Why you can't lose weight after practicing yoga

The whole point of losing weight is: eat less, exercise more. Then why do you practice yoga after the weight does not come down? Haha, the reason is very simple: 1, practice yoga although the amount of exercise is small, but very consuming fat, the body of the excess fat into muscle fibers. 2, practice yoga is not the body of the weight loss, but the body of the excess fat into muscle fiber. So that the weight does not drop the body is thin. 2, after practicing yoga, because of the exercise, indulge yourself in eating, weight not only does not come down, but will become more and more fat. Therefore, the root cause of obesity is, when the intake of food energy can not be completely metabolized by the body, excess energy will be stored in the form of fat, so that the long fat,

Why exercise the weight down not down?

In real life, there is no shortage of such people around us: one is the love of sports, such as practicing yoga, square dance, etc., but is not Soul, the reason they are the same food lovers. There is also a kind of is not like sports, but their food is also very small, what things are shallow, therefore, long-term to maintain a slim figure.

HICIBI weight management formula:

1, do not exercise + do not control the diet = 100% of the fat (85% of the overweight, are in this)

2, exercise + do not control the diet = 50% of the fat (we have seen the love of sports, fat half)

3, do not exercise + control the diet = 100% can be thin! (We have seen all the thin people, do not exercise accounted for the vast majority)

4, exercise + control of diet = 100% in shape (you've seen the body of the super-hot magical girl, sexy muscle god are practiced)

The above formula tells you that you want to lose weight, you need to 100 percent of the dietary control, you want to have a good body, three points of diet, seven points of exercise.

HICIBI weight management three-step method for people:

1, can not control the mouth, can not open the legs of the food people. HICIBI weight management method to support the movement, but not forced to exercise. The HICIBI weight management method supports exercise but does not force it. It takes a calorie-active cut-off approach to food to block the source of fat accumulation, so it doesn't affect the enjoyment of daily food.

2, suitable for maternal weight control use, pregnancy and childbirth, progesterone and estrogen will lead to the accumulation of body fat, HICIBI weight management method is to take the international safe food standards, through the maternal body of the digestive enzymes of the regulation of weight control is both safe and effective.

3, suitable for, often suitable for long-term weight control use, weight loss lifelong topic, easy to lose weight to maintain difficult, so carry HICIBI, big meal party use, HICIBI main ingredients are essential nutrients, the international safety food grade. As a long-term weight management program, more users are celebrities and professional models.

Once there was a friend, everyone called him fat, through the HICIBI weight management three-step method, from 200 pounds to 140 pounds, the whole fat loss of 60 pounds. At this time we not only have to ask: what kind of method? Complete diet? Crazy exercise? Drinking diuretics every day? Removed the stomach? Intestinal bypass? Take tons of diarrhea pills? The answer is all no.

HICIBI weight management three-step method: regulate the digestive enzymes to create an easy to lose weight

1, aliphatic enzyme: also known as lipase, scientific research has confirmed that the human body obesity and fat metabolism enzyme content in the body of the number of active size has a direct relationship. Fat cannot be converted into energy on its own, only through the help of lipase can fatty acids enter the mitochondria for β-oxidation and be converted into energy and consumed.

2, MGAT2 enzyme: scientists have also discovered the body's fat controller - MGAT2 enzyme, which can decide whether the fat we ingested is burned or stored in the body. the stronger the activity of MGAT2 enzyme, the easier it is to hoard fat.

3, NAMPT enzyme: research has proved that the presence of NAMPT leads to the body become overweight or obese, the enzyme effectively promote the storage of fat. "said Zachary Gerhart-Hines, associate professor at the Novo Nordisk Foundation Center. The researchers believe that obesity can be stopped by reducing the NAMPT enzyme.?

4, NMU: Kurume University in Japan, a newly discovered in the brain of the "NMU" of the substance also has the role of appetite suppression, it is responsible for regulating the intake of food, exercise and energy consumption.

5, leptin: leptin along the blood circulation to the hypothalamus, inhibit the promotion of appetite a protein neuropeptide Y synthesis, also suppresses the appetite. On the contrary, if a person begins to diet, the hypothalamus in the neuropeptide increases, also stimulates the appetite, leptin, neuropeptide Y and other molecules of the interactions between the broadly determine whether a person is fat or thin, poor appetite or appetite.

6, Glycopeptide: The brain secretes a substance called Glycopeptide that can make a person's appetite, Rockefeller University study found that high-fat, high-calorie food intake increased, stimulating "Glycopeptide" more secretion. The more fat you consume, the stronger your desire to drink," said an alcohol researcher at North Carolina State University.

Most people's body enzymes are normal, in addition to individual inborn genetic factors, acquired factors or because of excessive dieting, long-term diet irregularities, repeated diarrhea and other extreme means of weight loss, so that the body of a number of enzyme metabolism imbalance, the body of the latter day into a prone to fat. This kind of people on the food calorie grasping on the sugar intake and on the storage function of fat are particularly powerful, usually performance: usually constrained to eat eat like a cat, occasionally let go to eat a little bit will soon become a pig's head.

HICIBI Lipid Shield on the pancreas conditioning maintenance (patented clinical certification), to promote the body's enzymes to the normal level of balance, when our digestive system of digestive enzymes indicators return to the normal state, our body has become easy to thin body.

The principle of HICIBI three-step weight management:

France's concept of weight control has been at the forefront of the world, HICIBI as a first-line brand in France, focusing on the study of scientific weight management. HICIBI get rid of the traditional replacement food, food suppression, elimination of weight loss misconceptions. The three-step approach to weight management: 1) blocking the body's absorption of food calorie sources, 2) balancing the metabolism of digestive enzymes, and 3) contracting the over-expanded gastrointestinal tissues. With the 3-in-1 product structure, these three steps are carried out simultaneously in one fell swoop.

Since fat accumulation is composed of multiple causes, so the first thing is still to find the reason why the individual fat, different people, different means face, the most taboo is the barbaric dieting, crazy exercise. Still need to calmly for their own situation, to set a successful fat loss program. What we need is, what you need is a sustainable, can adhere to, scientifically based program. HICIBI weight management three-step method is a comprehensive fat loss strategy, after tens of thousands of times and then clinically verified, encompassing more than 100 patents in various countries, in the case of not affecting the regularity of our original life and habits, can successfully achieve the ideal body weight, and at the same time prevent the rebound of the 360 degree! The solution.

How to lose weight properly?

1. There's nothing you absolutely can't eat when you're losing weight, like chocolate or cake. You can eat anything, it just depends on how and how much you eat.

2, generally speaking, a healthy rate of weight loss is, 1-2 pounds per week. But this is not absolute, for example, big fat people will be faster than small fat people, men will be faster than women will be.

3, in the use of HICIBI weight management method to lose weight during the diet, diet does not need to be artificially controlled, to maintain the original dietary rhythms and eating habits, to maintain the original dietary preferences.

4, moderate increase in aerobic exercise, such as yoga, weight-bearing exercise can be on the flaccid parts of the fat loss, play a role in tightening the shape of the role of the fat loss rate can be promoted 30%. wj