Author: Chuan Ying
The north wind roared all night. In the morning, the curtains were opened and it was snowing noisily outside. The snow is falling eagerly. Small snowflakes are dancing with the north wind flying all over the sky, feeling the tranquility and freshness when it snows. This is the first snow in Jinan this year. The snow seems to have come a little early this year. Time flies. Another winter has come. It may be that people tend to be nostalgic when they reach middle age. When I was a child, every year in the snowy season, I would come to school early, sweep up the thick snow, build a snowman with my classmates, put our red scarf around the snowman's neck, and then we danced around the snowman and chased me to have a snowball fight. Everyone's face was full of joy. Carefree childhood has gone away from us, leaving only good memories. When I was a child, my mood was as cold as snow, and I couldn't see the beauty or whiteness of snowflakes. At that time, I was catching up with the Cultural Revolution. We "non-poor and lower-middle peasants" children were worried about our parents every day, looking forward to the snowy winter and the spring flowers. Up to now, I can't forget those gloomy days, which are also the times that left many regrets for our generation in history. recalled that when I was young, when I was an adult, I had a special mood. Maybe I was born with an old heart. At this time, whenever it snows, my family will walk in the snow and see a string of footprints, which are left by years. Footprints contain a lot of ups and downs, and also leave my memory of falling snow. There is my story in the memorial hall, which is also a form of my continuation of youth and romance. Now, I see snowflakes flying all over the sky, and my heart is filled with emotion. Although I am over 500 years old, I feel very young psychologically and never admit defeat! I want to live chic, happy and free. People say it's never too old to learn. Although I am no longer young, I still have a lot to learn at our age. I want to make up for what I didn't learn in the past and make my life full of sunshine, hope and health! The fluttering of snowflakes and the whistling of the north wind, is winter far from spring? Let the cold winter pass through our time, greet spring with blooming flowers, and make life more colorful and full of sunshine forever! Original source:/article/shuqingsanwen/200911/21489.html.