their children to integrate with society as much as possible, but the ability to integrate with society is not something that can be achieved when they are ready, but rather it is something that can be done at home or at school to keep the child as close as possible to his or her peers."

In her opinion, the early social integration of children with special needs cannot be achieved without the support of kindergartens. Yet in most kindergartens, the most common refrain is, "I don't know how to bring up these children." But Zhang Fengqiong believes that "in the face of these children, we should try to change the concept of education, adjust the teaching methods and evaluation of performance, try to appreciate the different colors of the children, we will also find that we can actually give special children help."

For integration support for preschool special children, Mr. Lee also made a suggestion: "Education for special children can be a regular assessment for kindergarten teachers, whether it is safety management or professional knowledge, which will help to promote kindergartens to carry out integrated education." In addition, he believes that the shadow teacher into the kindergarten to provide services, is also a feasible future direction to explore.

Handicrafts of special children in the Happy Childhood Pavilion

"The process of bringing up a child must be very hard, but the child's parents are also helpless." The key to accepting and helping this group is to have a basic understanding of them, says Huanhuan, "It's unfair to see them as 'special' only one-sidedly."