Is it good to learn mechanical dance? How long does it usually take to learn it?

Poppin (commonly known as mechanical dance) is a relatively good dance, adults can also learn very well. As for how long it takes to learn, it depends on the intensity of practice and talent.

Mechanical Dance Movements

☆ The Pop

The Pop is a movement where you vibrate different parts of your body, which is achieved by vibrating your muscles.

It's very rhythmic, and it's a popping style of music. You can pop by straightening your arms

, or you can pop by bulging your shoulders while the rest of your body stays upright.

☆ The Lock or Locking

Locking is when the body does something very fast and then stops at the end of a movement. The best way to describe the Locking

movement is: Have you ever played with one of those little gear toys? When you tighten the clockwork to let him move, he

really moves very fast, but when the clockwork is released, he stops immediately and returns to the original state, so it looks

is not very like Locking it? (Editor's note: I think Locking should be separated from Electric Boogie,

Boogaloo, because the feeling he gives is not natural, it's more like fast)

☆The Tick

This movement is often used as a robot dance, is a very important part of Electric Boogie

The Tick

is a very important part of the robot dance, it's a very important part of the robot dance.

This is a very important part of the Electric Boogie

This movement gives the illusion that the person is born like a machine, and there is a vibration when he stops or starts the movement

This is a very important part of Electric Boogie.

The French comedians call this movement "Clique".

☆ The Floats or Glides

Float or Glide gives the illusion that your feet are walking in a specific program, and this

movement gives the impression that you want to go east, but in reality your feet are going west. The most famous is Michael Jackson's "Moon Walk," an old comedian's trick where you go forward but then go backward.

☆ The SlowMo

This is a dance move that looks like a slow-motion replay of something you've seen on TV, and usually dancers do this

along with the Moon Walk.

☆ The Wave

This is a wave that starts from the limbs. It gives the illusion of an unseen force passing through

your entire body, starting in one place, passing through the palms of the hands, the arms, the entire body and finally stopping at your feet.

The movement of the wave is a standardized one, included in every dance routine. Unlike other dance routines, it is a fluid and consistent movement that should be spiritual or rhythmic. The wave

does take a lot of style from Pop, but when you compare it to Pop, Pop is much smoother when you have a

path around your body.

☆ The Mannequin or Robot (Robotics)

This is a longstanding style of mechanical dance that mimics a display dummy moving in real life

and then separates two moves from the Mannequin style. One is that the dancer is

like a puppet being pulled by the county, not free to move, not able to move on his own, the person is being pulled by other people, you may

have seen comedians on TV doing this kind of performance, the most classic movement is to move forward with the same hand and foot,

and then in the performance of the hands and feet together to move this different hands and different feet are often used. Another style is robotics, a move

where you move your limbs at a fixed speed and then stop suddenly or with a tick,

like only a machine can do. Usually you only move one part of your body at a time,

as if you're being controlled by a computer program,

and the movements are very formalized.

The word refers to mannequins used for display purposes.

☆ The King Tut

This is like an Egyptian fresco or palace hanging on the wall, and it involves a hand pose.

The shoulder is at 90 degrees to the axis of the hand, and your forearm may be up or down, bent or twisted, and it may be moving away from you or close to you. or cycling in a twist, this is to be done with the Tick, like a robot

dance style where each movement is separate.

☆ The Lean

This is another fairly popular comedian's gimmick, where he gives the illusion of leaning on something that isn't there, like the invisible piano, for example.

☆ The Collapse

Often combined with Mannequin, this move is done like a tire that's been deflated,

or like a puppet with its strings cut.

☆ The Heartbeat

This is a popular move where you put your hands under a jacket or t-shirt and push the shirt forward, which

looks like your heart is beating in your chest. It gives the illusion that your heartbeat is pushing you forward.

☆ The Bicycle

The leg movement gives the impression that you're riding a bicycle, another comedian's little

gimmick, which is usually combined with a hand movement that gives the impression that you're gripping the handlebars of a bicycle.

☆ The Toe/Heel walk

This move is usually done with the Mannequin dance style, and is a great way to get your feet on the

whole dance floor. It consists of rotating on the toes of one foot and then shifting the weight on the other foot's ankle. Then transfer the weight to the other toes and ankles, and keep doing it, do

good, the movement will be very smooth, it looks like you slide across the whole floor.

☆ Cobra (King Cobra)

The dancer uses one hand to make a wave motion to pass to the other hand and then sends him back, but only to the shoulder

bladder. (If you watch the movie Breakin', there are a couple of guys doing this at the beginning of the dance routine, and you can't miss it.)

Body Effects is when you use your body to do a mimicry effect.

☆ Animation

The use of the body to make a movie-like, frame-by-frame motion.

☆ Three Dimensional Tickin'

More diverse than depth tickin', it involves the use of the body to make three dimensional ticks in the same tick

like effect.

☆ Pausin'

To stop or temporarily pause a movement for a short period of time.

☆ Electric Shock

This move looks like an electric current is passing through the body.

☆ Water Wave

Slowly make waves and shake your body to create a watery effect.

☆ Internal Moves

Moves that seem to penetrate or emanate from the body. Not the same as tickin' or wavin'

because they go through the body.

☆ External Moves

Moves that feel like they're coming from outside the body, like Cobra, Octopuss, King tut,

Python, etc.

Python is one of these.

☆ Hittin'

Continuous muscle contraction. Basically relaxing and contracting the muscles of the neck, hands, chest and legs.

☆ Hittin' Style

Hittin' style dances include: Boogaloo, Boogie, Poplock, Strutin,

Puppet, Robotic, Freestyle, bopping, etc. These are all examples of Hittin' style dances. , bopping and many more of these.

☆ Glides/Floats

This is like a dancer walking in the air, Moonwalk, Backslide,

Side slide, S walk, and more.