What does the purple kite stand for? Is there an allusion? Is it related to love? As the question, thank you.
Iris flowers are mostly blue-purple, scientific name: Iris tectorum flower shape like a fluttering butterfly. May, the iris season, you can see a blue butterfly fluttering between the green leaves, as if to spread the news of spring to far away. The French regard the iris as the national flower. Because according to legend, when King Clovis of the first dynasty of the Kingdom of France was baptized, God gave him a gift, which was the iris. In France, the iris is a symbol of light and freedom. The genus Iris is a collective name for a family of herbaceous flowering plants. This flower consists of an envelope of six petal-like leaves, three or six stamens, and an ovary encased by a clitoris. The name of the plant is derived from God's messenger and the rainbow that connects the earth to other worlds. There is also a legend that a rainbow once saved the life of a Frankish king in the 6th century, who knew when he saw the rainbow rising over the Rhine that the river was shallow enough at that point and crossed it to escape his enemies. Iris grows in Japan, China, Siberia and almost the entire temperate world. Iris flowers are called iris because their petals resemble the tail of an iris, and their genus name iris is Greek for "rainbow," a reference to the richness of the flower's color. The genus name iris is the Greek word for "rainbow", which refers to the richness of the flower color. General florists and flower arrangers use the phonetic translation of the genus name, commonly known as "Alice". In Greek mythology, Alice is the goddess of the rainbow, she is the messenger between the gods and the mortal world, her main task is to bring the souls of the good people after death, through the rainbow bridge between heaven and earth back to heaven. To this day, Greeks often plant this flower in cemeteries in the hope that the souls of the dead can be entrusted to Alice to bring back to heaven, which is also the origin of the floral language of a "messenger of love". Iris in ancient Egypt on behalf of the "power" and "eloquence". Iris flowers are mostly blue-purple flowers shaped like dancing butterflies. In May, the season of iris blossom, you can see a blue butterfly fluttering between the green leaves, as if to spread the news of spring to faraway places. The white iris represents innocence and brightness, and the yellow color indicates eternal friendship and enthusiasm and cheerfulness. Blue-purple is to appreciate each other noble and elegant or secretly admire, implying love and good luck. Israelis generally believe that the yellow iris is a symbol of "gold", so there are in the cemetery planting iris custom, that is, hoping to bring wealth to the afterlife. Monet also planted iris in the garden of Giverny; and with it as the theme, he left the iris scene full of natural vitality on the canvas. The colorful iris represents different meanings. White iris represents innocence, yellow means eternal friendship, enthusiasm and cheerfulness, blue is to appreciate each other's elegance and generosity or secret admiration, and purple means love and good luck. Iris is a genus of iris, a collective name for a family of herbaceous flowering plants. This flower consists of an envelope of six petal-like leaves, three or six stamens, and an ovary encased by a flowering tip. The main color of iris is blue-purple, "Blue Siren" reputation, iris because the petals are shaped like the tail of the iris bird and called its genus name iris, "Alice". Alice in Greek mythology is the goddess of the rainbow, she is the gods and mortal messenger. The plant's name is derived from God's messenger and the rainbow that connects the earth to the rest of the world. There is also a legend that a rainbow once saved the life of a Frankish king in the 6th century, who knew when he saw the rainbow rising over the Rhine that the river was shallow enough at that point and crossed it to escape his enemies. Iris grows in Japan, China, Siberia and almost the entire temperate world France is a country of flowers, and its capital, Paris, is known as the "flower capital". The warbler is considered the national flower of the Kingdom of France. Because according to legend, when King Clovis of the first dynasty of the Kingdom of France was baptized, God gave him a gift, which was the iris. In France, the iris is a symbol of light and freedom. In ancient Egypt, the iris represented "strength" and "eloquence". Israelis generally believe that the yellow iris is a symbol of "gold", so there is a custom of planting iris, that is, hoping to bring wealth to the afterlife. Monet's garden in Giverny also planted iris; and with it as the theme, leaving on the canvas full of natural vitality rhythm of the iris scene. The colorful iris represents different meanings. The white iris represents innocence, the yellow color means eternal friendship and cheerfulness, the blue color is appreciation of the other person's elegance and generosity or secret admiration, and the purple color signifies love and good fortune. This year, the iris is the first large-scale introduction of Shixianghu (tulip) Tourism Festival, the main colors are: blue and purple, snow white, golden yellow, silver gray. When the iris is in bloom, you can see a blue butterfly fluttering between the green leaves, as if it wants to spread the news of spring to faraway places. Iris, the Chinese name comes from the fact that its petals resemble the tail of a kite. Iris (glede) is a bird of the eagle family. "Poetry - Daya - Dryfoot" says "Iris flies against the sky, fish jumps over the abyss." Its Greek/English name is iris, meaning rainbow, because the flower comes in red, orange, purple, blue, white, and black, deserving the name rainbow. Its French name is fleur-de-lis or fleur-de-lys, which doesn't make much sense, but its Old French spelling is fleur-de-luce, luce being the Latin for light. So this flower is "flower of light" in French. "The national flower of France is the fleur de lis, a large, graceful flower of the iris family, which is very similar to the lily. Iris and lily belong to two very different families, although at a glance, it seems that both have six "petals", but I do not know that the iris has only three petals, the rest of the periphery of the three petals is the sepals to protect the flower buds, but because of the three petal-like sepals look like a flower petal, which is often false to the real, it is difficult to recognize. In addition, the "petals" of the iris are half up and half down, while the petals of the lily are always up. Some other irises also have three long tongue-shaped petals deep in the center of the flower, which are turned into a female core. Since Europeans often call the iris "lily", many people think that the national flower of France is the lily." In modern Chinese, fleur-de-lis is often translated as "golden lily", but the correct translation should also be "iris". Iris (fleur de lis). As far back as ancient Egyptian times, the iris, together with the lotus, lily and palm leaves, formed the "tree of life" pattern. So the first meaning of the iris is "resurrection, life". After the rise of Christianity, it was considered the flower of the Garden of Eden (Lily of Vally, Lily of the Valley is the iris), but also because of the image of its three petals, is considered to be a symbol of the Trinity (Trinity). More claims such as it is the Virgin Mary and even Eve's tears generated, is the gift from heaven to the Frankish King Clovis baptism and so on, interested in Christianity, you can go to the investigation.