Is square dancing really called square dancing?

Recently, I saw a video where a 3-year-old Chinese boy was featured on the Ellen Show "/x/page/u3016qb32pi.html" for his superb square dancing skills!

So the question is: how do you say "square dance" in English? Let's take a look at the corresponding press release for this video:

Liangliang's grandparents got him started with dancercise in a local park to help him get fit but were surprised to see now he mastered the dance steps, Liangliang's mother said.

That's right, " dancercise" is used here!

That's right, the word "dancercise" is used here. If you look up the dictionary, it will tell you that "dancercise" means "aerobic fitness dance, body-shaping dance", and then you can recall your perception of square dancing, doesn't it seem to be quite a good fit?

Of course, we often see and hear the expression square dancing. square square + dancing dance translated very neatly, also widely known.

A foreign colleague who lives in the neighborhood next to my house once asked me, "When will we join the square dancing team at the door, China's square dancing is so healthy? Well, the last time I did square dancing, I was teased by Mr. Bin po to my classmates group. When I adjusted my psychological shadow area, I took you for a ride.

But another time, colleagues gathered for dinner, an American colleague said that the United States has always had square dancing? Ah, my jaw dropped. Later, I realized that this dancing is really still "dancing", but this square is not "square", but "square", so this kind of square dancing is "square dancing". square dancing is "square dancing":

The dance starts with four pairs of men and women standing in a basic square formation of about 2 meters by 2 meters, so you understand why this dance is called this name; the basic costumes are western cowboy outfits and country circle skirts; it is said that this kind of square dancing has a special research institute, and it is said that this kind of square dancing has a special research institute. square dancing There are also specialized research institutions to develop norms and standards, research and development of exciting dance steps!

Whether it is Chinese square dancing, or foreign square dancing, as long as it can enhance physical fitness, are good square dancing~