How long after a meal can you exercise?

High-intensity exercise such as long-distance running, jumping rope, playing soccer and basketball should be done two to three hours after a meal.

If you want to take a walk, it is recommended that you rest for at least 10 minutes after a meal, or longer if you have eaten too much. After a meal, you should walk slowly, and the walking speed should be controlled at about 30 steps per minute. Other sports depend on the intensity of the size, tai chi and other light exercise, half an hour to an hour after meals; jogging, weight loss exercises, cycling and other moderate exercise, can be one hour to two hours after meals.

Exercise should be moderate, according to their own physical condition to decide.

Expanded Information:

Don't eat fruits immediately after meals

Fruits contain brass-like compounds, which are converted to dihydroxybenzoic acid by intestinal bacteria after ingestion, and ingested vegetables contain thiocyanate, which, in the presence of these two chemicals, interferes with the thyroid function, can lead to non-iodine goiter.

Don't drink tea immediately after a meal

Because the tannins contained in tea can combine with protein and iron in food to produce a colloidal or precipitate material that is not easily absorbed, and in the long run, iron-deficiency anemia and protein deficiency diseases can occur.

Don't smoke immediately after a meal

Because after a meal, the stomach moves faster, blood circulation increases, capillary expansion, promoting the absorption of harmful substances in the smoke, smoking after a meal, the absorption of harmful substances in the smoke is more than ten times the usual smoking.

Appreciate music after meals

Music is not only art, but also can be healthy and healthy body, life extension, and can even cure diseases. There is a saying in the ancient book "Shou Shi Bao Yuan" that "the spleen is good at music, and when it hears the sound, it moves and grinds the food." Taoism also has a saying that "the spleen grinds when it hears music". In fact, both say the same thing - music can help digestion.

Soft and light music, and even a pleasing environment, can be used as a benign stimulus to regulate the body's digestion and absorption functions through the central nervous system. Therefore, after eating to enjoy the soft and bright, beautiful and moving music, the human body is very beneficial. --The music is so great that it can be used for anything.

After meals Mo abdomen

After meals with hot hands gently Mo abdomen, techniques from top to bottom, from left to right, or clockwise direction, with the palm of the hand ring around the push mo, can promote blood circulation in the abdominal cavity, to strengthen the digestive function of the stomach and intestines.

After meals, walk slowly

After meals, walk slowly, for food digestion and the body's rest is extremely favorable.

Rinsing after meals

Rinsing after meals can remove the food residue in the mouth in time. Nowadays, brushing your teeth immediately after a meal is highly discouraged, as it is said to destroy the protective layer on the surface of the teeth. So there are dentists who suggest that drinking a small glass of milk after a meal or using milk as a gargle to get close to the teeth can speed up the recovery process of dental calcium.

And, what if the meal, we eat too greasy or eat too hot and spicy? Don't worry, even this we have for you! Read on.

Eat a banana after barbecuing

Barbecue food produces more carcinogens such as benzo(a)pyrene. Dr. Lily Rui of the Department of Food and Nutrition at the Academy of Military Medical Sciences said the latest research has found that bananas can inhibit the carcinogenic effect of benzo(a)pyrene to a certain extent and protect the stomach and intestines.

Eat too greasy, drink a cup of celery juice

If a meal eat more greasy food, drink a cup of low sugar, high fiber content of celery juice is very beneficial. The fiber in celery can take away some of the fat.

Drink some yogurt or caper juice after eating hot pot

Hot pot soup is hot and the ingredients are salty, so it's easy to get hot after eating it, so drinking yogurt or caper juice can reduce inflammation and fire.



People's Health - Exercise after meals should be scientific