Why can't you stand square dancing?

Because you look down on people who dance, because you don't know much about square dancing, and because of the negative impact of square dancing itself, some of these factors affect your judgment of square dancing.

In fact, there is no such thing as a high-class person in this society, we are all living well, so why don't we just look at it from a more open and tolerant attitude to face everything that is out of place with us?

Drinking coffee is not more advanced than eating garlic, and the same street dance is more advanced than square dancing.

Let's start with the parts you might not accept. For example, the nuisance. It's true that some square dance teams are too close to living areas and the music is turned up extra loud, which can affect residents' rest. Venue issues, it is true that there have also been square dance moncler outlet store occupying the basketball court stadium and other public **** facilities, square dancing, and leaning on the old, and even in some cases, moved. The music, too, is not elegant music, most of them are more straightforward, the tune is relatively simple non-mainstream.

These things dictate that square dancing is not something that is supposed to be very pleasing, especially to young people.

But yeah, everyone has old people in their families, and everyone grows old. Thinking about it from another angle, square dancing provides an opportunity for those middle-aged and old people who have a relatively scarce recreational life to communicate and have fun. Anyway, my elders like to square dance like communication I'm still quite happy.

There are not many entertainment programs left for the elderly in this society. Young people coffee shop bar Internet cafe video game city all kinds of strange leisure place, but they do not have, this point of the right to give them deprived of, feel a little cruel right.

And we have to admit, there is energy and time to go to the square dance of the grandma and grandpa really are healthy and well-fed people ah. The company has a lot of people who are envious of the company.

Anyway, my neighborhood square moms and basketball players get along quite well.