I downloaded the video of square dance online to a USB flash drive, and it didn't show up when I plugged it into the DVD player, what should I do to make it work?

Most of the online square dance videos are in FLV format, and most of the DVD USB ports don't support this format, only MPEG format, so you can't see the images. The solution is only to convert the downloaded video files to the format. The better conversion software is "Format Factory", which is a conversion software without installation, very easy to use, it can convert a variety of formats of video, audio, image files. It can also extract audio files from video files, which is especially useful for square dance enthusiasts, you can use this function to convert square dance video files into MP3 audio files, which can be put on the USB flash drive as the accompaniment music when dancing. This is what we do at this square dance event site. Format Factory" this conversion tool software can be downloaded online, you can search on Baidu, type "FormatFactory2 green 2.3.rar" can find a lot of downloads, download and decompression can be used. Download the FLV format files (or other formats and DVD can not play the file) into MPE files can be played. The DVD we use is BBK DV997. you can try it, it's easy to do. Wish you success!