What's the meaning of "Emptiness is color, color is emptiness"? What is the allusion?

Color is emptiness, emptiness is color - these are the two most widely publicized slogans of Buddhism, everyone knows, but not everyone can understand. Now let's take the atomic nucleus to illustrate this theory. The study of the atomic nucleus has made remarkable progress in the last decade or so, leading to the invention of atomic energy and the atomic bomb. The mass of an atom is concentrated in the nucleus. The mass of an electron is only one eighteen hundred and forty percent of that of the nucleus. Thanks to the invention of the atomic bomb, it has been proved that matter can be transformed into power. There are two important laws of physics according to the old saying: the law of indestructibility of matter and the law of indestructibility of energy. Matter and energy are two families that live forever. This concept is contrary to Buddhist teachings. Because Buddhism says that all dharmas are impermanent, now that this law, which is contrary to Buddhism, has been rejected, and matter and energy have become one family. Matter is what the sutras call color, and if matter can be transformed into immaterial power, then is not the essence of matter said to be empty? After the atomic bomb exploded over Hiroshima, the small amount of uranium became the ability to work, turning the living creatures in Hiroshima into dead things, turning a building into countless pieces of dust, and moving a boulder from the east to the west. To put it simply, living becomes dead, one becomes many, and east becomes west. To put it more succinctly, it's changing a concept. Looking up the physics definition of ability again, it turns out to be the product of force and distance, with force being the manifestation of an object's action. Motion is a concept that unites space and time. Time is a concept derived from the action of an object. The above so-called time, power, etc., are all dependent on each other and manifest, and none of them is independent and true, and can be singled out for people to see. But why is emptiness color? The ability of matter to become immaterial is color is emptiness, and the ability of immateriality to become matter is emptiness is color. Now the British scientific community has proved that the power can be changed into matter, but it is not yet known from which power can be changed into which matter and by which method or step. In the future, it may be possible to create food, clothing, and gold, which is the delight of all, from daylight (light is one of the forms of power). There is no reason why it should not be possible to utilize the water power of the Yangtze River, or even the power of the earth's rotation, or the earth's potential energy for the solar sphere. I can't go any further, for fear that people will suspect me of talking nonsense. But these are theories derived from scientific experiments, that is, you do not believe in the Buddha said, not even science can not be trusted? If science is credible, then the Dharma Flower Sutra says that from the ground springs out the Doppelganger Pagoda 500 yurts high (a yurts is equal to 40 miles), and springs out the hundred million billion Bodhisattvas, there is no reason not to believe it, because emptiness is color, and all matter can be transformed from emptiness into non-materiality as it pleases. I used the example of the ability to change matter into non-matter to say that the meaning of color is emptiness, and I am afraid that some people may mistake the destruction of the phenomenon for the destruction of the essence. We must realize that the destruction of matter is only the destruction of the phenomenon, and the essence does not perish, because at the same time as the destruction of matter, the ability arises. A destruction and a birth are just transformations, so destruction is not really destruction and birth is not really birth. Because matter is capable of transforming into non-matter, it can never have a fixed and unchanging essence, and at the same time it cannot be said to have no essence. Therefore, the Buddha said that the essence of matter is emptiness. That emptiness is not the same as nothingness, but it means that the essence cannot be described by words; it can freely and flexibly cope with all transformations without any limitation, damage, or contamination, but it cannot be recognized by the sixth consciousness (i.e., people's ideology), and can only be observed with wisdom; therefore, this essence is not "unknowable" as the philosopher Kant put it. " Rather, it is knowable. This slogan of color is emptiness has always been considered unscientific and thus not easily accepted. This is the reason why I have used the example of matter changing into extinction to show that it is compatible with modern science.