2. Safety is safety. The ancients said to say hello, not hello, because it is good to be safe first!
There has been a popular saying on the Internet that "the person who says good morning to you every day must like you very much". This is because they care, so the other party also hopes that you can be well every day. In fact, all the splendor and official positions in this world are fleeting, and they are not worth the first good morning you wake up every morning and the warmest good night before going to bed.
Be sure to cherish those who say "good morning" to you every morning, because no one should do that. Maybe everyone's "good night" to you looks warmer, and there are many people who say good night to you. But no more than two people can say "good morning" to you every morning. Even if the literal meaning of "good morning" is not so gorgeous, the person who says "good morning" to you must love you very much.