Yin is a human being, the word is official, and he used to be a famous doctor. When he was young, he was good at observing astronomy and studying astrology, so as to know the past and see the future. In the twenty-third year of King Zhao of Zhou, seeing that the world was going to be in chaos, he resigned as a doctor and asked him to be the official of Hangu, so that he could not live in seclusion. After he made his fortune, he meditated and practiced Buddhism. After Yin took office, he built a building next to Guanguan, called Louguan, where he observed the astronomical phenomena every day. One night, staring at the building, Yin suddenly saw the oriental Ziyun densely covered, as long as three Wan Li, like a dragon rolling in from east to west. He was very surprised and said to himself, "The purple gas came from the east to Wan Li, and the sage went west here. The green cattle chased the old man and hid." Knowing that a Great Sage would pass by, he immediately summoned Sun Jing, a soldier guarding the pass, and said, "If the order is given, a Great Sage will pass through the pass within 90 days. You should keep an eye on it. If someone comes from the east with strange descriptions and abnormal clothes, he should ask for permission. Don't let him go. Please report it immediately and don't make a mistake. " At the same time, people were sent to clean the road for forty miles and burn incense to welcome the saints. Yin bathed herself every day, fasted every day and waited for cleaning.
On the afternoon of July 12, the sun had set in the west and the east was shining. Sun Jing, the jailer, dare not slack off. He was still closing his watch when he suddenly saw a green cow's car among the pedestrians. Its cow is big, but its car is small, and its board is thin and heavy. Sitting in the car is a white-haired old man with a big face, drooping eyebrows, a beard touching his knees, and a plain robe. Sun ran to Shimonoseki to report. Yin was overjoyed when he heard the news. He greeted the ox cart and bowed down, saying, "Tell Yin to see the sage!" Laozi deliberately tried his sanity and said, "I am a poor old man. I don't know what to teach?" Yin said, "Please stay here for a while, stay in Guanzhong and show me the way to practice." Lao Tzu said, "I live in Kanto and my field is in Kansai. How can you become a saint by getting some firewood from the ground today? " Yin said, "Yin was revealed by God a long time ago. He swept the road, lit incense and took a bath. He has been waiting here for many days. I sincerely hope that the sages will teach me. " Lao Tzu said with a smile, "The sage you mentioned is Mr. Gu, who is good at practicing and teaching and has the skill of immortality. I want to go to the west for advice, but I still hope that adults will let me go. " Yin bowed again and said, "Today, I have seen the true face of this saint. I hope that the sage will show me the way to Yin, and Yin will be grateful. " Laozi said, "How do you know that I am a fairy?" Yin Xidao: "Yin likes to observe astronomy and knows a little about change. At the beginning of this month, when the wind came, I saw the purple gas coming from the east and knew that there were saints going west; Purple gas is mighty, rolling like a dragon, as long as three Wan Li, and knows that the arrival of the supreme is by no means an ordinary god; Purple gas surrounds white clouds, and the sage should have white hair, which is the shape of the old man; There is a star of the green ox before the purple gas, and the sage must come in the car of the green ox. " After trying Yin several times, I saw that his attitude was sincere, his words were true, and he was really a talented person. He smiled and replied, "You know the old man, and I know you. I should be able to teach you." Yin was overjoyed and kowtowed and asked, "Dare you ask the Great Sage's name?" Lao Tzu said, "My family name is obscure and I can't die. Now my surname is Li, my first name is Bai Yang, and my first name is Li. " Yin burned incense and kowtowed, worshipped the master and became a disciple of Lao Tzu.
After I stayed in Hanguguan, I saw Yin's kindness and pure temperament, so I integrated the effects of retreat, taking medicine and painting, took its essence as Yin and wrote a book named Tao Te Ching. After the Tao Te Ching was written, Lao Tzu said to Yin, "I gave you the Tao Te Ching, which is divided into two parts. The first part is the Tao Te Ching, which talks about the root of the universe, including the opportunity of the change of heaven and earth, and the secret of the perfection of ghosts and gods; The next chapter is the Classic of Virtue, which is a way of dealing with the world, including the art of advancing and retreating, the way of longevity and the way of learning. Study hard, practice hard and finally achieve something! " Say, Lao tze drifted away.
After Laozi left, Yin resigned from Guanling's post and spent all his time observing the building and practicing. At first, he was not very clear about it, but he recited the mantra and gradually tasted its wonderful use. Finally, he realized the true meaning and built a road, which became the supreme reality of Mr. Shi Wen.
Yin Sheng came to Laozi's hometown days ago and left his body here, so that his loyal soul would always guard the teacher's door to repay the kindness of 5,000 words.
The mountains rise and fall, like a dragon entrenched in the northwest land, which is "Wan Li Zhong Nanshan". In this lush, endless mountain, a thatched villa was built at the foot of a mountain in zhouzhi county, which is the place where Ming Yin practiced "hidden virtue".
Yin Guanwen is automatic, intelligent, studious, good at observing astronomical phenomena, calm when things happen, and good at thinking. A pair of deep and bright eyes are embedded in the thin face. He likes to concentrate on meditation, can see through everything in the world, and is generous, so he is admired by all servants. If you have any questions, you should ask him for advice.
One day, Yin was playing chess with his wife on the grassland when he suddenly heard something outside the door. At this time, a servant came in with a flustered look and said, "Doctor, gentleman, it's not good!"
Xi put the pieces in his hand firmly on the chessboard, turned his face and asked unhurriedly, "What's the matter, so flustered, so fussy?"
The servant said: "A purple cloud suddenly appeared in the eastern sky, with a strange shape, like a dragon snake roaming in space and rolling in the west, which was unstoppable. The villain thought, now there are wars everywhere, and this Ziyun, I don't know where the good or bad luck lies. Please ask the doctor to go upstairs and watch! "
When Yin heard of such a thing, he stood up, went out with the servants, boarded the hut and looked around. Sure enough, I saw a purple gas dancing like a dragon, moving from one thing to another. After enjoying the scenery, he couldn't hide his excitement and repeatedly praised: "Wonderful, wonderful! This is auspicious, the real person is coming! "
Yin Xiben is good at studying the mysteries of heaven and earth, looking up and down, knowing everything. He said to himself, "The husband and yang are all nine, the stars are of the same value, and time is king. After 90 days, there will be saints passing through Beijing. I should meet them at Hanguguan. " So he wrote to the court, expressing his willingness to deliver a decree for Hangu, and got permission. Arriving at the customs, the gatekeeper said, "If an old man comes from the East with a green cow, don't listen to the customs, just let me know."
Guan ordered Yin to calculate that the time was almost up, so he ordered all the servants to fast and wait for him. By the end of the year, I saw an old man, full of heaven, ruddy face, two earlobes and two shoulders, three inches long eyebrows and bright eyes. The green cow is ticking and walking rhythmically, and the old man is sitting on the back of the cow, carefree and carefree. I was glad to see it, so I hurried to meet it. I bowed my head and bowed down again and again: "The sage is here, please come!"
It turns out that this old man riding a green cow is the old gentleman on the throne. The old gentleman's surname is Li Minger, and the word Bo Yang is the history of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty. Due to a week of indoor chaos, I went to the official, ready to go west and pass through Hangu Pass. When he saw the official in front of him, he looked very strange and extraordinary. He bowed down to meet him. He asked, "Who are you? Why do you know that the old man is coming? " Yin respectfully replied, "I am Yin, an official of Hanguguan. Last winter, I saw Tianli Star heading west. This spring, I saw purple gas coming from the east like a dragon snake. I know that the real person is going to the Western Heaven, so I am here to meet him. " The old man said, "I also know the wonders of children." Then enter the customs.
Guanyin Xi was very respectful to his disciples in front of the old gentleman and asked him for advice from time to time. One day, I knelt down and asked, "I will hide, so I will write for you!" " ! So, I abandoned Guanling and returned to the Caolou together to "write a book and talk about Taoism" with the old gentleman. The essence of other questions, please, I hope to sort it out separately and name it "Guan Yinzi".
Now the green ox cypress in Louguantai is the cypress that the old gentleman went to Caolouguan to be his green ox.
Because the old gentleman still wanted to go west, he announced his own happy event and said, "You should practice hard. After a thousand days, come to Chengdu Qingyang Temple to find me."
Yin will keep this consequence firmly in mind, and will bid farewell to Mr. Qingyang for thousands of days.