First of all, the melody of the Xinjiang dance is very beautiful, lively and exotic. Just listening to this melody makes people want to move.
Secondly, Xinjiang Dance's clothes are very advanced, compared with the ordinary square dance. Those aunts and mothers are wearing beautiful big swing dresses, and some of them are wearing Xinjiang beanie hats. Yesterday I saw a woman wearing a very bright red dress in the Xinjiang style and a red beanie with a golden feather on it. Just look at the back let people want to, dance up skirt flying very beautiful.
Again, the movement of the girls in Xinjiang dance is very delicate. Yesterday, I saw an aunt, with several aunts together to cut action, finger dance up very charming.
The men's movement is very simple, basically as long as the men can step on the spot, they can enter the dance with their partners. Some of the men I saw were really unattractive, but some of the aunts danced with them.
The barriers to entry are low for men, and women are attracted by the variety of dance styles. In this way, both men and women can find their point of interest, **** together to participate in this thing.
Over the years, many places have people dancing in Xinjiang, and generally there are Xinjiang dancers in the bigger parks. Maybe it's the multiple influences of the music, the costumes and the movement that attracts many people to participate in this activity.
Every time I see it, I feel so excited that I want to go and dance with them.
Every time I see it, I feel stupid and want to go and dance with them.