Long life, it is difficult to escape death. As long as there is no serious illness, life can take care of themselves, live a quality life, live seventy years old, even if the long life. Otherwise, can not take care of themselves, rely on people to take care of, even if live eighty or ninety, a hundred is also very painful. Everyone wants to live a long life, the key is to live a long and healthy life! It is best to go to bed early and get up early, according to their own physical strength of the appropriate forging, drink more plain water, sugar and salt things to eat less, three meals as little as possible but fine, eat more vegetables, eat less meat more things, will be able to play some role in their own to improve the vitality of it.
As the saying goes: a good mind, a good hundred good. Because life can not be smooth sailing, then to be strong to face the hardships of life, rain, snow, wind and frost must have a good mentality, because with a good mentality, we can be mindful of the good thoughts, contentment, to treat all kinds of difficulties and problems with a light heart, dark green vegetables or colorful vegetables not only rich in vitamins, minerals, and at the same time, there are also a lot of phytochemicals. These nutrients, although the proportion of human body needs has not been very clear research, but its anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant effect has been confirmed.
People should be supplemented with water at different times of the day, every morning up Lei drink a cup of boiled water is best, people sleep overnight easy to fire, early thirst for boiled water, clear a clear gastrointestinal tract, to long life in the intestines of the long clear. Every day to sleep regularly, it is best to keep about eight hours, people to extend the life of the hold in their own hands, to hurt the body of things do not do.
The necessary conditions for longevity are first of all excellent innate genes, no underlying disease, resistance immunity and physical recovery are better than normal, coupled with a good lifestyle, basically can guarantee you 100 years old. In addition is a variety of variables, such as not having abused drugs and other health hazards when you were young, and being able to be properly cared for in your later years, not just physically by taking care of your balance, but emotionally as well. Persistent optimism, exuberance, positive emotions, over time, but easy to let a person fall apart, and moderate pessimism, calm, negative emotions coincidentally is to give a person an effective balance and buffer.