Everyone, I'm afraid, encounters a strange feeling that springs up suddenly once in their lives. When looking at something, it will suddenly realize: this thing once happened before, I have been here before, I have done this before, I have heard this before, and at that time it was the same light ...... In that instant, the brain sends us a, saying that it recognizes what happened. This phenomenon is then called déjàvu, i.e., memory illusion, also known as recollection fantasy.
How can a person develop memories of the future?
Basic manifestations of memory illusions
Since ancient Greece, in chronicles, chronicles, and philosophical and literary writings, there have been several stories recorded about people who suddenly felt that they had become another person, or traveled to another time. And they often cite quite a few details that even they don't know, because it never happened. But they found and depicted this strange phenomenon. In the year France Florence Arnaud even gave it the name déjàvu. He also concluded that the phenomenon is not only present in vision, but also in the form of dejaentendu (auditory illusion), dejalu (reading illusion) and dejaeprouve (experiencing illusion).
Most manifestations of memory illusions are so bizarre as to be unbelievable and simply unexplainable. For example, some people believe in dreams that foretell good and bad luck. According to the superstitious people, this is their soul going back to the past on regular "business trips", where it then sees and experiences everything. After a few days or even years, when the dream is fulfilled, they are surprised to "recognize" an unfamiliar situation. The vision thus becomes a memory. Others attribute this to "ancestral memories" that have been passed down from generation to generation under the influence of strong emotions.
For those who subscribe to the theory of reincarnation, the illusion of memory is also evidence of a past life. The Greek philosopher and mathematician Pythagoras, for example, thought he might have been a shepherd in a previous life. Actor Sylvester Stalone identified his past life as an oversight post for a nomadic tribe. All of their memory illusions were confirmed through hypnosis, which sent them on a trip back to their past.
Famous Swiss psychologist and philosopher Carl Gustav Jung first had this feeling when he was 12 years old. Since then he has been convinced of one thing, that he was simultaneously living another life, sometimes in the 18th century. Writers Jack London and Conan Doyle have also depicted episodes of memory illusions.
The comedy "Magic," starring Sulik, is the opposite of an illusion of memory, which is to say, it's exactly what the reality experienced feels like. I remember when the protagonist of the play in preparation for the examination, he was on the street to find the outline is next to a girl standing, due to reading books so obsessed that did not realize that went into her home. But later, when he was "sober", he went to her house as a guest, and suddenly remembered that he had been here.
Holography and the illusion of memory
What is the secret of the illusion of memory?
Leonid Karashev, a researcher at the Supreme Institute of Humanities at the National Humanities University and an associate doctor of philosophy, has his own set of insights. He said that many scholars believe that the memory illusion is caused by overwork, brain confusion, so the unknown as known, but he tends to this is a "holographic illusion".
In his opinion, the principle of the so-called holography is that any part of the photo can reproduce all the information of the original photo. In other words, if a photo is torn into pieces, as long as there is a fragment, the entire image of the original photo can be recovered. The so-called "holographic" means that the part contains the whole information. The strange phenomenon of memory illusion is likely to be formed in a similar way.
In fact, the overall information that we are always exposed to in our lives is stored in our brains in the form of code, but what we see and hear is hidden deep in our subconscious. These information as long as there is a breeze will pop up, like what smell ah, sound ah, lighting ah, with a similar scene of the instant encounter ah, will induce us to create an illusion, as if 5 ~ 10 years ago there was a similar situation. If you look closely, though, there are still a lot of differences.
Karashev also believes that 17-year-old teenagers are most prone to memory illusions because of their lack of experience and sensitivity to a wide range of life situations. 35 to 40-year-olds are subjected to a second onslaught of memory illusions. However, at this time, the feeling has lacked the kind of innocent joy of adolescence, more still a kind of mysterious color. By the age of 40, the memory illusion has become a sadness for all the things that have passed away. Especially those who are depressed and very neurotic and sensitive will often experience memory illusions throughout their lives.
Madonna's Strange Feelings
Famous star Madonna said in a talk to journalists that when she was visiting the Forbidden City for the first time, she felt as if she was familiar with every one of its out-of-the-way alleys. That's why she asserted that she had been "the handmaiden of the last emperor of the Qing dynasty". Jina Turner had a similar strange feeling of seeing something unfamiliar. When she came to Egypt for the first time, it was as if she suddenly saw something familiar and suddenly "remembered" that she had been the girlfriend of Empress Hatshepsut, or even the Empress herself, in the time of the Pharaohs. Shaw Connery, who plays the role of "", said recently that in a previous life he was a member of a martial arts tribe of indigenous peoples in Africa.
Karashev found the claim rather absurd and not credible. But how did Connery come up with such a strange idea? A quick look at the time he spoke may enlighten you - it was after he had taken part in the film "A Good Man in Africa". He plays one in the movie.
Lev Tolstoy also described one of his own experiences of memory delusion in a letter to a friend. He once went hunting and was chasing a rabbit when unexpectedly his horse's hoof fell into a pit and he fell off his horse, landing heavily on the ground. At that moment he suddenly remembered clearly that he had fallen from the saddle to the ground in the same way many years ago when he was a different person. How would this be explained, Karashev was asked.
The scientist's explanation was that Lev Tolstoy often rode horses for hunting and had fallen many times, so it was not surprising that one of these falls appeared to be an extraordinary situation. For the oddity of the memory illusion is that it appears not when you encounter a similar situation, but when the unfamiliar environment hides a number of elements that can take you back in time.
Karashev also argues that the mnemonic illusion is a fantastically beautiful feeling that creates optimism and shows how complex and mysterious the world is, so it's not something to be feared.
Scientifically inexplicable "prophetic dreams"
There are some phenomena in dreams that are difficult for modern science to explain. Even the most rigorous scientists have to admit that sometimes dreams seem to actually predict future events. Although such dreams are rare, and some of them appear to be prophetic dreams, they are actually just coincidences or other causes. But it's also true that prophetic dreams that can't be explained by other reasons and can hardly be called coincidences do occasionally occur.
Maybe some of my friends will say that you are promoting superstition. I don't think you can call this superstition. It is because I am not blindly convinced that this phenomenon exists, but rather I am tentatively confirming the existence of this phenomenon after seeing credible examples of it and after critical thinking. I don't think it's manifested by ghosts or gods, nor do I think it's evidence of that. I adhere to the scientific viewpoint, but we cannot deny the existence of this phenomenon just because science cannot explain it now. Maybe future science can explain it.
The great psychologist Sigmund Freud said of the subject of "Mysterious Dreams", "More than ten years ago, when these questions first came into my view, I too felt a fear that they put our scientific cosmology at risk: if some of the mysterious phenomena are proved to be true, I am afraid that the scientific cosmology will be threatened. proved to be true, I feared that the scientific cosmology would be doomed to be replaced by spiritualism or occultism. But today I no longer think so. I think that if we think that science is incapable of assimilating and reproducing some of the mystics' assertions that may prove to be true, then it is clear that our scientific cosmology does not yet have a great deal of faith in the power of science."
Let me write about this singular phenomenon here and let us science look for answers.
Let's start with the examples I've gathered, which are more prosaic but reliable.
Someone who lived in Harbin before he went to college had a dream about the intersection of a busy street. He had never seen this street at the time, and then he went to college to, and when he went out on the street, he realized that this was exactly the place in his dream, and he had never been there before.
So could it be that his memory was unreliable, could it be that the street in his dream was nothing more than a similar street to the one he saw later, and so he mistakenly thought he was seeing the street in his dream?
Since I've had a few prophetic dreams myself, and I'm a little skeptical that it's just an illusion, I've resorted to verifying it in this way. If I feel that a particular dream resembles a prophetic dream, I write it down so that when I see the actual scene later on, I can check it against the dream record. Then, when I see a scene that seems to have been seen in a dream, I immediately stand still, first recall the dream, recall what other episodes and characters and things were in the dream, and then compare them one by one to see if the dream and the actual scene are the same. There are, of course, some difficulties in actually doing this, one of which is to record the dream; we have so many dreams that it is impossible for us to write them all down, and it is difficult for us to distinguish which dream is a prophetic dream. Then there is the fact that it is not very easy to see the actual scene as if it had been dreamed, and to stand still and recall it at once. Once I dreamed that a female classmate spoke to me. The next day she did speak to me, and I hastened to recall the words of her dream, but before I could do so she had finished speaking. I felt then that her words were exactly what I had heard in my dream. But I had no proof. Because I didn't recall her words before she spoke them.
Even so, I have some reliable records.
On April 30, 1992, I dreamed that I went fishing, and I also dreamed that there were many hula hoops thrown in the street, which were brittle and thin, and I played with them a few times.
When I went out on May 1, the first thing I saw was a little girl playing with a hula hoop. In the afternoon, I went to Yuyuantan and saw a lot of people fishing.
Again, I dreamed that someone came to my house who had tuberculosis. In my dream, I read the word "Wang You". When I woke up, I interpreted the dream and thought that maybe I would meet a student, "Wang Youpeng", who hadn't come to class for a long time because of his tuberculosis. Sure enough, on that day, Wang Youpeng came. It is unlikely that I would have expected him to come because he had been out of class for a long time due to tuberculosis. If it was a coincidence, it was really a big one. There is also the possibility of telepathy, Wang Youpeng wanted to come to class last night, I sensed it.
But there are other dreams that are not so easy to explain by induction.
July 89, I dreamt that in the bookstore in Weigongcun, I saw a set of books on the shelf***5 books, the title of the book is "Joan of Arc" or "Joan of Arc," I want to the salesman to give me a copy of it, and look at the book written in volume 4.
A year later, I was in the bookstore, and I saw the book on the shelves.
A year later, one day I walked into the Weigongcun bookstore, suddenly had a sense of déjà vu, around the scene seems to have seen, the salesman's appearance, around the book people are some like to have seen. So I stood still, recalling the dream, and then I and the dream against the dream, in the dream of the bookshelf, I really saw the "Jeanne d'Arc" two words, and the book also happens to be five. I was so excited that I asked the salesgirl to get me a copy. She brought it to me in the same lazy way that I had seen in the dream. I looked at it, and it said "Fourth Series", but it was "Fourth Series", not "Fourth Volume", which was the wrong word in the dream. It was a mistake in the dream. But still, it's amazing to me. It's an anthology, and the title used is a play by George Bernard Shaw.
I have a record of this dream, which I checked when I got home and confirmed that the recollection was correct. It was unlikely to be a coincidence. How could I have just happened to know that the bookstore was about to get this book in and was about to put exactly five books in the upper left corner of the shelf on the day I was there?
I've had a lot of these kinds of dreams, so I'll try to give you another example.
I once dreamed of a garden with many pavilions, all with high eaves, such light and airy high eaves as I had never seen before, and a very tall tower. There was also a very tall pagoda. On the plaque at the main gate was written the word "Qingyang", and I didn't know what this word meant.
Later, I went to Chengdu Qingyang Palace to play, a glimpse of the dream I saw the son.
So I stood still and said to myself, recall clearly what the tower in the dream looked like, then look for it, if there is such a tower, then the dream has magical powers, if not, then I don't believe that the dream has the power of prophecy or sensing.
I searched all over Qingyang Palace and did not see a single tower like that. I laughed at the nonsense of the dream's prophecy and walked to another neighboring garden, the Hundred-Flower Pool, only to find, to my surprise, that the tower from the dream was there, looking exactly the same.
Accounts of prophetic dreams also abound in the psychological literature. Consider the following example provided by psychologist Louisa E. Laing:
"Once when I was about sixteen years old, I was returning from a trip to Kansas and on the way ...... spent the night in Holbrook. That night I had a dream about returning home to Los Angeles. My neighbor was standing in front of an uncovered grave in the front yard, and I went up to him and asked him what had happened, and he said that Elaine had been crushed to death by a car. He held out his hand, put up his palm, made a crushing motion and said, "'Her head crushed like an egg . ...' The next morning I told my mother about the dream, making the gesture as I did so. We then went together to the post office, where there was a long line in front of the post office window, and the Mexican in front of us in the line was telling the postmaster about the car accident that had just happened outside. Another Mexican had been crushed to death by the train. The Mexican had apparently witnessed the accident, or had arrived on the scene just after it happened. He recounted to the postmaster, with a gesture I have seen in my dreams, 'His head was crushed like an egg.'" Call the incident a coincidence if you will, I'm willing to call it a phenomenon that science can't yet explain.
The death or danger to a loved one is a common theme in prophetic dreams, perhaps because these kinds of significant events are too much for the subconscious to ignore. Consider the following dream example, which I wonder if you have encountered.
"About five years ago, I had a bad night's sleep, ...... I dreamed that I was standing in the living room with my mother, looking at the body of one of our best girlfriends lying on the bed. ...... I was standing in the same position as my mother. She was crying as she said:
'She was my best friend.' When I woke up I couldn't get the dream out of my head, but more or less I didn't care so much because there was no way this friend was lying in that bed in my house. ......
"But a month after this dream, ...... my mother died in her sleep from a recurring heart attack. I was awakened by her gasping for breath and immediately notified the friend who was with her. Arriving first, he told me my mother had passed away. That friend came into the house and we both stood in the same position as in the dream and she said the same thing in the same tone."
One student also told me this example:
"A few weeks ago I had a dream that I was back at home, and the family was having a big feast, with all the lights and colors and joy. My father was especially happy, full of joy and wonderful words, constantly toasting the guests, as if he was celebrating something happy. Then, for some reason, my father went out and did not come back for a long time, so I went out to look for him. At this time outside the sky is falling snow, snow in the ground spread a thick layer, is looking around, suddenly saw my father from a distance to come, in about to come to my front, suddenly fell down. I snatched up a few steps to see what was wrong with my father, but I saw that he had stopped breathing and his pulse had stopped beating. I bawled my eyes out, and the sound of my crying attracted a large crowd. 8 minutes later, my dad suddenly moved, and then opened his eyes, saw me, and said to me: 'It's okay, your dad can't die'. Then I woke up with a shock and great fear in my heart.
"Not long ago, I received a letter from home and learned that my father had a car accident not long ago, resulting in a fractured arm bone, leg bone cracks, the scene was very dangerous, did not kill my father's life has been considered fortunate. After treatment has been significantly better."
Prophetic dreams involving minor and unimportant events are also numerous, as in the dream of an American woman:
"I dreamed that I was riding my bike on a picnic with my doctor, my 10-year-old son. At the midway point, we put the car down on the ground. At that moment a caravan of sailors drove up and stopped beside us, and they asked how to get to Vimy Caverns. We replied that there was no cavern, only Wimmy's Falls. They were very disappointed because they had wanted to go to the caves for a picnic. So they threw all the food they had prepared for the picnic into our bibs.
There was beef sausage, buns, pickles, hard-boiled eggs, and a gallon can of mustard, enough for a regiment.
"The afternoon after I woke up from the dream, one of my neighbors drove up to my house in her car like crazy, laughing loudly as she got out of the car. She actually handed me a gallon jar of mustard and then gave me lots of bread, raw beef sausage, hard-boiled eggs and other foods I dreamed about."
Her neighbor got all this food in almost exactly the same way as her dream.
With only one difference, the sailors were disappointed to hear there were no caverns, so the neighbor invited them to a picnic at her cottage on the beach. After the picnic they gave her all the leftover food."
One difference between prophetic dreams and ordinary dreams is that they are actual scenes, not symbols. Prophetic dreams don't have surreal shots like tigers talking and themselves flying in the sky. There are some shots in dreams that are more peculiar, such as the dream in the above example where someone would flat out give her tons of food, but later events prove that this event is possible.
I remember Victor Hugo telling a story about a child who was predicted to "die on the throne of France". On the face of it, this was impossible, how could this poor child become king. But then, during the Revolution, the boy fought and was wounded. Others rushed to help him sit on a chair close by and bandaged him up, but he died anyway. Do you know what this chair was? It was the throne of the King of France.
The relationship between prophetic dreams and later events is often similar to this story.
There can also be some differences in details between prophetic dreams and later events, and some of these differences can find a motive, perhaps an intentional distortion by the dreamer's subconscious. For example, in the dream mentioned above, a woman dreamed that her best friend died and she and her mother stood by her bed mourning; the truth was that her mother died and she and her girlfriend stood by her bed saying words of condolence. The motive was, "I wish it wasn't my mother who died, but someone else." In some cases, the difference between the dream and the event has no motivation, but seems to be that the dream "looks into the future" without seeing it clearly. Example: "I dreamed of Joan of Arc's sword. This book is the "fourth series" and my dream was the "fourth volume". When the dream is not clear, it also forces. On some of its own understanding, which may have distorted the truth instead.
This is the dream of an American woman:
"I saw a beautiful green avenue with an open tent about feet away. The ground was carpeted and I walked along it as I would at a wedding. I was also holding the hand of a close relative (but he was not my father). People gathered from both sides and I heard them say 'how brave and courageous'. When I woke up, I thought what a strange dream this was, why did I have to act so bravely at the wedding card.
"...... On December 7 my husband quenched and died. When I arrived at the cemetery, which I had never been to before, I was surprised to see the scene from my dream! It was cold, it was snowing, the ground was carpeted, there were people on both sides of the road, and there were open big tents! People commented on me saying 'how brave' I was, and I was holding my inner brother's hand."
The prophetic dream saw footage of the future, but not all of it, so the dream mistook the funeral for a wedding.
Of course, the dream may have been subconsciously motivated by something other than "not seeing the future": "How nice it would be if it wasn't a funeral but a wedding!"
The characters in a prophetic dream can be replaced. For example, in the previous dream about the Mexican in a car accident, the Mexican was replaced by a neighbor. Was this motivated by the dreamer's animosity toward the neighbor?
Prophetic dreams are rare, and when you dream of a calamity, do not take the dream lightly as prophetic. First, if possible, see if it is symbolic. If you have become adept at interpreting dreams but it is still difficult and the dream makes a deep impression on you, then this could only be a prophetic dream.
Some people don't have more than a few prophetic dreams in their lives, while others have them often. There are talent differences here, plus whether or not one believes in prophetic dreams. Mental health or lack thereof can affect the ability to have such dreams. People who believe in prophetic dreams are psychologically healthy. The people who are honest with themselves and others have more prophetic dreams.