Wang Xin wrote the song "Singing the Motherland" and did not rush to publish it. On the one hand, he gave it to the Tianjin Music Troupe to rehearse and sing, on the other hand, he went to Nankai University, Tianjin Steelworks, Tianjin Textile Factory and Tianjin Railway Engine Section to teach and sing, and solicited opinions from all sides. He proposed to change the lyrics from "Fifty years of cultural splendor" to "Independence and freedom are our ideals", and from "We overcame all the sufferings and drove the enemy out of the frontier" to "We overcame how many sufferings before we got today's liberation". Wang Xin immediately absorbed his suggestion, and after the test of the masses and experts, Comrade Wang Xin copied it and submitted it to People's Daily. On September 15, 1951, People's Daily published the sheet music of Singing the Motherland, and the Central People's Broadcasting Station immediately invited the chorus of the Central Song and Dance Troupe to record the song and, in addition to broadcasting the song, made it into a record to the whole country. Since then, the song "Singing the Motherland" has been widely circulated in China.