Nursery rhyme, you pat one and I pat one, and what happens next?

"You shoot one and I shoot one" (multiple versions)

You shoot one? I shoot one? A child is flying on a plane

You shoot two? I Take two? Two kids combing pigtails

You take three? I take three? Three kids eating cookies

You take four? I take four? Four kids write big characters


You shoot five? I shoot five? Five kids are dancing

You shoot six? I shoot six? Six kids shoot the ball

You shoot seven? Me Shoot seven? Seven children guess riddles

You shoot eight? I shoot eight? Eight children play the trumpet

You shoot nine? I shoot nine? Nine children look for friends

You shoot ten? I shoot ten? Ten children have great ambitions

You shoot one? I shoot one? Take a bath and change clothes often

You shoot two? Me Pat two? Bring a handkerchief every day

You pat three? I pat three? Don’t smear sputum everywhere

You pat four? I pat four? Kill flies and mosquitoes


You shoot five? I shoot five? Get rid of bed bugs and rats

You shoot six? I shoot six? Let’s start a big sanitation operation

You shoot seven? I shoot Seven? Don’t eat bad food

You say eight? I say eight? Wash your face and brush your teeth every day

You say nine? I say nine? Wash your hands before eating and after using the toilet


You shoot ten? I shoot ten? Public health must be maintained

You shoot one and I shoot one is a parent-child game that I often played when I was a child. This is a children's song for parent-child interaction. Parents can play clapping games with their children while listening to songs, training their children's attention and body movement coordination, and improving the parent-child relationship through the game!

"Classic Nursery Rhymes" is a book published by Electronic Industry Press in October 2009. The authors are Misu and Ma Xueliang. This book mainly introduces old nursery rhymes passed down from generation to generation.

Traditional nursery rhymes are simple in text, rich in rhythm, easy to learn and remember, and catchy. For infants and young children, they are like magical magic languages, and in their implicit humor, they bring countless innocent happiness to children and even adults.

Reference materials: Baidu Encyclopedia - You shoot one and I shoot one, Baidu Encyclopedia - Classic nursery rhymes