suona beginner fingering

Suona Beginner's fingering

Suona Beginner's fingering, suona should be no stranger to China's folk hundreds of years ago, suona's structure is relatively simple, but there are many blowing skills, but suona is also a widely spread traditional musical instruments, the following understanding of suona beginner's fingering.

Suona Beginner's fingering1

First of all, some people don't know enough about the importance of the correct shape of the mouth in suona playing, and they don't understand the correct shape of the mouth and don't master it, so it is inevitable that they will have such and such a problem during the process of blowing.

Next, the use of air plates in suona playing is related to the playing of folk artists. In the past, oboe artists (commonly known as drummers), in order to make a living, long traveled around the countryside, life is not fixed, or for weddings, funerals and weddings, red and white celebrations blowing, or catching the fairs and temples to celebrate the festivals to sell their skills, heat and hot sun, winter ice and snow, wind, rain, rain, hunger and cold, do not dare to let go of any of the opportunities, and to play well, so as not to lose the source of livelihood.

And then drumming cheeks for air (here refers to the big drum fat), which will inevitably lead to the loosening of the lip muscles, the decline in the power of the corners of the mouth, and then the gas card can make up for the shortcomings to reduce the role of fatigue of the lip muscles. Folk artists in many occasions to walk while blowing, sometimes a walk is a few miles, dozens of miles, encountered uneven heights uphill and downhill, far to raise their heads and bend their backs, twisting their heads and turning around, and encountered crowded far will collide, in this case, to maintain stable blowing, in addition to the need for good blowing training, the gas card plays a very important role in making up for it.

The use of air cards for suona playing is a result of the specific environment and conditions in which folk artists played in the past. Now, the social status of folk artists and the environmental conditions for playing have changed radically, and the methods and skills of suona playing are also changing and improving.

Using the method of removing the air plate and blowing to train the students, they mastered the correct shape of the mouth faster, increased the strength of the mouth, and improved their blowing skills faster.

Finally, when blowing some specific music, or stage performance, or in special circumstances for a longer period of time with a small puff of cheeks to change the method of continuous blowing, the air plate is still needed, so the students also need to master the blowing method of wearing the air plate.

Suona Beginner's fingering 2

What are the basics of the suona for beginners?

First, playing posture

1, beautiful music and beautiful playing posture, not only to the audience to listen to the enjoyment of the audience can also give the audience sensory enjoyment. The most important thing is that the correct posture is conducive to the full play of skills. Good posture is not only beautiful and generous, but also very beneficial to the body, players should pay attention to.

2, suona playing posture and sitting, standing two. These two postures require the player to do: natural relaxation of the body, head upright, eyes flat, head naturally up, face relaxation, both hands up so that the instrument and the body into a 75-degree angle, both arms naturally set up.

3. When playing in the sitting position, legs slightly apart, feet flat on the ground, waist straight. Standing, legs straight, feet about 25 centimeters apart, left foot in front, right foot behind. In short, both sitting and standing styles of playing give people a comfortable and beautiful feeling.

Second, holding the instrument method

1, the fingers naturally separate, the left hand in the upper handle, the right hand in the lower handle, fingers according to the holes in order: the left index finger on the eighth hole, the thumb on the seventh hole, the middle finger on the sixth hole, the ring finger on the fifth hole, the pinky finger is naturally relaxed, a little bit of separation on the side of the ring finger.

2, the right hand thumb on the suona pole lower end of the three holes and four holes between the index finger on the fourth hole, the middle finger on the third hole, the ring finger on the second hole, the little finger on the first hole. Hand control can not control the instrument, the left hand little finger can be attached to the suona pole, hold steady and put back to the original place, affecting the normal operation of the finger.

3, the basic position of the fingers is to the right hand little finger first finger belly hole position as a standard, the other fingers naturally on the instrument. When playing, do not raise your fingers too high, raising your fingers will affect the performance of fast music. Don't press the hole with your fingertips, it will lead to poor hole pressing and incorrect articulation.

4. At the same time, the fingers should not be too straight when pressing the hole, too straight will not be flexible to keep up with the speed of the fast music, the correct way to transport the finger is: the finger in the sound hole, a little bent, in order to transport the finger to use freely. In short, hold the instrument with both arms and fingers as relaxed as possible.

Third, the mouth

1, playing the suona mouth is a very important part of the suona performance. Mouth shape is the shape of the lips when playing suona, the part of the whistle, it is related to the suona performance in the pitch, tone, tone quality, strength and weakness, as well as a variety of other lip skills play.

2, the general blowing suona mouth shape is: the reed is located in the middle of the lips, the upper lip near the root of the whistle about a quarter of the reed, the lower lip whistle about one-third or two-thirds of the whistle, in the process of blowing, the control of the mouth should be along with the blowing of the strength of the gas, volume, timbre, skill changes and changes.

3, in the first practice mouth and cheeks will feel sore and weak, this is normal, after practice, these will disappear, the mouth over the standard is: in the case of blowing a long time, the control of the whistle freely, the lips do not feel sore and not tired, the basic skills even if you have passed.


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Blowing the oboe, too, requires some skill, using your fingers to completely The sound hole should be pressed completely with the fingers. If the holes are not tightly pressed, the sound will not be accurate.

The oboe has a wide range of techniques, which can be roughly divided into oral techniques and finger techniques, and the two are often used in combination, including legato, single spit, double spit, triple spit, flick, floral tongue, xiao, glissando, trill, superimposed notes and pads, etc., and it can also mimic the songs of flying birds and insects.

When practicing, pay attention to the following three points:

1, do not move your fingers, rely entirely on the movement of the small arm to drive the fingers.

2, the finger can not be lifted away from the sound hole is too high, as long as a little away from the point can be.

3, fingers, wrist, small arm should be kept in a straight line.

suona beginner fingering 3

Suona blowing skills

(a) holding method:

suona eight holes need to be pressed by the fingers full, if the holes are not tight, it is easy to blow the noise or out of the sound is not allowed. How can I press all eight holes tightly? The correct `holding method is: the fingers of both hands naturally straight press full eight tone holes, the upper handle four fingers is the front three after a (general use of the left hand), the little finger does not press the tone holes, that is to say, use the thumb to press the back of the hole (i.e., the seventh hole), the other three fingers in turn press the eighth, six, five three holes; under the handle of the four fingers (general use of the right hand), the thumb does not press the tone holes, the other four fingers will be the fourth, the third, the other four fingers, the tone holes in turn, press the fourth, three, two, one hole full.

(2) mouth shape:

Suona blowing is most concerned about the shape of the mouth, which plays a very important role in the control of pitch, the volume of the changes and the play skills. If the mouth shape is not right, not only the tone is not beautiful, but also affect the pitch. The correct mouth shape should be:

When you are not playing, your mouth is full and solid, with no gap, and your lip and cheek muscles are in a relaxed state. When blowing, lip muscles to reed as the center of contraction, close, at this time the mouth cavity is oval, but the mouth should not be too forward pout, that is to say, the upper and lower lips natural, loose, beautiful on top of the reed, whistle position should be in the middle of the lips, basically do not touch the air plate, lips and whistle seat flush, the lips of the reed control should be with the flow of blowing control with the flow of the breath, and according to the different requirements of the pitch, volume, tone, and a certain technique, to determine the size of the lip control strength, the lip control strength, the lip control strength should be with the flow control of blowing. According to the different requirements of pitch, volume, tone and certain techniques, the size of the lip control and the amount of blowing flow should be decided.

In the process of playing a piece of music, the pitch of each note plays a decisive role in the quality of the sound.

(3) Breathing method:

Mastering breathing is the basic skill of wind music. It is often said that "the breath is full of sound", which is to say that enough breath is the basis of "full of sound". The better breathing method is "Dantian breathing method", i.e. "chest-abdominal breathing method", in inhalation, the abdomen shrinks inward, and the chest and ribs expand outward; in exhalation, it's not like the usual exhalation of the lungs, but basically it's the movement of the abdomen that controls the urgency and slowness of exhalation. control the sharpness and slowness of the exhalation.

Practice breathing should pay attention to three points: 1, breathing, the whole body has nothing to do with breathing part of the body should be relaxed, inhalation should be more fast; exhalation should be less slow. 2, to maintain the consistency of the exhalation and inhalation, do not wait for the first breath of breath is completely finished only to begin to inhale the second breath, but should be in the first breath of breath before the breath before the beginning of the inhalation of the second breath, so as to be able to consistently carry on. 3, usually with the nose inhalation, only the nose to inhale, but also with the nose to inhale. In general, you should inhale through the nose, and only when you are trying to catch your breath or inhale through the nose is not enough, you should inhale through the mouth and nose together.

(4) Mouth wind:

Mouth wind is the airflow through the mouth of the whistle. The strength of suona pronunciation is mainly controlled by the mouth wind: if the mouth wind is sharp, the sound will be strong; if the mouth wind is slow, the sound will be weak. When playing different sounds, the wind is also different. When you play a high note, your mouthpiece should be sharper; when you play a low note, your mouthpiece should be slower. Mouthpiece has a great influence on the pitch, the mouthpiece is not good enough to make the sound deviate from the correct pitch, such as high, low semitone or even up to a whole tone. Therefore, the wind is very important, it is one of the basic skills of suona playing. It is one of the basic skills of the oboe. Long-term training is the only way to achieve strong and weak, soft and strong.

(E) breath method:

There are two kinds of breath method, namely, the "natural breath method" and "cyclic breath method" (also known as the puffing method). This method is better than speaking and singing a sentence at the end or in the middle of the pause when you need to change the breath of the same natural breath. However, the suona uses more air, because there is not enough air to blow the sound, especially when blowing the high notes more air consumption, so inhale enough. According to the needs of the music, sometimes you have to change your breath in short intervals, which is called "grabbing breath". Only by practicing more and more will you be able to master it.

(6) whole tone and chromatic blowing:

suona will be eight holes are held down, blowing out the tube tone, tube tone = 5, let go of the first hole (i.e., the lowest end of the hole), blowing out the sound than the tone higher than the simple tone of a whole tone 6 tone. Release the second hole again, and the tone played will again be one whole tone higher by 7. If the third hole is also released, the resulting note is only a semitone higher.

This is because according to the specifications made of suona A distance between the holes is not equal, the distance between the second and third holes and the sixth and seventh holes is relatively small (equivalent to a semitone), according to the above order to blow a series of tones in a continuous manner, is in line with the intervals required by the major scale, arranged up to the major scale of the 9 tones of the 567123456. In addition, there are breath control methods. If you blow with more or less force, you can raise or lower the tone by a semitone. When blowing quickly, or even too quickly at all, you have to rely on breath control.

(7) flat blowing and super blowing:

The mouth is slower, blowing lower notes, this blowing method is called "flat blowing"; the mouth is more urgent, blowing higher notes, usually the most easy to blow is an octave higher than it, this blowing method is called "super blowing". "This is called "overblowing. If the super blow and usually blow the sound of a small octave apart is called "borrowing holes blow", which is only occasionally need to use special effects when the fingering, generally not more.