Mani stone should not be stepped on. Do not think the stone looks good, because this is the people put up to pray with, Tibetans will feel that it is you bring their bad luck.
MarnyiStone (MarnyiStone) the most original name is Ma Zhi stone. It is based on the eight words of the Threefold Rudraksha Heart Mantra, Buzz. Ma Zhi Mouye Saled, took the front of the Ma Zhi two words and came to the MarnyiStone (MarnyiStone) in all parts of Tibet in the mountains, intersections, lakeside, riverside, you can almost always see an altar to stone and stone slabs built Mani heap.
Most of these stones and slabs are engraved with the Six Character Truth, wise eyes, statues of gods, and various auspicious designs, which are also the masterpieces of Tibetan folk artists. Mazhi stone is a traditional practice handed down from ancient times.
Modern Tibetan compatriots have many customs and ways of life, such as marriage and funeral, astronomy, medical literature, singing, dancing and painting, traveling and choosing a home, then choose an auspicious day, drive away disasters and evil spirits, divination and fortune-telling and so on.