I'm a beginner in Ghost Steps and I've just started learning to run and I keep feeling my upper body swaying again when I run, just like a bounce!

1 First, stand with your right foot in front of you and your left foot behind you (whichever foot is in front of you is the first one to lift)

2 Lift your right leg while sliding your left foot backward by about one foot

3 Drop your right leg while sliding your left leg backward by about one foot

Note: I'm talking about completing the movements of the two legs at the same time

At the beginning of the process, a newcomer would think that the step is a little bit bigger. To be a little bigger, because this way you can practice running standardized, and then follow the music step naturally relaxed to the appropriate place. (

Also, when running, the body is originally upside down, if it is swaying from side to side, then the balance is not very good, you need to practice more.

Why is it that those masters on the video feel that their bodies are not so trembling but their steps are very light? In fact, their steps are also very big, the body is also very trembling, just because the movement is fast, it seems to have a floating feeling, in short, just a word practice, master the foundation to add other more dazzling action. I wish LZ ghost step progress fast!

Give me some points, purely by hand~~