What are some of the world's greatest classics? Please recommend.

World classics are: Spanish Matador Dance, Rostropovich, Gothenburg Variations, Menuhin, Alice, Bach's Law of Averages, Moonlight, Heroes, Swan Lake, and Accademia. I hold Beethoven and Bach in the highest regard.

To Alice, originally titled Bagatelle in A Minor, is an independent piano piece composed by Beethoven in 1810, which Beethoven dedicated to "Alice" as a memorial work. The work was discovered in 1867 and was later included in the Supplement to the Complete Works of Beethoven, Volume 25, No. 59.

To Alice, in two versions. There is the more difficult, Beethoven's original version, and there is the popular version, which Richard Clayderman has adapted, deleting the more difficult parts and changing the style of the score directly and completely. The popular version is amateurish, and the original Beethoven version is only about as good as a beginner's level in the profession.

And the most approachable of Bach's works, in terms of personal experience, can be found in the Gothenburg Variations, Glenn Gould's 1981 version, which is slow and regal, and the 1955 version, which is youthful and aggressive, together. The latter is youthful and aggressive. Then you can listen to the version played by Kempff, a version that is special in that the ornamentation has been removed and it sounds clean and minimalist.?

Classical music is different from pop music in that the latter is close to the moment, while the former requires repeated listening to get closer. That's why I usually collect many versions of a piece and listen to the next one when I'm familiar with it.