Newborn babies just climbed out of the mother's stomach, the body is still very weak, the ability to adapt to the external environment is not high, and now the air quality is not good, the resistance of the baby is very weak, delayed out of the house is very wise. However, postponing going out is not eliminating going out, like the leaf mom face value first approach, is very undesirable.
1, sunbathing to promote calcium absorption
Sunbathing can help the little baby live enough vitamin D, and vitamin D can promote the baby's absorption of calcium, not only effectively promote the baby's bone growth, but also to prevent rickets.
2, enhance the baby's resistance
Often contact with the natural environment outside, can effectively enhance the baby's immunity. Compared to the baby is locked in the room all day long, often go out of the baby do not love colds, more lively and active. 3, more brave and not afraid of life
The mother of the baby with the baby must have feelings, every day in the home to play baby, every day to face the three or two faces, a long time will be especially afraid of life. Once out of the house, it is very easy to be nervous and emotional, and it is also very bad for the baby's future character development.
4, promote optic nerve and brain development
Baby after birth, the optic nerve is still in the development stage, the pupil contraction ability is also very low. As the baby's age increases, he becomes more and more curious about the outside world. The fact that you can often take your baby out and get in touch with nature earlier will not only effectively help your baby's optic nerve development, but also stimulate your baby's curiosity about nature and promote your baby's intellectual development.
The baby is still very weak and sleeps 20 to 22 hours a day, which means that in addition to eating, drinking, and sleeping, the baby is awake for very little time each day. And the baby's optic nerve is not fully developed yet, so he can only see a piece of the world in a blur. Even at 2 months, the baby is awake a little longer every day, can see the distance is only 20 centimeters, that is, carried out of the door, but also can not interact with the outside world, but greatly increase the baby's risk of bacterial infections, it is a little bit more than worth it.
It is important to realize that a small baby within 6 months of relying on breast milk to give resistance, rarely get sick. But once sick it is very troublesome, the baby can not take medicine, completely dependent on the mother to take medicine over milk to the baby. The baby suffers not to mention, but also cry more than, often let the new mother of a new mother do not know what to do.
To be on the safe side, Duo Mom does not recommend that babies be carried out earlier than 2 months. When your baby is around three months old, you can take him out for a walk on a day when the temperature is favorable and the weather is sunny.
1. Preparation
The younger the baby, the more things you need to prepare. Two or three months of the baby, the number of breastfeeding is still relatively high, and some have not yet saved belly, so the preparation work is also relatively troublesome: paper towels, wet wipes, diapers, bottles, powdered milk, thermos cups, and clothes. If it is summer, also remember to bring mosquito repellent buckle and sunscreen umbrella.
2, out of the distance
In view of the complexity of the above preparations, not yet out of the hundred days of the little baby to carry out, it is best to walk a corner on it. In the downstairs or community park, try to be within walking distance of a quarter of an hour from home, once the baby tantrums, you can rush home as soon as possible. For slightly older babies, you can stagger your baby's feeding and sleeping times, and extend the distance out of the house appropriately.
But be careful, be sure to stay away from closed spaces with complicated people or dirty air, such as food markets, supermarkets, square dance venues and other crowded places. For one thing, the little baby's hearing organs are still developing, and for another, little babies are also susceptible to infectious diseases.
3, with the baby artifact
4 months before the baby, it is best to hold out, or use the holding towel. High landscape baby stroller can also be, is more bulky, less recommended. 4 months to 6 months of the baby out, you can use the baby carrier. 6 months above the baby, relatively speaking, for the comfort of the requirements of a lot less, front back baby carrier, or lighter baby umbrella car can be.
4, sun time
10:00 am to 2:00 pm, UV rays are particularly strong when don't take the baby out. Baby's skin is still very delicate, if you want to be exposed to the sun, remember to bring a small hat to the baby, do not let the sun directly on the baby's skin to avoid sunburn.
5, walking length
Baby after all, just out of the ten months of sterile space, the ability to adapt to the external environment is also gradually cultivated. The baby is not yet out of the month, but also to give the room more ventilation. The length of time out of the house is also gradually increased, from 10 minutes a day, to 20 minutes, to half an hour. By the time the baby reaches more than 4 months of age, he or she is a full two times bigger than when he or she was born, and some babies have even begun to have the need for complementary foods and are full of interest in the outside environment. At this point, moms can even take their babies outside for an hour or two.
6. Accompanying Personnel
Before 4 months of age, it is best to have a family member accompanying the baby in addition to the mother, in case of various emergencies that the mother can't handle on her own. If you're just skipping around the house, it's a short time and a short distance away, so after 4 months, your mom can't come along for the ride. If the baby is hungry or sleeping, the family will bring him back as soon as possible. However, both mothers and grandmothers, carry the child out must choose a familiar environment, once an emergency situation arises, at least the surrounding neighborhood collage a lot of people can help a lot of people.
7, appropriate refusal
The little baby is very cute, when playing outside, there are always people up to tease the baby. Mom must be vigilant, try to politely refuse the request of strangers to hold the baby, but also to decline the 4,5-year-old children to touch the baby. After all, when you're out and about, there are all kinds of germs and viruses that you can't protect yourself against, and who knows if you're carrying germs that aren't good for your little one.
And 4, 5-year-old children, they are still a baby, there is no sense of protection of the weak, even if it is like, may come up to pinch the baby a little bit or hands to scratch a little bit, the parents of the heartache of the baby and can not be blamed, it would be better to reject directly.
8, notes
Holding the baby out, the mother must remember five aspects of the outgoing taboo: extreme weather, too cold or too hot do not go out; hazy days do not go out; the baby did not have enough to eat do not go out.