Mr. Lee said this is the death credits he repaired, changed his attitude towards the world and life, recognizing the importance of health and family. Learning to take care of his health, insisting on exercise, reducing his work, focusing on maintaining his body, and spending more time with his family.
There's nothing more important than health in life! But if you're young, if you're rarely sick, if you value your career more, I'm afraid people seldom pay attention to their own body is not healthy, as if cancer, high blood pressure, diabetes are very distant things, to the old age of seventy to find themselves.
Mr. Li Kaifu was only 52 when he was diagnosed with cancer.
Yao Beina pancreatic cancer, 34 years old.
Yu Juan, a young teacher at Fudan University, had breast cancer at the age of 34, and wrote a thought-provoking diary of her illness, exclaiming that she couldn't buy health by buying a car or a house.
June 29, 2016, Tianya community deputy editor Jin Bo due to long-term overtime work late at night in the Beijing subway station collapsed, aged 34 years old.
On August 10, 2016, my dad died of a brain tumor at the age of 62, which is below the average age of 74 for men.
Is it because of the pollution problem or the high incidence of disease? Is it because career is really more important than life, or earning money is more important than health? Is it because the development of drugs can not catch up with the renewal of the condition? Why do so many young lives come to an end?
How to avoid premature death credits, can we save for a rainy day, learn to pay attention to health from now on, and persist in doing this not urgent but particularly important thing.
So what do we need to do?
Mr. Lee Kai-Fu mentioned that he had worked for Microsoft, Google, and other giant companies, and the pressure was so great that you can imagine; and then he also founded Innovation Works to start his own business, just for the sake of the world is more wonderful because of you.
He says he works 16 or 17 hours a day, rests only four or five hours a day, and even when he is sick and hospitalized and needs bed rest, he still has to keep working.
The direct consequence is that at the age of 52, he was diagnosed with lymphoma, and there is an extra spine in his back, and the long-term use of computers led to the formation of hardening of the muscles in his back, and he had to ask a masseuse to massage him on a regular basis.
The dead man is long gone, my heart just aches for his two young twin daughters.
Yu Juan, a young female teacher at Fudan University, is a model of hard work.
Why did she not realize until the end of her life that she had left her husband and young children with so much pain and regret?
Is it worth it to spell health so desperately? Yes, their efforts to make the work of the performance of the rapid progress, to bring positive value to the community, because of the unique charisma of the personality also influence to help a lot of people. But for their own health, for their own families, this is really unfair, and it is not worth it.
My father was a coal miner, and he was always down in the mine. Although it was a three-shift system, with the time spent on going up and down the shaft and handing over shifts, it was 9-10 hours a day down there. Dad never wanted to take a break from work, and he didn't have any lofty goals, just to earn more money. The air in the well was not good, and I think there were a lot of harmful gases in the well, which probably led to the lack of oxygen in his brain. I don't know when he started to be particularly sleepy, but he could fall asleep when he fell down, and he could fall asleep when he sat down for two minutes, and I think it had something to do with the lack of oxygen. This job has been going on for more than 20 years, and may have caused irreversible damage to Dad's brain, forming brain tumors.
If I had known that the coal mine job might have taken Dad prematurely, I would have persuaded him to come home sooner. How about officially, what about having a pension? Dad hadn't gotten a day's pension yet, and he said goodbye to the world.
Some jobs are physically hazardous, and I think it's better to stay away from them as long as you don't have to. Like electronic factories, chemical plants and other harmful to the body, it is best not to go, if you want to go, be sure to do a good job of protection.
Overtime is not a problem, the fault is in the wrong should not stay up all night. Stay up late for the destruction of health is tantamount to a flood, really should not be for any reason to sleep does not sleep, overdraft their health. The first thing you need to know is how important sleep is to us.
The human sleep system needs to follow the law of sunrise and sunset, not only to ensure sufficient sleep time but also according to the "point" of sleep.
Both traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine, sleep is the main way to eliminate fatigue.
Sleeping too little time, the body does not get enough rest, certainly harmful.
But if you don't go to bed on time, even if you sleep more during the day, you can't make up for the damage caused by staying up late.
Because sleep does the job of repairing and detoxifying the body on schedule.
It is the law of nature that the sun rises and the sun sets. The human sleep system should also follow the laws of nature, this system is disorganized, people not only can not work efficiently, but also buried health risks.
It's a good thing that we're all living in the same place now, and we're all going to have to eat fast, as if we're not going to be able to keep up with the pace of life.
Eat, drink and play a lot, but do not pay attention to whether to eat healthy, whether the body can accept.
The only focus on eating, but do not see the growing waistline, and blood fat, blood sugar and blood pressure rise.
Disease enters by the mouth, in the face of the temptation of food, we must do to taste.
Chinese medicine does not treat the sick, treat the sick, pay attention to the body's conditioning, meridian dredging. We can usually pay more attention to health programs or forums, eat more seasonal fruits and vegetables, coarse grains, eat less y processed meat or junk food, to achieve the four enough, "enough miscellaneous, enough coarse, enough vegetarian, enough natural".
There are three kinds of money in life that can't be saved. One is the money to honor your parents, the other is the money to help yourself learn and grow, and the last is the money spent on maintaining your health.
When I was a child, my family's conditions were not very good, and my parents were thrifty, often pickled pickles and salted eggs, and when there was no food, the buns on the pickles was a meal, and the scallions and oil and pepper could be eaten all day. Dad went out the most extravagant is to eat a bowl of 7, 8 yuan of chowder, outside the work alone for more than 20 years, I'm afraid that even the fruit are not willing to buy.
Maybe it does save a lot of money, and I never had to worry about money for school, but Dad left too soon.
Maybe dad's illness is not directly related to this, but I think if he started to pay attention to nutrition from early on, and spare some money on his own health, maybe he can't leave us so soon.
Now life is good, mom is still difficult to change the habit of thrift, many years of habit is not good to change ah, still like to fry more oil, salt, love to eat chili sauce. From the father left, I tried to persuade a number of times, and only slowly changed the view.
Last April, my husband went to South Korea to travel, said the Koreans do not eat three white, white rice, white sugar and salt, I asked him not to eat rice, sugar, even if, salt can not put the flavor? He said that people are using kelp to boil water, and then use kelp water staple of other foods, and they generally eat dishes, will not eat too greasy, so the Koreans rarely have high blood pressure diabetes, he even exaggerated that basically nothing.
Eating healthy is something that needs to be adhered to for a long time, and it is a habit that should be developed for life. Not that I eat healthy today, eat healthy this year is good, we have to remember is that as long as it is harmful to the health of the food or dietary behavior are not to be.
Busy, busy, busy, busy, busy, busy, busy, busy, busy, busy, busy, busy, busy, busy, busy, busy, busy, busy, busy, busy, busy, busy, busy, busy, busy, busy, busy, busy, busy, busy, busy.
The long-term expensive fitness card, to go to one or two times on the grounds of busy work tied up on the shelf.
Is there really no time at all? Do you really have to wait until you retire to go dancing to improve your cardiovascular fitness?
And not a professional athlete, if you do not need to deliberately exercise to lose weight, bodybuilding, regular exercise a day, half an hour at most an hour is enough, do you even an hour can not draw out?
Maybe watch a movie less, sleep a little less in the morning, play a game less, time like water in the sponge, squeeze always have.
If you really have a lot of time on your hands, then seize all possible opportunities for movement, movement, movement.
If closer to the company can adhere to walking or running to the company, if a little farther can adhere to cycling to work, to the company can not take the elevator to climb the stairs, during the rest of the work of the water on the toilet can deliberately use a little force to walk, and by the way, stretching a lazy legs, as long as you are attentive to the movement, everywhere, when you can exercise.
My husband before cycling to work, 15 kilometers, need to ride an hour or so, two hours a day how the amount of movement is also enough, that time I do not need to worry about his health. I now also ride a bike to work, colleagues and mom advised me to change an electric car, convenient and fast, I said cycling in order to exercise insisted on not changing.
The perfect idea personality is easy to drill the bull's-eye, said to have to do but also perfect. But there are so many perfect life?
Sleep, diet, exercise you listed a bunch of plans and notes, whether you have to emphasize that each of them to meet in order to ensure the health of the body.
No one has a hard and fast rule that this can't be done and that has to be done, so if you can't do it for 100 points, you can do it for 80 points.
Occasionally late to bed or stay up a night does not immediately cause physical harm, but do not continuous, long-term, long-term accumulation of toxins is not good! But once we stay up late, we have to eat some detoxifying food and do some exercise to remedy some of the damage caused by staying up late.
Junk food must not eat? In fact, nothing is absolutely can not eat, as long as you achieve a period of nutritional balance, there is no big problem. For example, I read on the forum that an old man who has a lot of insight into health care said that he would also eat greasy fries and other foods, but after he ate them, he would ask himself to do a certain amount of exercise that day to burn off the grease in them. This old man is now a handful of years old, but the body is great.
The same applies to exercise. Today I'm exercising well, full of positive energy, and tomorrow I'm not exercising at all, so I don't think it's a good idea. As long as there is a sense of exercise, know the benefits of exercise, exercise 3-4 times a week I think it is very good.
Not everything has to be on the line, making it seem like it has to be how it can't be, adding pressure and making it a burden.
Not everything has to be about how it should be.