What are the names of the three Japanese movies shown in China in 1972

The Chase was only released in Japan in 1976. The following foreign movies were introduced in the 1980s.


Sanders, Caravan, Arabian Adventures, Ridge of Scales, Ghosts of the Castle, Cassandra Bridge, Ah, the Wild Wheat Ridge, Revenge, My Son, Eve of the Battle, Conquest of the Darkness, Toward the Abyss


Handsome Boys, Uprooted from Their Homeland, The Call of Faraway Hills, The Love of a Father's Son, Nuri, The Dumb Daughter, The Old Guns, The Last Bullet, Sweet Competition, Wind, Snow and Twilight, Fourteen. Winter and Spring The Prosecutor's Prosecution Sunshine in the Swamp The Leper's Daughter Swan Lake


The Tiger's Mouth Tess Aziza County Clerk Ambassadors Maidservants Tears in a Strange Land Icebergs I'm Two Years Old Sins in the Sun Sixteen Men The Fiery Fifth A Tale of Torujirou and his Homeland O, the Wild Rye Ridge The Two Captains A World to Come Back to Together The Extraordinary Emma The Thirty-nine Steps The Son The Horse Tamer Morant Uncle Tom's Cabin


Sea Wolf Warm Heart of a Child Snow Hero Emerald Amulet Island Treasure Dr. Edward The Outcast The Third Man The Immortal Couple The Butcher The Norwegian Song The Baker's Son of Wells The Daughter of the Sea The Duke of the Sea The Hatred of Snow The Resident's Card of Bucharest Tsukio Island The Reunion on the Wonderful Hill The Straits The Hunter Kambuta's March The Misery of a Bitter Couple National Interest The Man in the Iron Mask


Illegal Border Crossers The Ranger's Legend The Lady Detective The Great Water The Crab The Awakening The Villa The White Rose in Action The White Rose in Action The Train to Kraljevo Colonel Hubar The Artist's House The Trap of Death The Mysterious Yellow Rose Kopernik Captain Mega's Tavern As Long as I Live The Victory of the Escape The King of Kings The Iron Cavalry The Triumph of a Chieftain The Tropic of Cancer The Adventures of the Tropic of Cancer The Spreading of Fantasies Creator Escape to Athena A Panda's Tale


The Black Tulip What Happened to the Circus Man Tender Mercies Silent Actions Ghosts on Horses Princess Hezekiah Gunner Hart The Presidential Anecdote The Case of the Golden Statue The Color of Our Skin The Redheads Unforgettable Holiday The Return from Hell First Blood The Price of Adventure Crime in the Beginning Misunderstandings Disco Dancing Pure Couldn't Live Without You Don't Seem to Know You Sea Vows Red Bells Sinking of Japan The Yellow Handkerchief of Happiness


The Wild Goose Daredevil A Mute's Tale The Young Empress A Trip to India Mr. Legless A Queen's Crucial Moment The Real and the False Saloon The Big Wheel and the Mariner Three Veterans The Cabin Crew A Teenage Escapement The Seventh Target The Thunderbolt Dance The Eagle Over London The Trap The Murder of the Next Day The Alarm The Sisters' Slope The Wonky Change of Rooms Alone in Action The First Cavalry The Mysterious Yellow Rose The Curious Case of the Jewel Naked to the Wolves Spartacus (Previous and Next Episodes) The Rootless Tree


Sea Devils The Iron Bone of the Sands The Mists of Rio The Diary of an Unknown Origin The King's Glory The Last Subway Santa Claus The Ant Death Summer Travels A Foreign Country The Immortals The Black Wolf's Howl The Days of Fantasy Who Is He? Cuckoos in the Dark Woods The Mystery of the Ancient Mansion Red Pilot, Superman, The Capital Disappears, Izu Dancer, Katayama Detective on the Island, A Bride Without a Chaperone, Legitimate Marriages, Manly Men, The Officer's Promise, The Elephant Concert, Kindergarten, Springtime, Sizzling Calf, Love in the Heart of the World, The Italian's Adventure in Russia, A Trip to the Homeland, Everywhere, One More Night at Mount Russo's, Special Constables, The Marksman, Ice and Fire, The Flames of Revenge, The Room, Moscow, Love, Scarred, Scarred, Scarred, Scarred, Scarred. The Room Moscow Love The Scarred Medal The Dollar Junkie Zorro's New Adventure My Friend the Tramp Blue Ops Yojimbo Fishing Fans Coincidence The Lone Ranger Katayama Detective in the Mountain City Money and Hatred Coma Good Things Don't Come in Pairs The Blue Sea Love Love of Infatuation


Mystery in a Puzzle Mystery of Yellow Roses - Sapphire Necklace Cinderella of the 80's Confused Police Officer Diamond Arms The Mirror Mr. India The Horror Shrouded in the City Good Morning Babylon Guests at Dinner Water Between Life and Death Special Agent in Charge Heavenly Nets Good Night Difficulty Dangerous Buildings Stormy Hands of Innocence Moss on the Radio Movie Lamentations Lonely Revenge The Sea of Love Souls Souls of the Dead The Uncrowned King Johann Strauss Dance for Two Dance Anywhere You Want Command 027 The Inside Man The Disappearance of the President Earthquake The Twenty-Four Eyes The Detective's Tale The Stormtrooper The Man with the Living Music Out of the Water